Delivering Smiles This Holiday Season – A Family Tradition

This post is sponsored by Amazon, however all thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Tis the season… the season of holiday celebrations, family time, and sharing traditions. So I want to share with you what this ‘season’ means to me and my family and what some of our traditions are.

This is my favorite time of year because it’s the one time that most of my family is in the same state, under the same roof. It happens only once a year, and it’s such a special time for us all to reconnect and spend time doing things that are traditional to our family. Traditions are so significant, they bridge time and distance and link generations. 

Every member of our family contributes to activating the rest of us to be philanthropic, especially this time of year, and we also all contribute to burning at least one thing for dinner… but of course. This year, it was my dad’s turn. This is my dad, Michael, he’s one of my heroes. He is a veteran, a loving husband, and humble father. This year he asked us to volunteer at the VA so most of us will be volunteering our time in person, but those unable to join us will also be participating in a different way! Amazon makes it easy to give back to organizations we collectively love and support. This way, we’re all in it together.

Our family realizes that a lot of families go without many of the things we take for granted this time of year and aren’t able to give back in this way, so it’s a privilege for us to come together and give back – and it brings us closer as a result. We also realize that we’re connecting to an entire community of families that give back with Amazon this holiday season.

Want in on all the feel good? Well, there are three really easy ways to do it, my personal favorite being through AmazonSmile Charity Lists. You can browse by cause or search for an organization’s needs and the items you purchase are donated and delivered directly to the charity. I love this method because it takes the guessing out of it for us, we simply see what they need and we’re able to purchase those items for them directly.  

You can also donate a portion of the purchase price of your eligible products on Amazon to the charity of your choice with AmazonSmile by starting your shopping at –  and if you have an Alexa-enabled device, you can donate with Alexa to a registered charity simply by saying “Alexa, I want to make a donation.” Choices like this really do make it rewarding to give back when and where you’re able.  

The organization near and dear to us is the Best Friends Animal Society. We chose to purchase items for them, shopping from their list as they are a part of the AmazonSmile Charity List. As a home that has adopted two fur babies, BFAS has a mission that resonates so closely with our family. Their mission statement is, “Best friends – save them all.” They believe that just because cats and dogs don’t have a safe place to call home doesn’t mean they should be euthanized. They work closely with volunteers, shelters, rescue groups, and other animal welfare organizations to educate communities and encourage them to adopt, donate, spread the word, and volunteer to help reach their goals. 

Philanthropy practiced this way allows all members of our family to be connected, and I hope you join us in this tradition! Encourage your family members to contribute to your communities in person and virtually. Amazon makes it so easy to give back to charities you love. Start a new tradition that’s timeless and that connects your family the way it does ours, and please let me know which organizations you’ll be #DeliveringSmiles to so we can check them out! 

Happy holidays from me and mine to you and yours <3