It’s wedding season! For the type A/planner in me, I couldn’t have been more excited about gift giving and surprise planning than I was for this bachelorette party! My girl Linz is getting married in 3 weeks and I’m the maid of honor!!! This past weekend we celebrated her with a fun filled weekend in Vegas with the best group of girls you’ve ever seen, and I wanted to share with you all the fun things I did that you can use for your next Bachelorette/birthday/celebration! Also I suck at surprises and it was SO hard for me not to send the girls photos of everything I was doing.
So I had these ‘Who Doesn’t Want That‘ totes especially made for Linz’s bach party with the date, because it’s the best party favor … cute and functional! Yes it was over Valentine’s day weekend and we had THE best ever Galentine’s day I could even have imagined #girlpower
So in the bags I put together a lil ‘survival kit’ for the weekend complete with a hangover kit:
- smart water because dumb decisions
- a ‘cheers bitches’ tank since this was our theme for the weekend
- Reese’s candy, Linz’s favorite
- Kind bars because we were meanies to our livers
- a ‘no ugly crying’ hankie filled with my favorite products to ensure no faces fell off
- Moscato wine because never enough
- a pack of polaroids for the polaroid camera I brought because polaroids are lyyyfe
- le mieux eye masks (didn’t fit in the photo)- best evaaar for dark circles & puffiness!
- handmade tiaras that I made…with my hands thus they later fell a part!
- and “I regret nothing” survival/hangover kits!
In these kits I put all my go-to items that you just NEED the morning after any kind of partying because survival mode:
- my FAVORITE part of the gift bags: temporary tattoos that read “I belong to Linz’s bachelorette party. If I’m lost please buy me a drink!” (I mean….genius Etsy just genius)
- ginger tea (aids in belly aches and nausea)
- raspberry Emergen-C (tastes delicious and you need all the vitamins you can get)
- nausea chews (these really do work!)
- alka seltzer
- kissy bandaids for any booboos (kissing a booboo makes everything better)
- “To have and to hold….your hair back” hair ties with Linz bach note on it (cutest ever)
- altoids
- advil
- glow in the dark rings so I could find my girls in dark clubs! We were likePower Rangers!
The ‘no ugly crying’ hankies folded into the perfect envelopes to hold some of my favorite ‘don’t let my face fall off’ products. Weddings will make you cry so I didn’t want anyone’s beautiful face to melt off:
- Inglot blotting tissues (my favorite brand)
- Blinc mascara that turns any mascara into a waterproof/ cry proof/ smudge proof magic-ness
- my favorite lip liner that can double as blush and is perfect to layer or wear alone
- Skindinavia’s setting spray (hands down the best) it’s time released and temperature controlled so when you start to sweat it kicks in high gear, hello dancing! (oh technology)
These were the ‘cheers bitches’ tiaras I made….after about 3 attempts, 2 trips to Michaels, a return to Marth-freaking-Stuart, and gluing 2 of my fingers together…. here they are! Post on the how to’s coming soon! I did so much DIY for this party that you’d all be so proud of me…because DIY is not my friend!
Linz’s bag had a few extra special items that I threw in there since it’s her big day I wanted even her martini cup to be wearing a veil! I got this tank from Etsy, and the tiara and matching cup veil cup came from Party City.
I think what makes a person a good friend is different from person to person, and what makes Linz a great friend to me, consists of too many words that deserve their own post. So I wanted her to feel just as loved, so in her bag also went her favorite Lollia Wish body wash and lotion, a bridal emergency kit, a quirky drink sleeve (because truth), and the something ‘blue’ I got her was this garter I had made for her that matches the same blue as Tiffany’s, and has Swarovski crystals surrounding the center bow. I fell in love with it when I saw it and I wanted her to have one to keep since one goes to a lucky bachelor! Every girl deserves a Tiffany blue something!
Some things I couldn’t make and bring with was the traditional penis cake….what an awkward conversation to have to the hotel concierge about baking such a cake and delivering it to the room! But it was so fun and their cake was delicious! I brought along with me the penis straws, cups, shot glasses, and all things penis I could find on the internet and it made for an amazing time!
Do it big ladies! Go ALL out and laugh until you’re swimming on a flooded bathroom suite floor with girls you absolutely adore, while having a communal bath and rubbing one another’s feet! haha yup that all happened! I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better more beautiful and supportive group of girls to be around than Bailey, Linz, Ashlee, and Meghan who I spent an incredible weekend with (Dani you were missed girl!!!)! I got so much closer to them and I’ve known them for years! There was no drama, it was all love, all laughs, and all dancing! Top night ladies!!! #buttsout
Hope you all have a wonderful rest of your week and party til ya need an IV in the mornin 😉 We did that too!
xoxo- Jess