Okay get excited because fitness and health related posts will be coming your way weekly! I’m obsessed! And I say: there is ALWAYS time for snacks … and dessert! Everything in moderation is the only rule I live by and it totally helps that the recipes featured today are nutrient packed, quick n’ easy to make, and best of all they’re SO DELICIOUS! Each of these taste like a dessert and are totally going to fuel your workouts and help you to recover from all those burpees and tuck jumps!

Most of these are breakfast recipes that I can’t live without that also double as a snack-time ‘grab and go’ when I’m in a pinch! If I have at least an hour before my workout I’ll reach for the heartier meals, but if I don’t have at least that; like I woke up late *raises hand- me today* then I’ll grab a piece of fruit or make a protein shake and run out the door. I try to always consume a protein and a carb before AND after a workout. I’m trying to build a booty over here whilst staying lean … is that a thing?! More on this later!

EVERY MORNING: Your metabolism BOOSTER shot! 

Rev up that metabolism baby! I personally like to have my shot of ‘hulk power’ after a workout. I send this concoction right into my system for that warmth (ahem thank you cayenne pepper) and glow I feel all day! It’s one tablespoon apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon l carnitine, a dash (or two) of cayenne pepper, and a splash of pineapple juice! This helps with the taste trust me! I put it all into a shot glass because who doesn’t wanna feel like a total bad ass in the morning and I make these in bulk so that they’re ready for me to drink each day throughout the week. Just triple the recipe and secure tightly into a mason jar. I have this keep for about 3 days in the fridge before making a fresh batch!



I have a rectangle of this in the morning, remember I try to have my carbs before and after a workout when my body is either burning it off or fueling my muscles afterwards. For this you’ll evenly spread about a cup of fruit (I love frozen raspberries, cherries, blueberries, and strawberries) at the bottom of a glass dish, sprinkle over top a scoop of protein powder (see the very bottom of this post for some protein powder options you’ll love). Then sprinkle 1/3 cup oats, sliced almonds, a tablespoon of chia seeds, and some unsweetened coconut flakes over top that. Then squeeze the juice of half a lemon (or a whole one if you like the tang!), and sprinkle on some cinnamon. Slowly pour coconut milk (or your choice of milk) over top the layers and gently use your fingers to press the milk into them so that they’re all saturated (but not swimming in fluid). I used about 3/4 cup or so. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until the liquid is fully absorbed and enjoy! THIS TASTES LIKE PIE! It’s insanely good I can’t even.

OVERNIGHT PROTEIN OATS … with a secret ingredient: 

I make this at night so that it’s a grab and go for me in the morning! In a mason jar add 1/3 cup oats, a scoop of protein powder, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, a tablespoon chia seeds, unsweetened coconut flakes, and that secret ingredient I was talking about … pumpkin spiced granola (recipe coming soon), but just a teeny bit of it for flavor and use can use any granola you love. If you’re going to consume this in the morning or after about 4 hours, than pour your favorite milk (mine is unsweetened coconut milk) over top to saturate the mixture and shake well. Pop that into the fridge and give it another good shake after about 30 minutes or so. I LOVE this for breakfast or even after a workout if I don’t have time to prep a full meal before I start my work day. If you’d like to prep this for the week simply separate this recipe into different jars and you’ll have days worth of yumminess ready to enjoy!


Oh YES! One of my favorites, this tastes NOTHING like those boring, weirdly textured, cardboard tasting protein waffles you’ve seen before. This is a total treat and completely good for you! In a blender or ninja add together one scoop of protein powder, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon PB2, 3 teaspoons coconut flour, and about 8 teaspoons of water. Blend until you get that perfect waffle mix consistency and then make that to your desired golden-ness! This serves one. I top this with a nice dollop of vanilla coconut yogurt (dairy free from Trader Joe’s), some cinnamon, and a pinch of unsweetened coconut flakes! No butters or syrups are necessary for this one TRUST ME! You will want to kiss me on the mouth for this one, but please refrain- I’m engaged 😀


Oh em gee I saved the best for last!!! I like to have this as my final snackie of the day OR as a snack because, cookie dough! Casein is a slower burning protein which feeds your muscles while you sleep, do it! For this magical mixture I mix one scoop of casein powder with 1 tablespoon PB2, and then I add as much water as I need (add about 1/4 cup of water at first and then slowly by the tablespoon) until I’ve reached my desired consistency. Then I drop in some cacao nibs or dark chocolate bits and DEVOUR NO REGRETS! This is my favorite way to enjoy a night-time treat that is completely reminiscent of my favorite cheat-treat!!!

