Chasing The Collagen

I once read somewhere that our skin begins to lose its ability to retain moisture in our 20’s. Couldn’t I have read that when I was still in my 20’s? Well I’m 39 now and I’m forever chasing my 23 year old daughter’s plump collagen cells… she’s got grapes and I’m trying to avoid getting raisins.

My esthetician told me years ago that exfoliation, hydration, and protection are KEY to cell turnover and collagen reproduction. So of course, I have a 19 step skincare system. Kidding! It’s only 5 *hail hands* and I have a tutorial coming next week to show you step by step how I do it. If you’ve been experiencing problematic skin because of all the mask wearing we’re doing, this will be so helpful. Today I’m focusing on skin healing and hydration which in turn will help with the chasing of the collagen. Here’s the skinny:

Morning Rituals – OSEA Malibu’s Gua Sha tool, oils and masks have been a staple in my skincare routine since I began talking about them in 2016. Their products are all natural, plant based, and gentle. I begin my mornings with their Gua Sha tool to reduce inflammation and promote circulation. The “wave” stimulates lymphatic drainage and is included in their Gua Sha Ritual Set. Their White Algae mask is hands down one of the most healing and hydrating mask I’ve ever used, it really aids in soothing my skin after I’ve scrubbed the hell out of it. Their Undaria Algae Oil you see above I use after every bath, I just warm it up between my palms and oil up my entire body after a Daughter Of The Land’s soak. A morning bath with their salts after our Zoom class helps my muscles so much and the oil helps with the lizard skin I’ve been experiencing this winter.

For the flare ups – between the mask wearing and the change in climate, my skin has been freaking out on me. After cleansing my skin I’ll use Dermalogica’s Clear Start flashfoliant. It’s a leave-on, flash-foaming exfoliant that I apply straight to my skin and it helps with current breakouts and helps to prevent future ones. Bonus, it brightens up any dullness in your skin so you can shine bright like a diamond

Hydration hydration hydration – have I mentioned how important it is to hydrate your skin? It’s right up there with a) wear spf and a hat b) exfoliate like you play in dirt for a living c) hydrate from within and externally. On days that we teach Zoom I wear Fre’s serum as it’s light and if I sweat my face off into my eye balls it doesn’t burn! At night after I exfoliate and tone, I toggle between mixing Weleda’s skin food + an oil (either from OSEA or Dermalogica’s overnight oil) to help thin the formula out. Kana’s CBD lavender sleeping mask is perfectly rich yet not too thick and I wake up to the dewiest skin in the morning. And if you know me than you know I tote around about seven different lip balms at any given time and this Tatcha lip mask is a staple. It’s ultra thick and glossy and just feels so good after a nice lip scrub (I use a sugar scrub).

I’ll let you sit with that routine and I hope it helps you if you experience problematic skin or issues with you face feeling like it’s lookin’ dull these days. Next time we’ll chat all about my step by step skincare routine and how quickly it goes!

What are some products you swear by for problematic skin issues and how are you chasing the collagen?

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