Spring has S P R U N G! Have you heard?! Everyone I talk to is all buzzing about Spring time, the change in season, the change in weather, and the change they’re feeling internally. What is it about a new season that makes us feel the need to turn a new leaf? Pun intended.

So June 20th will mark mid Spring- like we’ll officially be in the middle of the season! I said June… can you believe we’re talking about JUNE?! So I thought instead of freaking out over how FAST this year is flying by, I’d chill out and share with you the top 5 ways to spring clean your life. Hey, if I have to deal with the crazy so do you 😉

FRESH FLOWERS – this is a good one. Not even gonna lie, spending the $3 at Trader Joe’s for some fresh flowers is totally worth having fresh flowers every week. Can’t put a price on attitude amirite? There’s something about the presence of flowers (like real ones) that makes a difference in your space. The color, the movement, the smell. Yes, stop and smell your flowers. Did I mention they’re only $3!

CANDLES – this is a real one. All the candles, light them. Every time you light a candle a Fragile Rock finds its way home … or something like that but it works. Use it for meditation. And to rid your space of that bad bad ju ju.

MEDITATION – this is a big one. Which moves me into the next tip which is to actually meditate. I personally don’t know how to be still and appreciate it so I’m still working on it. But even if it means you close your eyes for 10 mins and be still, practice yoga, read a book, or take some time in the car to just breathe, it all helps. Everything helps when everything hurts. Okay now I’m just being dramatic. Taking some time to regroup will allow your mind the ability to focus on the purge to come. *being super extra now

ACTUALLY SPING CLEAN – this is a literal one. Yes clean, clean your closet out, clean out your fridge, get rid of the 347 mugs you’ll never use but that you’re waiting to Insta-Story because they say things like, “Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded”. Get. it. together. Oh, no pressure I know! I hear people talk about Spring cleaning and my eyes glaze over. The last thing I want to do on a chill Saturday morning is go through all of my things and organize. But we gotta do it! We’re adulting. It’s also okay if now’s the time you purge toxic people from your life. Just blame it on cleaning out your closet.

DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOUR GOALS – this is my favorite one. It may be time to revisit your vision board, does anything need to be added or removed? Is it in a place you can see every day and not shoved behind the dresser? Does it reflect your current goals? It’s normal to look at your vision board and go “pffftttt!” LOL because where you were 6 months ago may  not be where you’re at today and that’s okay. Jot down your current feels, be realistic, and remember to think big – like still aim for those stars baby!

And that’s it! Those FIVE super simple steps to Spring cleaning your life. Mostly this is for me too because I’m stuck somewhere between learning to be still and actually cleaning 😀


When you Spring clean what’s the first thing you go through? Your car? Your home? Your mind space? Have you glazed over yet? 






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