My Mother’s Day

When Joe and Corrine asked me what I wanted to do for Mother’s Day I told them I wanted to just chill at home and do whatever they wanted to do. I don’t know why I do this thing, but whenever it’s supposed to be a day about me (i.e. birthdays and holidays) I freeze up and want to do whatever everyone else wants to do. I love attention, don’t get me wrong … it’s the decision making part that I don’t love!

So instead of staying home and working for the day like I’d suggested *eye roll, umm haalllooo we do this every day*, they whisked me away on a lil road trip to Ventura where we hit the beach, had some yummy brunch, walked around town, and made new memories together <3

Corrine will forever be my baby. We hold hands, she sits on my lap, and she lets me snuggle her in public. Joe loves our bond and gives us our space and then joins in on the love fest for family hugs <3

I hope all mamas feel loved and celebrated. Those like me who get to hold their babies, those with angel babies, those who have strained relationships, those who long to be mamas, those who’ve lost their mama, pet mamas … you’re all so special.

How did you spend your day yesterday? Happy Mother’s Day from me to you





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