Happy 2017!!! Can you believe it, already January 2nd! Ummm chill out there new year I need more time! More time to make time, make plans, and to make time to stick to the plan!

Every year I write out 3 goals and create a vision board to inspire me, I’m big on tangible things that I can look at daily. I need daily reminders of what the big picture is because I get stuck in my head sometimes on the temporary. Today I’ll share with you my 5 ways to keep your resolutions and what mine are for the year.


1. Write it down – on a piece of paper. I probably have a thousand notes on my phone and a gazillion text edits on my computer all labeled in various ways TO DO. There’s something about physically writing your thoughts down on paper and being able to cross things off your list that is way more satisfying then deleting a note on your phone.
2. Get organized – planners are a great way to take the list of your goals and your daily to do’s and manage them day by day to get you to those big goals. I really like writing little notes to myself in my planner that keeps me on track like, “today is wine night, drink up buttercup!” LOL
3. Keep it simple – and keep it realistic. Yes go for those big goals and dream bigger, just adjust your daily list to things you can accomplish without overwhelming yourself or setting yourself back.
4. Stay focused – set backs are normal, just stay focused on the plan which are your daily to do’s. That’s why having a schedule is so important. When you feel like you’re getting overwhelmed or you have days where you aren’t motivated, you can look at your day and those bite sized tasks will equal up to the big picture.
5. Slow and steady wins the race – day by day baby! Daily accomplishments set into motion your goal so take your year one day at a time. Be present in everything you do and remember that slow and steady wins the race <3

My goals for this year are to focus on being consistent in both blogging and my channel, get wedding ready, and to find more time to unwind from they day.

As a blogger and YouTube creator, I’ve constantly struggled with being consistent and sticking to a schedule. Creating on two different platforms is taxing on my creativity because I’m crafting for two different audiences. I hit walls all the time and for me, sticking to a schedule and writing out my daily plan really helps. It helps me not to work on my brand from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep, not being able to clock out ever is dangerous IMO.

That’s why having a routine of rest is just as important as having a routing of work. I’ll be balancing work, working-out, and time-outs for myself every day this year. Wish me luck!

Just keep swimming 😉

What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2017? Do you have any tips on sticking to the plan?