Remember that our diet is 80% of our results so we want to fuel our bodies all day with good food, REAL food, and nutrient dense meals. If you missed my meal prepping lunch and dinner ideas, click HERE 😀 Sharing my day with you, I eat 5-6 times a day, that’s 3 meals + 2-3 snacks. My meals always feature a lean protein, a healthy fat, and a complex carb/fiber of some sort. My snacks are just to keep my metabolism moving- so less than 200 calories, and I eat every 2 1/2- 3 hours.

Keep your body burning all day so that it doesn’t store your food and go into survival mode. Oh oh, and I ALWAYS have a protein shake within 30 minutes of my workout if I’m not able to get a real meal in me, but that is only to hold me over until I’m able to eat real food once I’m home. You want to feed your muscles right away, a lean protein and a complex carb is what I reach for since my body will use it to repair and rebuild. Eat eat eat! <333

Lastly, if I can give you one piece of advice it is to not beat yourself up over food. Take each day to make good food choices, I always tell myself, “it’s meal by meal Jess, meal by meal”. That turns into day by day, and then BAM it’s been a month and you’ve naturally developed good habits on your own! This is a lifestyle so lets not put an expiration date on these habits, take these 30 days to ramp you up for the next 30 days and then the next! … oh and food can be FUN!


Ok, about those protein powders! I’ve tried ’em all and to me it really does make a difference when you’re using a protein powder in recipes or drinking it with nothing but water in your tumbler. My personal favorites are THIS ONE by Bio Chem from Whole Foods, it’s an organic whey protein and I love the vanilla flavored one. It tastes like nothing to me honestly (that matters when I down it with nothing but H2O) and doesn’t make me gassy, haha TMI but hey, truth! And Vega One protein! However, this is an acquired taste, the flavor isn’t like a milk shake y’all- but with some frozen nanas, berries, coconut milk, and chia seeds it’s incredibly yummy! I wouldn’t drink this by itself but that’s just my preference.

To name a few, I love chia seeds, PB2, almond butter, avocado, and coconut oils for my healthy fats. For my carbs I opt for fruits, veggies, and whole wheat breads or ezekiel breads and tortillas. The milks I list in my recipes are always unsweetened coconut or almond milk, and cinnamon + unsweetened coconut flakes are my go-to to make ANY recipe more bearable ha! Everything in moderation for me!

So what’s your favorite protein powder? Do you have a favorite brekky or snack recipe to share?

Let me know so I can try them all out and stay tuned for our meal plan modified! Kick butt this week and I’ll see you soon with another article!



If you’ve been following me for a while than you know that my days are full of mom duties, and my nights with all the entrepreneur duties! So making time for myself yet alone a workout or a sit-down meal has been impossible lately. Our recent travels have thrown our ‘gung-ho-work-out-eat-right’ mentality right on out the window along with time to make logical food choices. But you know what they say … “we make time for the things that we want to make time for“. Ughhh who started that anyway … it’s a crazy, logical, guilt ridden statement.

BUT, I made time yayyy! *Please do this with me so we can all whine through it together!* Let me start by saying that ever since I took my first class at Fuel Rx in April, I’ve been slightly a lot addicted to seeing the changes in my body and energy levels. I’ve grown to LOVE working out in a class environment. It’s really motivating not to have to do it all alone! But I also REALLY LOVE food. Wanna hear the kicker?! Our results, our energy, and maintaining our kick ass bodies after all that hard work is 80% dependent upon what we eat. Let me let that settle … 80% is meals, ahhhh!!!!!

So I really wanted to share with you what I did this week to prep! I only had an hour and a half today to prep for lunch and dinner for the next few days. Tomorrow I will prep breakfasts and snacks. Hey, do what you have time for and what you have time for is enough! Some days you’ll cook 3 meals and 3 snacks for the week in advance, and some days you’ll only have time to prep for the next day. But do it and you’ll find that it takes less time than we think!

