New Year, Not The New Me

I don’t know about you but new beginnings can be anxiety inducing for me. Even though I’m all about fresh starts, setting intentions, and being motivated, I’m not inclined to reinvent myself completely or create resolutions that feel frustrating. I feel like my 2019 got a slow start because I was really enjoying the slower pace of things and spending time with my family and friends, but full disclosure- reading about and looking at everyone else’s goal setting skills made me feel like I needed to aim higher. Like how much higher could I have aimed, I’m taking a career leap this year so I felt like I was all good in the goal setting department. But social media has the power to make us feel like we’re not good enough sometimes so here’s to a new year and same me, but improved… well, improvinggg.

Each year Joe, myself, and our friend Miya get together in January and make vision boards together and set intentions for our year. I like using the word ‘intentions’ over ‘resolutions’ because in my mind’s eye leading from an intention every day (instead of a solid ‘must do’) make big goals feel attainable. When you resolve to do something you’re firmly making the decision to do it, I googled that. So what happens when you don’t complete that thing, or when you don’t quite reach that goal? A natural reaction is to feel like a failure because most often times we don’t give ourselves the grace to be a work in progress, perfection sounds pretty but not fun. That’s why I love setting intentions, I give myself room to be human. Life happens man, we just can’t get caught in the quick sand and just try to be better the next day.

What you’ll need for a vision board aka intention setting seshy:

  • poster board (dollar store baby!)
  • magazines (you don’t necessarily need a bunch, 1-3 is plenty, promise)
  • scissors (unless you like to rip things)
  • glue stick (tape takes long and glue sticks just glide on easily and stick right away)

P.S. you don’t specifically need these things,  a piece of paper with words you write on them will suffice. It’s not about what you make it with, it’s about what makes it up. Damn, she’s yoda.

So think about your goals, your intentions, what words you want to say to yourself daily, what photos ignite enthusiasm within yourself to go after that thing you want to receive or achieve. That’s what matters. Cut out those words, those images, write down those things, add to them quarterly, take away the things that don’t serve you, there’s just no right or wrong way to do this.

The first year we ever made vision boards we had two magazines and rubber cement. You can do this with anything and I hope you do <3



  • read more. I read two books last year. TWO… that’s terrible
  • balance work time with family time. with me time. with friend time. That’s a lot of balancing
  • create a nighttime routine and stick to it. No phone after 7pm? Read for an hour before bed? Meditate? Sure, those sound nice
  • move. I need a bigger space that we can create a specific work space in. Joe and I both work from home so we need to be able to separate the two so we don’t kill each other
  • save for a house. Or more travel, either would make me happy. We saved last year for goals and financial freedom and I’d like to triple that


  • get certified. I’ve been studying (v slowly, I don’t like studying) to get my personal training license. A lot of  things are happening this year that I’ve never been more thrilled or terrified about. Means I’m on the right path
  • complete my e book. Did you know I’ve been trying to complete my e book for a year now? lol I need to paste a photo of a book to my vision board!
  • blog and youtube more consistently. I have a hard time with schedules, I’m working on that
  • build a team. This is a big one for me because I’m so used to wearing all the hats, to doing all the things. It’s time I build a team who can help me grow and inspire me to create


What are some intentions you’ll set for yourself this year? We got this <3 





Spring has S P R U N G! Have you heard?! Everyone I talk to is all buzzing about Spring time, the change in season, the change in weather, and the change they’re feeling internally. What is it about a new season that makes us feel the need to turn a new leaf? Pun intended.

So June 20th will mark mid Spring- like we’ll officially be in the middle of the season! I said June… can you believe we’re talking about JUNE?! So I thought instead of freaking out over how FAST this year is flying by, I’d chill out and share with you the top 5 ways to spring clean your life. Hey, if I have to deal with the crazy so do you 😉

FRESH FLOWERS – this is a good one. Not even gonna lie, spending the $3 at Trader Joe’s for some fresh flowers is totally worth having fresh flowers every week. Can’t put a price on attitude amirite? There’s something about the presence of flowers (like real ones) that makes a difference in your space. The color, the movement, the smell. Yes, stop and smell your flowers. Did I mention they’re only $3!

CANDLES – this is a real one. All the candles, light them. Every time you light a candle a Fragile Rock finds its way home … or something like that but it works. Use it for meditation. And to rid your space of that bad bad ju ju.

MEDITATION – this is a big one. Which moves me into the next tip which is to actually meditate. I personally don’t know how to be still and appreciate it so I’m still working on it. But even if it means you close your eyes for 10 mins and be still, practice yoga, read a book, or take some time in the car to just breathe, it all helps. Everything helps when everything hurts. Okay now I’m just being dramatic. Taking some time to regroup will allow your mind the ability to focus on the purge to come. *being super extra now

ACTUALLY SPING CLEAN – this is a literal one. Yes clean, clean your closet out, clean out your fridge, get rid of the 347 mugs you’ll never use but that you’re waiting to Insta-Story because they say things like, “Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded”. Get. it. together. Oh, no pressure I know! I hear people talk about Spring cleaning and my eyes glaze over. The last thing I want to do on a chill Saturday morning is go through all of my things and organize. But we gotta do it! We’re adulting. It’s also okay if now’s the time you purge toxic people from your life. Just blame it on cleaning out your closet.

DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOUR GOALS – this is my favorite one. It may be time to revisit your vision board, does anything need to be added or removed? Is it in a place you can see every day and not shoved behind the dresser? Does it reflect your current goals? It’s normal to look at your vision board and go “pffftttt!” LOL because where you were 6 months ago may  not be where you’re at today and that’s okay. Jot down your current feels, be realistic, and remember to think big – like still aim for those stars baby!

And that’s it! Those FIVE super simple steps to Spring cleaning your life. Mostly this is for me too because I’m stuck somewhere between learning to be still and actually cleaning 😀


When you Spring clean what’s the first thing you go through? Your car? Your home? Your mind space? Have you glazed over yet?