Saturday Sip – Spicy Mango Smoky Tequila

Cheers to the freakin’ weekend <3 This Saturday Sip is dedicated to my love of mangos and smoky tequila!

Smoky, spicy, tangy, and sweet, there’s something for everyone! Full recipe up now on my IGTV, lil preview seen here with Joe and I were there was a lot of smiling, a lot of tequila, and drinking. A lot of that too 😉

Are you a fan of the smoky tequila? How about tequila in general? It’s my favorite! Enjoy responsibly and I’ll see you next week, happy Saturday bbs <3






Summer Recipes – Crowd Pleasers

Every city in the world may not be as hot as Los Angeles is right now but man oh man, have we been on a heat wave! Since you’re bound to go through a Summer season of your own I wanted to share with you my favorite summer recipes that are definite crowd pleasers.

So for your next girls day, catch up brunch, bbq, or BYOB- I’ve got you! These will take you no time at all and you probably already have the ingredients to get cookin’. Here’s a Summer ‘salad’ and two of the yummiest and easiest cocktails.

Disclaimer: if you know me than you already know this ‘salad’ is not an actual traditional leafy green ‘salad’. It’s one of my go-to summer salads though and one of my best girlfriends introduced me to it!

Lentil Salad- this is a cold salad 

  1. one package of cooked lentils from Trader Joe’s
  2. one whole bruschetta tub- drained of juices
  3. chopped red onion and cucumbers
  4. chopped kale would be yummy here too with some sprinkles of vinaigrette but we were out
  5. salt & pepper
  • mix all together, top with some fresh basil, enjoy with home made tortilla chips (like we did) or by itself, or even over a real traditional leafy salad 😉

Summer Spritzer – so refreshing! 

  1. your favorite rose´ wine
  2. sparkling water (I used watermelon because yummm)
  3. whatever fresh fruit you like
  • fill your glass 2/3 of the way with the wine and top with bubbly water and fruit

Homemade espresso martini frappe  – slushy and perfect for hot days when all you wanna do is crunch on ice

  1. cold brew, iced coffee concentrate, or espresso shot
  2. whatever milk you like, I used almond coconut for creaminess
  3. 4-5 ice cubes
  4. drizzle of maple syrup
  5. Kahlua – I used a whole shot just because
  • combine coffee, milk, ice, and maple syrup into a blender. Top with Kahlua and stir, garnish with espresso beans. ENJOY!

P.S. did you know today is National Tequila Day?! One of my favorite adult beverages has a whole day! For my fellow wine moms/people out there, this is for you. I’m concocting an entire recipe list for tequila don’t you worry! 






DIY Halloween Cocktail

Halloween is this week and I’m all for an easy themed cocktail just as much as I’m up for an easy costume! This is the Vampiress Kiss, it’s delicious, Rum-my, sweet, and you’ll just need one… kinda like that vampiress kiss, only takes one.


What you’ll need:
– Captain Morgan’s White Rum
– Coconut Rum
– Ice
– Kahlua
– coconut essence
– Milk

For the Vampiress Kiss Drizzle:
– Sugar
– Cherry juice

Method: add ice to a tumbler and combine an oz of white rum with an oz of coconut rum, splash of coconut essence, half an oz kahlua, 1/4 cup milk, and SHAKE

For the drizzle you’ll combine one part sugar to two parts juice in a small pot and boil the mixture until thickened. Then drizzle that goodness into a martini glass and try not to lick the pot. Or do!

I hope you enjoyed this easy and not so spooky Halloween themed cocktail and have a safe and happy Halloween babes!

What are your plans? Staying in or braving the chilly weather and going trick or treating?



Wine Not Wednesday – Dairy Free White Russian!

It’s #WineNotWednesday babes and today we’re making a dairy-free White Russian cocktail with a twist! A lil zing of coffee cold brew baby!