Side note- my daughter is a gluten-free vegetarian so the chicken protein is for me, and her meals will be substituted with shrimp and tofu. My fiancé eats everything so I will be doubling everything.


I love a good fried rice recipe! Today I opted for a bag of cauliflower rice instead and tossed it around in 2 tablespoons coconut oil, crushed garlic, Flavor God’s garlic everything powder, green onion, and cilantro. I cooked it all over medium heat until it reached my desired crispness and then devoured.


Tastes like the holidays minus the family drama and being isolated to the kiddy table.

I popped a package of Trader Joe’s ready to eat sweet potatoes (baked and no seasonings added, hallelu for open and eat!) into a pan with a light spritz of coconut oil, some cracked black pepper, and topped them with a dash of cinnamon. So so so good!


I mean that with every inch of my dying love for gross BORING salads! If you like citrusy, peppery salads then this is for you! I mixed some kale with a spring mix, squeezed an entire lemon over top the leaves, drizzled on some extra virgin olive oil, and gave that a nice toss (coating them in this base will make them less dry and more appealing). Then I cracked some black pepper in there along with a turn of my Himalayan pink salt shaker, and then added in finely chopped red onion, tomatoes, parsley, and cucumber! THE BEST! So refreshing and so NOT boring!


Probably one of my favorite ways to prepare brussel sprouts because, that ‘feet’ smell they give off. In a pan I took Trader Joe’s ready to eat brussels (again hallelu for open and eat, again no seasonings added), tossed them in a spritz of coconut oil, added in some toasted pine nuts, cumin, and red pepper flakes! Walaaa! I love this nutty combo and the cumin and red pepper flakes give it a nice lil kick! Hiiiyahhh!


Ugh coconut milk dishes are LIFE! I browned some crushed garlic and yellow onion in a tablespoon of coconut oil and then added in 3 cubed chicken breasts. Then I tossed in some diced bell pepper, cracked black pepper, turmeric, and a can of coconut milk. I let that simmer up and then really TRIED to remember portion control. This can be added over a bed of brown rice (or white rice depending on your palette) or even that cauliflower fried rice we made earlier! This is equally as delicious with shrimp, tofu, or potatoes!


For this grab-and-go snack I simply stemmed a bag of kale, spread them evenly across a cookie sheet, gave them a light spray of coconut oil, and then lightly dusted them with Himalayan pink salt and cracked black pepper. I baked them at 350 degrees for about ten minutes, but you’ll want to keep checking on them to bake them for a shorter or longer period of time depending on your oven. Trust me, they get crispy quick!

Well I hope you try out these dishes and put your own spin on them! They really are easy to throw together- the most time-consuming task is chopping things up and then waiting for them to be cooked!

If you’re wincing from the amount of seasonings or coconut oil that I’m using, don’t fret, these are healthy fats, and I season in moderation. Salt is both necessary and beneficial to your results if you take into consideration timing (it’s a science I tell ya) and consumption (use a light hand). Also, each meal should consist of a healthy fat, a protein, and a complex carb (fiber), and don’t forget to EAT every 2 1/2- 3 hours! Your body will not be able to survive the workouts or push to your full potential if you aren’t fueling it properly. Eat eat eat <333

Next up this week is my meal prep for breakfast ideas and snacks! They’re kid friendly and fiancé approved! I also have a piece coming up all about what to eat BEFORE and AFTER a workout thanks to Patrick’s meal planning … and speaking of, I’ll be playing around with our custom challenge meal plan to bring you some modifications and thoughts! Stay tuned!


What’s your favorite or least favorite thing about meal prepping?


READ TIME: Less than 2 minutes or LISTEN above!

Happy Cinco De Mayo everyone!!! Today is a day for celebration, music, and culture … and FOOD! Today I’m sharing with you the BEST Cinco De Mayo recipes including a Spicy Watermelon Coronarita and homemade Churros!!!

Hold on to your chonies because these are crazy delicious!


In a blender mix 2 shots (per serving, yes this is strong like bull) of tequila, a shot of orange liqueur (I used Bahama Mama’s peach slushy from Ralph’s), the juice of a teeny lemon wedge, 1 tablespoon of jalapeno juice  (straight from the jar baby), and a handful of watermelon wedges (frozen for extra slush!). Once blended, pour into a TALL glass but not before rimming it with salt, and top it with half a Corona (or the whole thing get wild!), and drink with responsibility. <—- disclosure because I’m a mom so I’m everyone’s mom.

