The perks of raising the world’s most perfect flower child is that she knows when anything zen-y and cool is happening in our area! Mercado Segrado in Topanga Canyon is an artisan goods and healthy eats event that happens annually and we’ve turned it into a family tradition.  Full of organic food options, art, and hand crafted goods, if you love festivals than you’ll love this one. We especially love supporting local artists and eating from locally sourced venues!

This year, the background for the event was the grounds of Paramount Ranch in Agoura. It’s an old western set, with open spaces, barns, and buildings that look like they came straight out of a John Wayne film. The festival in past years have been held in Topanga Canyon but each year it becomes larger and this location didn’t disappoint!

We had a few favorite vendors that we kept popping our heads into to check out, Earth + Element being one of them! She makes some of the most beautiful ceramics you’ve ever seen, a ’boutique with a conscience’ <3 Their Moon Mugs are out of this world beautiful, check them out if you love ceramics like we do. And DL Skateboards– we couldn’t get over the craftsmanship and admired their boards throughout the day.

Each skateboard is handcrafted from a single piece of solid oak wood, they’re gripped with sand from Topanga Canyon, and the wheels and hardware are all made with parts from right here in California. How awesome is that?! If that weren’t convincing enough for you to go check them out, you should know that they also believe in the bartering system! Yes, you can barter for a board lol that’s the damn best! If I had a military issue canvas tent (ahem dad send me one from your basement!) to barter with, it’d be for the Deep Sun board. It’s my favorite, the colors just make me happy!

And of course, no travel post of ours is complete without a food photo! Pictured here is mango sticky rice. Made to perfection, this was one of many eats and treats featured at Mercado Segrado and we would’ve ordered another one if the line weren’t so long, it was one of the most popular dishes!

Pro tips: Wear comfy shoes- you’ll be walking around on unsteady rock all day, bring a hat and sunscreen- it’s an open space and you’ll want to explore the grounds, and get there when it opens- it’s nice to visit each pop-up tent and vendor there, and then have a seat to listen to one of the live performances take place. Take it all in it only happens once a year.


Do you have any local events near you that you HAVE to go to each time they come around again? 



Everything you need to know about having a successful launch at the Rise Festival from someone who maybe-almost-kind-of didn’t have a perfect night at the coveted lantern ceremony. Could have been disastrous.

It was on Miya’s bucket list to cross off the Rise festival from her to do’s this year, which is I believe, one of the most breath taking and spiritual events you can ever partake in. So of course I told her to count me IN! Our Rise Festival took place about 32 miles northeast of Las Vegas in the middle of the desert and was the perfect setting for what would be one of the most intense visceral experiences either one of us had ever felt! You’ll see!

1. Have your tickets mailed to you – if this is an option do it. Will Call was 45 minutes away from the event and completely out of the way unless you were already staying in Vegas. It would’ve been MUCH easier if they’d made tickets available ON site, in alphabetical order … ya know, the same way they distributed the lanterns and mats. LOLZ
2. Fuel up before entering the site – the location is sooo in the middle of the desert that you should enter Moapa Travel Center into your GPS as it’s on the Moapa River Reservation. If you’re parking in the lot instead of using the shuttle system (those never seem to be the best option for me) than you’re not going to want to fill up at 11pm in the middle of nowhere.
3. Arrive early – The earlier the better I think. We arrived at Will Call around 3pm and then got to the event around 4:30pm, which made for PERFECT timing. We were able to grab a drink, take some awesome photos during the most spectacular sunset, order food from the food trucks BEFORE all hell broke loose, and write our intentions onto our lanterns while there was still light out.
4. Layer up and tote a bandana– Did I mention we were in the desert? lol Once the sun went down it was actually kind of chilly and windy out. Layers will keep you warm and a bandana of some sort will keep the sand out of your nose. We were blowing chimneys out of our nostrils when we got back to our hotel later that night.
5. TO LIGHT THE LANTERN – the most important part right! To Actually getting your lantern to rise and be with the 10,000 others! So thankfully they passed out an extra lantern to all of the participants as we only purchased one lantern each. Well the wind decided to pick up JUST as we lit our torches, and as I lit the fuel cell, the flame burned holes throughout my lantern making the first two attempts a big fat fail. Also it was momentarily disastrous as lanterns flew by my head and flames zipped by my very heavily hair sprayed hair. But we ducked and dodged, and third time’s a charm! Here’s what we learned:

– You need someone to help you hold the lantern upright so that the lantern walls stay open and don’t collapse onto your flame. Preferably all of your friends (make this a whole group event!) will hold your lantern up right until the heat has filled the lantern and it’s ready to rise on its own.
– Light the fuel cell with the tiki torch until the entire fuel cell is on fire, this takes a few minutes. Pro top: remove the paper wrapper surrounding the fuel cell BEFORE lighting it on fire.
– Once the fuel cell is red with fire, as your friends hold up the walls of your lantern, slowly take your lantern towards the ground. This will help to keep the wind out of your way and allow the flame a chance to create enough heat to fill your lantern with hot air.
– Once you feel your lantern start to naturally tug away and lift from your light grips, slowly stand up and allow the lantern to release! Boom, you did it!

It only took me THREE tries to get my lantern to rise, but when it did, I legit cried. It was so moving, symbolic, and serene! To watch your lantern float away among thousandssss of other lanterns, lighting up the night sky, it was so surreal!

Oh, and they had a live band playing on stage …  so imagine writing your hopes, dreams, and prayers onto this ‘intention lantern’ with thousands of other people, in the middle of the desert, enjoying the breeze, all WHILE being serenaded with beautiful music. Right?! Unbelievable.

I uploaded the video of my lantern and I (the ‘3rd one’s a charm’ one) and our festival moments onto my Instagram account if you want to experience it <333

P.S. oh and don’t bother waiting in the 183,821 person line to get your photo in front of the RISE sign. I mean you can if you’re into that kind of thing but Miya and I took ours behind the sign and didn’t have to wait for didly. Just tell people to mirror the image in their minds.

Have you ever heard of this kind of event? Have you been? Would you want to go? I hope this post was helpful if you do!


I once joined a fantasy football league just so that I could bring goodies and have gigglefests with my friends. As I began to pick my lineup based solely upon how “cute” I thought the players names were, I also realized that it was a BIG deal! So I decided to redeem myself by giving you 3 of the most yummiest best game day recipes ever! Even if you are only there for the food and fun, at least you’ll be contributing by way of deliciousness! Enjoy babies!

DESSERT PIZZA! A crowd pleaser and worthy of any occasion really, this ‘pizza’ takes 10 minutes to make and will be gone even quicker than that!

You’ll need:
– a small package of strawberries and blueberries
– (1) 8oz package of softened cream cheese
– 2 cups of Reddi-wip whipped topping
– 2 teaspoons sugar
– 2 tablespoons honey
– 2 tablespoons minced basil
– 1 crescent roll dough

Bake the ‘pizza’ crust per the instructions and while it’s baking cream together the whipped topping, honey, and cream cheese. In a separate bowl chop up the strawberries and blueberries, add in the sugar, and toss. Allow the pizza to cool, top it with the whipped cream cheese mixture, spread the berries on top and then sprinkle with the basil. ENJOY!


What you’ll need for the skewers: 
– 5 boneless chicken breasts
– 1 can coconut milk
– 1/4 cup soy sauce

Method: cut the chicken into chunks and marinate for a few hours in a bowl with the coconut milk and soy sauce. You have time for the peanut sauce now!
– 1/4 cup Peter Pan creamy peanut butter
– 1/3 cup sweet and sour sauce
– 3/4 cup water
– 1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce
– 1 1/2 tablespoons red pepper flakes

Once you’re ready to grill the skewers brown them until fully cooked and then combine the peanut sauce ingredient in a bowl and whisk together and ENJOY!


An oldie but goodie, this is a crowd favorite! I don’t think I’ve ever been to a sports gathering and not had a cheese dip or layered dip of some kind. This is spicy, creamy, and cheesy!

