
The Types Of Couples In Couples Therapy!

So besides reading my rambles here on my blog, you can also see me live on YouTube, where I have 3 channels! Yes three! haha. I do sketch comedy amongst other things, and the sketch featured below in particular, I’m super proud of! The Types Of Couples In Couples Therapy!

I wrote it, produced it, starred in it, edited it, the whole nine! As YouTubers we wear all the hats when it comes to our productions so when we complete them, they are our mini masterpieces and I say that about this one because it’s the first big production I had to put together myself. 

It’s all about the types of couples in couples therapy. Of course this is a spoof so there’s the arguers- they yell. A lot! They’ve been together forever, they don’t listen to one another any more, but they’re still very passionate….even about fighting! 

There’s the honey mooners- they are honey mooning of course, still new in their relationship, still fresh in their love and admiration for one another, they don’t actually have problems but they want to keep it that way. 

And lastly we have the relationship hypochondriacs, who have been together for a while but think they have issues when they really do love one another they just can’t seem to stop nagging at each other. 

I took these characters and amplified their dialogue to a ridiculous level and made a sketch of it 😀 Enjoy my shenanigans! 

Thanks for all of your support, I love the love!

Click HERE for the whole video! 

Many dysfunctional hugs, 


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