This is truly one of the BEST coronaritas I’ve ever had! Yes this was the first one I’ve ever made, but it won’t be my last 😀


I got this recipe from Pinterest and she’s brilliant because it took me all of 3 minutes to make these and they’re DELICIOUS! Crispy, sweet, cinnamon-y, and buttery!

This is SO easy and you’ll be nomming on these in minutes! I thawed out some frozen Sara Lee frozen food cakes, cubed them and then fried them up! Immediately after, I tossed them around in a sugar and cinnamon mixture (1 cup sugar and 1/4 cup cinnamon) and then didn’t even wait for them to cool off before DEVOURING them! So so so good!

I hope you have a happy and safe holiday weekend, please TAG me when you make these scrumdillyumptious recipes and let me know what your Cinco De Mayo plans are!

One of my favorite holidays, I love learning about the history, the culture, and the stories behind some of my most coveted recipes!

Watch me make these LIVE here on my channel!


After coming off of vacation the last few weeks; from Vegas to Catalina to Florida … I was in need of a good ol’ cleanse.

I’d been working out pretty hard and eating pretty clean and then BAM, vacation came around and I FULLY indulged, no regrets! But now it’s time to get back to fueling my body with the good stuffs and so I decided for the next 30 days I will drink more water, eat more frequently, and keep it clean!

Okay, when I say ‘cleanse’, I really mean reset. I don’t mean juicing everything in site and having to run to the toilet because you don’t know if you have to toot or poop (hey I’m just being real here). We’re going to be consuming whole fruits and vegetables in a shake- dessert style, and eating real food! Yes eating! Wholesome, protein packed meals and never ever forgetting the good carbs! So here’s a sample day of my reset, and this was all of yesterday’s goodness in real life!

8 a.m.- BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE: Tastes like a chai blended ice cream!

You’ll blend together half of a frozen nana, a teaspoon cinnamon, four dates, and half a cup of almond milk with ice! Yummmerssss! I also added half a scoop of vanilla protein powder, because every meal I try to always have a protein, a healthy fat, and a fiber <333 THIS Tone It Up Perfect Fit protein is my current obsession!

11 a.m. – a Minty Pineapple Protein smoothie for my morning snackie! Tastes like a tropical dessert sans the sand!

Blend together a hand full of spinach, some mint leaves, frozen pineapple bits, coconut milk, and a scoop of protein powder. When it’s all blended pour it into a pretty wine glass (for me this just makes it taste better!) and then top with a tablespoon of chia seeds and sip away baby!

2 p.m.- Lunch time: Vegetarian Sushi! Tastes just like sushi thanks to the seaweed and quinoa … my go-to rice replacement!

In a seaweed wrap line up some avocado slices, quinoa (I made mine with coconut milk, corn, and black beans!), 2 egg whites, and all the sriracha your heart can handle! Roll it up, devour it, repeat! By this time of day I’m starving and this kind of meal is hearty, filling, and super nutrient dense! Win wine … I mean win!

5 p.m.- Dinner! Pizzaaaa! Tastes … just like pizza, but guilt-free and all the flavor you’re craving!

On a Ezekiel sprouted whole grain tortilla spread some sugar free spaghetti or tomato sauce and top it with whatever vegetables you have! I used grape tomatoes, red onions, cilantro, spinach, olives, green peppers, mushrooms, and fat free shredded cheese! I topped it with more sriracha and even more cheese and I wasn’t even mad about it.

This pizza will satisfy your craving for pizza, for carbs, for whatever it is that you think you can’t have. You can!

This ‘cleanse’ for me is really just about swapping out my bad decisions for home-made better ones! The fruitier/vegetable-ier (that’s a word) options! And of course, it’s not a day to enjoy if you can’t ENJOY dessert!

8:30 p.m.- Dessert time BABY! Home-made coconut chia seed pudding with frozen raspberries and coconut flakes! Tastes like heaven, feels like you’re on a tropical island!

Thanks to my babe Miya, you can make this beautiful delectable dessert right at home, and enjoy!