What you’ll need:
– a bag of your favorite chips (I love blue corn tortilla chips!)
– (1) 16 oz Velveeta cheese
– 1 can of vegetarian chili (or you can go with turkey or ground beef)
– 1 can of diced tomatoes with chilies
– paprika

Cut the cheese into chunks and in a pot add in the cheese, chili, and drained can of tomatoes. Stir the mixture up over medium low heat until the cheese is melted and then sprinkle with a few dashes of paprika! DIP AND ENJOY!

If ever you invite me to your party or you see me out at an event, you’ll most likely find me near the snack table or food cart 😀

Do you have any special game day recipes?! I love trying new things, share with me what you like to bring to a cookout or game day gathering! 



It was such an inspiring experience in Venice Beach this weekend as I joined AT&T on the final stop of the Road to Rio tour! We celebrate and send off the US Olympic and Paralympic Team that AT&T has been a sponsor of for 30 years, and I got to connect with the #ATT-Fanmate community. I even tried my hand at a few activities that were on site simulating some of the Olympic sports!

The events were free and open to the public, held outside of the Venice Beach Recreation Center and it couldn’t have been a more perfectly beautiful summer day! The crowd really turned out as we all enjoyed the AT&T Road to Rio Trailers that were set up around the AT&T Main Stage. From a virtual reality experience in an Olympians point of view, to zip lining, and fun green screen photo activities, it was a fun and engaging afternoon.

We also got the opportunity to meet some Team USA athletes and enjoy live performances on the AT&T Main Stage by Hailee Steinfeld, Heffron Drive, Rachel Platten and others! Look at that view! I got to enjoy the excitement from the best seat in the house!

The best part of the day was sharing a special message to Team USA. I told them that we’re all so proud of them and that they’re already winners to us! I can’t imagine the dedication and perseverance it takes to become an Olympian! This weekend was all about connecting our community and having fun while communicating appreciation for the games and everything surrounding the Olympics and Paralympics.

It’s motivating being an AT&T Fanmate and I especially experienced that this weekend being among all of the fans and the fun! Join me and connect at and follow along with the hashtag #ATTFanmate! Don’t forget to tune in as Team USA competes at the Olympic Games starting August 5th!

What would’ve been your favorite activity to do this weekend? Do you have a special message for Team USA?! Good luck to our Olympians! 






This post is proudly brought to you in partnership with AT&T


Sharing fun facts about me, some things you wouldn’t guess just by looking at me is fun for me to share with you because it’s like we’re friends … but like irl. I hope you’re just as weird as I am 😀

  1. I love crispy toast and soggy cereal! – It may sound weird but my daughter and I love leaving our toast out a few minutes to crunch up before we add butter or jelly and we like soaking all of our cereal in milk before spooning it up!
  2. Price is Right and The Office are my guilty pleasures! – I mean, they’re just classic! Bob Barker and Michael Scott! These two shows get me through a day on the couch sick with the flu and any day really!
  3. I don’t want to have any more babies. – Sad but true. I love babies and being a mom is my most greatest joy, but I think I’m done having babies. Key word ‘think’ lol I go back and forth on this a lot! But I’ve never been able to be selfish with my time, Corrine is 18 now so I think I’ll take some time for myself <3
  4. 80’s movies and 90’s music, that’s my jam! – So much good came out of these times! The era of big hair, epic love stories (ahem Some Kind Of Wonderful and the like), and MC Hammer! Everything about these 20 years is everything!
  5. I went to school to be a pharmacist! – Yup, the parents are still confused about what I actually do and can’t understand why I just won’t go back to school for this. I did it because I love Math and people, and hey it pays well! But this is the life for me.
  6. I have OCD! – I’m KIND of a control freak, I only like odd numbers, I double check the door locks and stove top about a gagillion times a day. I line things up, I clean like a maniac, I find solace in tidiness. I’m a weirdo baby. But I’ve found it keeps my mind clear when I can control something in this life! ha!
  7. When I get bored or nervous I play with the tips of my hair and poke them into my fingertips. – Sounds weird, I’ll have to show you some day LOL
  8. I like to play with my food! – I eat the chocolate around Snickers and other chocolate bars before enjoying the best part- the nougat! I move food around when I’m done eating it, I put Now & Laters and other taffy-esque candy in my pockets to make them chewy! Like I said, I’m a weirdo baby.
  9. I HAVE to shower before I go to sleep! – Even if I showered that morning, I just sleep better, I feel clean, and it’s so refreshing! Try showering before bed, it’s the best!
  10. Baby wipes in the bathroom, washing hands, and perfumes galore! – I’m big on hygiene also, who isn’t right! Baby wipes, because wipes. I have to wash my hands before I eat and as soon as I get home, just a habit, but like a good one. And I have about 15 perfumes on or near my person at any given time.