I particularly like this recipe because I’m dairy free now, it tends to upset my stomach and this version still has the richness of the original minus the kick, literally. I replaced the dark liqueur with cold brew and this Stumptown is one of my favorites! ps chocolate liqueur everything please and thank you!

For today’s shake-up you’ll need:

For this deliciousness you’ll just need to pour 1/4 cup cold brew, a few shots of vodka, some ice, and a shot of liqueur into your shaker and shake it up!

Pour that into your glass and stir in gently 1/4 cup almond milk and garnish with nutmeg! Enjoy babe!

Does this recipe sound just like an espresso martini? LOL it just may be! I didn’t google it before making, I just threw it together for you so try it out and let me know what you think! 




Crazy food night with my husband!

Oh la la, I said husband! So Joe and I had a crazy food night making spicy quesadillas and Hi-C margaritas! I say crazy because of the copious amounts of jalapenos that went into making them 😉 Give these a try for a fun date night or dinner with friends . . . oh oh have a game night!

The Hi-C margarita was sweet but not too sweet, slushy but not too slushy, and just the perfect amount of ice crunch!

Please Subscribe to my channel if you haven’t, I love creating these food/ beverage nights with you!

What themed night would you like to see next? Girls night? Sleepover? Movie night? 

Vodka Coco-Mint Lemonade – #WineNotWednesday

I’ll find any excuse to put coconut anything into everything. Today for your #WineNotWednesday shake up, we’re making a coconut infused vodka mint lemonade! It’s just as refreshing and delicious as it sounds.

Shake it up baby! You’ll need:

  • Coconut water (Harmless Harvest is my all time favorite!)
  • Lemonade (Simply Lemonade is soo good, no pulp with a smooth tart)
  • Vodka
  • Kiwi
  • Lime juice
  • Jalepenos
  • Mint
  • Fresh strawberries

Place mint, strawberries, ice, and vodka into a shaker and shake it up. Kind of muddle the mint and strawberries together before adding in 2 oz lemonade, 1 oz vodka (or 2 if you like), and 1 oz coconut water. Pour the goodness into a glass and garnish with jalepeno slices, mint leaves, kiwi, and ENJOY! Sip responsibly. Love, mom

Do you love coconut? You either love it or hate it and if you love it than you put it in everythingggg!






Mother Of Dragons – Game Of Thrones Drink!

In honor of Game Of Thrones season 7, I have a special series of #winenotwednesday for you! Each week I’ll share with you a yummy, happily evil lil drink but it’ll be more happy than evil 😉

Today’s stir up is the Mother Of Dragons potion featuring some fresh cracked black pepper because, black hearts and a swift kick to the throat. Easy on the salt bae sprinkle or you’ll prolly gag on this delicious ‘dragon blood’. Okay before I get any more obnoxious, here tis.

Stir it up baby! You’ll need:

  • rose champagne
  • dragon fruit
  • black pepper
  • kiwano fruit (aka dragon spikes)

Drop cubed pieces of dragon fruit into your flute, sprinkle with some black pepper for fun, and garnish with your ‘dragon spikes’. Yup, I’m doing this every week sooo. Enjoy 😉

What potent lil potion do you wanna try next week? PS who’s your least favorite GOT character . . . I could name a few! 




Raspberry Champagne Float – Wine Not Wednesday!

For all my fellow #winemoms out there, this is for you! My babes over at Tone It Up started a Wine Not Wednesday IN their meal plan, talk about balance! It inspired me to get shakin’ and I’ll take it up a notch each week for you here, sharing my favorite cocktails, spirits, and liqueurs – because sometimes wine’s not enough and a cocktail is in order! So cheers to feelin’ frisky, no whining allowed. Pun intended.

Raspberry Champagne Float

Shake it up baby! You’ll need:

  • glass of champagne
  • your favorite sherbet
  • fresh fruit

Mix it all together and enjoy babes! It is National Ice Cream Day on the 16th so double cheers to the freakin’ weekend <3

Are there any particular ingredients you’d like to see used in next week’s #winenotwednesday?