In a jar or bowl mix together 1/2 cup chia seeds with 2 cans of coconut milk (I used a can of full fat coconut milk and a can of coconut creme from Trader Joe’s), and add in cinnamon, some agave or pure maple syrup, some frozen raspberries, and SHAKE!

Pop that baby into the refrigerator and shake it again after about an hour or so. In the morning when you’re ready to eat it … or after only a few hours because you’re like me and you need a dessert, spoon it into a bowl and top it with more frozen raspberries and some unsweetened coconut flakes! Friends, this is the best thing ever!!!

Yayyy we did  it!  A whole day of eating nutrient dense foods, feeling full, having a ton of energy, and just enjoying the fact that we’re making better choices for a healthier us! Good job us!  I really hope this post inspires you to try a few of these recipes, I promise you won’t be disappointed and it won’t even feel like a ‘cleanse’ at all, this is more of a reset!

Am I the only one who cringes when I hear the word diet or cleanse?! Lets just refrain from using those words here 😉

This my love, is not cringe worthy, give it a try and TAG me when you do <3


Ever since I started bootcamp last week all I’ve been craving is sweet rice, fried rice, loaves of bread, slices of bread … ya know, carbs. All the carbs!

So what better way to indulge in all of my favorite comfort foods than to make them from scratch, at home, as a healthier alternative! Today we’re making guilt free Spanish rice and to say it’s fulfilling is an understatement.

“I just want all the carbs!”

What you’ll need:

  • 2 cups brown rice
  • cumin
  • black pepper
  • chunky sugar free salsa
  • vegetable broth
  • Flavor God’s Everything Garlic
  • green onion
  • red onion
  • coconut oil
  • garlic

In a small sauce pan sauté red onion, green onion, and garlic in coconut oil. Add 3 cups water and 4 cups vegetable broth and 2 cups brown rice. We are almost doubling the usual amount of liquids it would take to make rice because, brown rice. For me it just wasn’t fluffy enough and if you’d like it fluffier than just add in more liquid.

Then toss in 1 Tbl spoon cumin, black pepper to your taste, dump in the salsa, and season to your liking. Bring all of that to a rolling boil, stir once, cover, and lower the heat. I allow the lid to sit just slightly ajar so that some steam can escape. It takes about 20-30 minutes depending on how fluffy you like your rice.


I topped this with some sriracha and avocado, whipped up a mix of shrimp, garlic, grape tomatoes, green onion, lemon juice, and vegan butter and TADAAA! The world’s yummiest dinner! And it’s so satisfying and healthy! You’ve got your protein, your healthy fat, and your good carb! Do it!

My next recipe will be a pizza you won’t be able to resist, so let me know if you try this! Is there an indulgent recipe you’d like me to try and make a healthy version of? 

Let me know I love cooking!!!



Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you’ve been enjoying all of the themed recipes and videos that I’ve been posting lately, all in the name of love! Well this is for anyone who thinks today’s celebration is more of a corporate holiday … anyone who thinks today can suck it … and anyone who loves oreos. And brownies!!! We’re making “Bleeding Oreo Brownie Hearts” because everyone deserves a reason to love Valentine’s Day. Even if it’s for desserts and ‘the day after’ chocolate sales!

Imagine a brownie filled with oreo cream filling … yes it is just as mouth watering as it sounds! We ate 6 of them! SIX and zero regrets were had. Your mission should you choose to accept: make these, eat these, thank me later!

For the brownie part I just got a box of brownie mix (family sized) and made it according to the directions. I sprayed a 10×16 brownie pan with oil, lined it with parchment paper, and then sprayed it again just to make sure the hearts didn’t stick once I removed them. No one wants a crumbly broken heart, in life nor in theory.

Let the brownies cool before taking a heart shaped cookie cutter to it, and in the meantime make your oreo filling, the ‘bleeding’ part of it. You’ll need:

3 cups powdered sugar
ABOUT 1/2 vegetable shortening
5 tablespoons hot water (you will eye ball this when you make it)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Red food coloring
1 teaspoon sugar

♥ Combine all of the ingredients in a bowl and save adding in the water for last. Start with 4 tablespoons of hot water and if your mixture is too thick then add in 1 tablespoon at a time until you get the desired consistency. Which is pretty thick yet smooth, like an oreo filling would be.