I’m a weirdo baby and thank you for letting me share my weird with you. Oh there’s more, but I’ll save them for later xoxo

Anything weird or random that you do?! Myself or someone else probably does them too  and it makes us elated to know we aren’t the only ones so share! 



Whoa that’s a bit ambitious I know! But I like it! I have to say, with the ever latest and not-so-greatest entertainment buzz about the Biebers and Kardashians of the world, as a mom and fellow consumer of social media- I HATE everything about it. All the bub bub and mind numbing content that’s out there unfortunately I have to admit, that I get a kick out of sometimes! Guilty! Sometimes I just scroll through to scroll without thinking or drawing thoughts of anything in particular about … anything in particular. So I decided I would figure out how to parent the internet. Well try to anyway in that I’ll just talk about it. All of it. Social media, raising a teenage daughter in the age of photoshop and waist trainers, first time stories, and last time choices.

The series will live on my YouTube channel (pssst Subscribe if you haven’t already so you don’t miss out on any of my ramblings) and will kick to some content here for you on my blog. A place for me to detail some things in my life, lessons I’m teaching my daughter Corrine, and lessons I’m continuing to learn myself. I’ve kind of grown fond of the idea that I can alternate between trending entertainment news and my own real-life news that touches on things from my current wedding planning (or lack there of), to all the ‘things you’ll need to know about shaving your legs for the first time’. A conversation between the internets and I, youngster or fellow parent, about the woes and wins in life. And I’m SO DAMN EXCITED about this!

The first video in the series is here and it’s an introduction to my weird and awkward ways of bringing up things like sex and teen parenting, and how to talk about them in a normal-person type of way. Normal-person, to be used lightly.

To break up the awkwardness of each episode, whether it’s my eye roll at the Kardashians or my embarrassing story about stuffing my bra in HIGH SCHOOL, I will throw in my own relatable real life stories. And pictures.

So here are some baby pictures of my Corriney to start off the series- a chat about teen parenting and how babies are an amazing gift … when you’re ready for them <333

Corrine and I when she was only a few months old, and 16 year old Chola me! Oh that lipliner!

Corrine is 2 and I’m 18, the day I got my very first tattoo! One that my mom picked out and paid for … a rose with a butterfly on it of course. Hey, it was the 90’s!

A side by side of Corrine when she was a baby and when she was 16. Can we just hit reset?

Ahh my baby at her High School graduation! She was 17 … and I … well we won’t talk about that.

This doll face angel princess is 18 here, this is from her 18th birthday! A day of French food, old movies, and good food with people we love!

A collage of the good ol’ days! Elmo is still a thing!

Corrine was 2 and I was 18. I also wanted to be J-Lo here, and also, I still do!

And us today. My rock, my heart and soul, holding me up when I’m not holding her up. We lean most of the time <3 This was taken at Gracias Madre on my 35th birthday. Man, I feel so much more comfortable in my own skin and vibrant today then I ever did at 25 dammit! Something I’ll also talk about in this series.

So please share with me some topics you’d like to see me cover! Some days Corrine or Joe (or both) will be joining me for the conversation so give us some things to chat about with you!