Back To School – Lunch Ideas!

We were always the kids in school who got cafeteria breakfasts and lunches because it was FREE! I think that is the exact moment in my life when I became obsessed with packaged foods LOL I’m not kidding, I love cafeteria food, airplane food, gas station food… maybe I just love food. That could be it too.

But I’d always envied the kids whose parents packed them a Lunchable, with a juice box, and a treat. Well baby is all grown up and thank goodness as an adult I can just relive all those moments and make them MY WAY! You want chocolate for lunch?! No problem!


Packing an adult version of the Lunchables is super easy- you basically deconstruct a sandwich 😉 Throw in some nuts + a treat and you’re ready to go!

So the deal is, I really try to have a lean protein, complex carb, and healthy fat at every meal. Emphasis on ‘try’. Sometimes it doesn’t happen and I’m eating a protein bar or a a bento box from Starbies. I know the ‘lean protein, complex blah blah blah‘ is all I talk about, but it’s true! It’s how I help ensure I’m getting in all my nutrients AND helps me be flexible for when I want pizza or a dessert. Or both.

Some ideas for quick and easy back to school lunches for yourself, your kiddo, or your college student is:

  • deconstructed sandwich + veggies + almond butter bar + assorted nuts
  • pb&j + fruit + chocolate (this is from Trader Joe’s and one entire bar is 100 cals) – not that I’m counting, but if you were, there you have it <3
  • tuna salad + corn & black bean medley + leafy green friends
  • almond butter + rice cakes + fruit
  • yakisoba noodles + veggies + peanuts on top or sunflower seeds  (only thing not pictured. we actually at them for lunch and Joe didn’t know it was for this post *face palm)

If you or your kiddo is a picky eater, swap out the boring fruit they won’t eat for blueberries or strawberries. Corrine would eat those without fail while she avoided her green beans. She also really loved fried rice instead of yakisoba noodles so try that too! Mac and cheese and hotdogs were a staple in my daughter’s child hood (and still are lets be real) because as long as she was eating I didn’t care what it was. She was EATING … hallelu!

Are you ready for back to school season to begin? Next week I’ll share my back to school easy outfits!Â