Once you’ve added the red food coloring (I used about 7 drops) you get this really pretty pile of sweetness! I had about half a cup of this just from taste testing! Note: This makes a lot of filling, enough for 2 batches of brownies if you’re using it in this ‘sandwich’ style.

Once your brownies have cooled, take your cookie cutter and remove the shapes until all of your brownie pan has been used up. The brownies will be fairly thin, this is a good thing though because you’ll be stacking them once they’re filled.

Spread a dollop of the filling between two hearts and then close the heart sandwich by placing the other half on top (smooth side down). Continue with this until you’ve used up all of your heart brownies. You can make the filling part as thick or as thin as you’d like depending on your sweet tooth preference.

The combination of these two flavors is indescribable, you have to make them for yourself and indulge in order to believe me. It’s a cream filled brownie and the cream is OREO FILLING! Did I say that part enough? Ha! Try it, so so so good!

I paired this deliciousness with a “Sour Kiss” cocktail, keeping with the whole ‘Valentine’s Day Shmalentine’s Day’ theme here. It tastes like sour patch candies in a glass! Mix together an ounce of each of these ingredients and enjoy!

Sour Kiss Cocktail:
Grenadine syrup
Blue curacao liqueur
Sweet and Sour Mix

Here is my Pinterest DIY-not Valentine’s Day episode, and if you missed my Galentine’s Day post you can read it here!

What are your plans for this weekend ?!

Go enjoy these recipes and Happy Valentine’s Day from stupid cupid <333






Ok let me just preface this by saying that this attempt was a total fail! The beautiful photo above was actually taken by MrsJpvan2 and it just looks delicious and beautiful right? Well my panna cotta was totally delicious … and totally ugly!

I fully set out to create this yummy scrum-dilly-umptious dessert that my daughter loooves, and instead ended up creating a disaster. Full video of said disaster, tears and all here or watch the video below!

So a couple of things, 1) have proper ramekins and not a bundt. This will all make sense soon, and 2) measure things properly and don’t eye ball them like I did. Again, this will all make sense. But first:


  • 1 envelope unflavored gelatin (about 1 tablespoon)
  • 2 tablespoons cold water
  • 2 cups heavy whipping cream
  • 1 cup half and half
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract

I got this super yummy recipe from epicurious and if you’d like to see the original post click here, their description of it is much better than mine considering they properly prepared it. So I gave it a go, not having the correct measuring cups and also ahem not having mini ramekins.


Sprinkle the gelatin over the 2 tablespoons of water and let it thicken in a small saucepan for about a minute. It will begin to gel up.  Then dissolve the mixture over low heat for about another minute and remove from heat. In another saucepan boil together the half and half, sugar, and cream – this takes about 7 minutes or so. Remove the pan from the stove and whisk in the vanilla and gelatin mixture. OK OK, then you’re SUPPOSED to divide the mixture amongst 8 1/2 cup ramekins, cover, and chill in the refrigerator for 4+ hours.

OK OK, soooo I didn’t have ramekins and knowing what those were at the time was like trying to pronounce it … not happening. So instead I used a bundt cake mold and chilled the mixture in it over night. The next morning it was … how do you say … a disaster!

It fell apart, it flattened, it sunk just as fast as my heart did when I lifted the bundt mold. But the AMAZING and redeeming fact is that it tasted incredible! Minus looking at the hideous blob I had before me, the taste was spectacular! Light, creamy, sweet, and I made a raspberry topping to go with it.

For the topping I just took a package of raspberries and boiled them with some honey and coconut oil until it looked right and tasted right. I plopped it on top and walllaaa! It was boyfriend tested and kid approved! HA!

Try this recipe out for yourself, I know you’re go at it will be much more successful than this. I really am a wonderful cook/baker I promise, it just I swear when the camera is on it becomes a semi-disaster!

What have you made that was a disaster to look at but a party to your taste buds?!?!?!


Jess Lizama








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That time in-between breakfast and lunch, when you’ve missed all of the good breakfast specials. It’s not quite lunch time but you still want breakfast items … bring on brunch!

I had the most delicious brunch meal with my great friend Meeshel in Culver City at The Wallace on Main Street. We’d searched Yelp high and low for a brunch spot that had reasonable prices with exceptional reviews and we’d finally settled on The Wallace.

