Hoppin’ On The Hype Beast

that slippery slope between trendy and tragic

You know the one. The poppin’ hype beast that bops around trying to lure you into its current with promises of virality and relevancy … enter every Instagram and internet meme of 2020. Oh and the above photo of Acey and I paying homage to Megan Thee Stallion, “we can’t talk right now, we’re doing hot girl shit”.

My job as an over-sharer means I get to share my experiences, my advice and my choices with you even if you don’t want to hear about it and I love my job. Something I’ve always struggled with though is my desire for authenticity versus the world’s desire for accessibility. Full transparency, I’m not all sunshine and rainbows all the time, I have crummy days. I’m not all buttoned up and proper all the time, I love lounge wear and swear words (I actually accidentally dropped the F bomb in a Zoom meeting and turned bright red… to my relief the Producer was chill). I’m not perfect, sheesh I hope no one actually thinks that of anyone. So I guess I should tell you this now… I. am. but. merely. a. human. bean. <— this is not a typo. I’m a bean.

So my thing is, trendy or not, if it doesn’t work for me than I can’t work for it. Not the brand, not the hype, none of it. That’s why I’m so passionate about the brands that I work with, because they choose me and I choose them right back. Let’s be real though, in the beginning I said yes to ALL the things because you’ve gotta start somewhere. Here are some of the trends we saw in 2020 and how I tried to make them relevant to my life. lolz…

With a perpetually changing algorithm and every platform launching a ‘Stories’ feature, you can imagine how frustrating it could be for your job to ‘highlight’ trends when some of them feel quite tragic. I actually deep dive into this topic all about IG here… be ready for my Ted talk. The greatest thing though is that we can choose to participate or stand by, and the magical thing is that we’ll all do it so differently that there’s room for everyone. I choose collaboration over competition, highlighting my friends, brands I support, and focusing on discoverability and creativity.

authenticity vs accessibility

2020 made us feel a lot of things. We had some very mooky days where we didn’t know our butts from our brains or what day it was. I mean, we didn’t put on pants for almost a year. But some things that I really loved seeing and participating in was community and connection. A bright spot in all of it was just that. And the activism and solidarity from last year, I’m proud of us for being real human beans to one another and I hope this year brings more of that.

My advise is that we hop on the hype beast when it makes sense and don’t feel pressure to when it doesn’t. WAP and Animal Crossing just didn’t make sense to my life so I couldn’t talk ’em… hbu?

So tell me, what do you want to create and what inspired you from 2020’s Pandora’s box of ‘most popular trends’?