Meeshel ordered the fried chicken sandwich with celery slaw and harissa aioli. It took everything in me not to reach over and snag her plate! I’m a sucker for fried chicken and it’s usually my go-to order. I wanted to try something new however, so I got the veggie wrap that was packed full of vegetables, avocado, pistachio, and tarragon chimichurri! Deeeelish!

Brunch just wasn’t complete without our adult beverage, and instead of the usual Bloody Mary or Mimosa, we both set our sights on a Wallace signature drink- Morning Sex. It featured bourbon and passion fruit and it was just as amazing at it sounds! Even the edible flower was beautiful and delicious! It was tangy and sweet without being overpowering at all.


True to bourbon beverages, it was chilled with a huge block of ice that kept the drink cold without watering it down. It was easily one of the most delicious drinks I’ve ever had. If you’re into bourbon, or passion fruit for that matter, it’s a must try when you visit! Now for the specs!

There is a ton of street parking! There are a number of parking lots nearby that you pay and park at, making  it convenient to stick around after you’ve eaten to explore the area.

$$  You won’t break the bank indulging in food and drinks.

With your traditional brunch favorites like chicken and waffles, and biscuits and gravy, each dish has its own Wallace spin to them!

Yes! It isn’t advertised as a kid friendly choice, but I believe with its clean and spacious layout you can bring the kiddos! It’s not an anxiety inducing space that us parents would have to worry about making a mess at – with flinging bread crumbs and syrup stickiness.

Very clean and modern looking with its decor and structure. Not posh at all, but not a place you’d wear your beach clothes to. I loved that there was a mix of business professionals having brunch alongside moms and best friends catching up over their mid-morning mimosas.

Both indoor and outdoor. On a beautiful day I’d say sit outside!

Yes! With its lovely outdoor seating, you can bring your fur baby to enjoy  brunch with you! Yayyy!!!

All in all it’s a wonderful brunch spot to check out the next time you want a special twist on your special breakfast favorites.

Let me know what your favorite brunch menu items are and I hope you have a beautiful week!!!!


Jess Lizama

this Monday's meal prep MVPs


Burpees. Mountain climbers. Jump Squats … forget calorie counting! How about you tell me how many repetitions of these exercies I’d have to do if I had that ice cream cone, and I’ll decide if it’s worth it or not! Ha! This is me welcoming you to #30DaysWithJess 2.0!

My Hapa sister Nikki is holding me accountable for the next 8 weeks as we embark on a fitness journey together! We’re on a full blown lifestyle plan that consists of 30 minute workouts, meal prepping, and acronyms like HIIT and LISS! So today I’m sharing with you how I’ve been staying on track by meal prepping and how my new partner My Fit Foods has made that so easy. You can join too with their #PayFitForward initiative!

this Monday's meal prep MVPs
this Monday’s meal prep MVPs

This week with Joe coming back from Maryland, my schedule taking on two new projects, and Corrine starting a drivers ed program, I was pressed for time to cook and plan! So I prepared a few lunches and dinners here at home, and then I supplemented the other meals for the week with ready-to-go meals from my local My Fit Foods store. The beauty of ready-to-go meals like this is that it takes the guess work out of it for me. I don’t have to think about ingredients, measuring, or macros. I just pack and go- 6 meals a day, that’s a lot of meals.

Think of it this way, our metabolisms are like a beautiful camp fire, and you have to keep feeding the fire with slow burning wood so that it is fueled throughout the day. This is my attempt at giving you a fitting analogy. The fire is your metabolism and the slow burning wood is good, clean, whole foods.

On the go I'm packing MFF breakfast, a smoothie, and grab-and-go snacks
On the go I’m packing a MFF breakfast, a protein smoothie, and grab-and-go snacks

So about every 2 1/2- 3 hours you should be fueling your body with a serving from each of the food groups, and contrary to the no-carb fad I’ve seen, I am a HUGE fan of carbs! It’s our energy and our brain’s fuel! As you see in this week’s preparation photo, along side our MFF meals there is quinoa, sweet potatoes, and fruit. With each of my meals I try to also include a protein, a carb, a healthy fat, and some vegetables. MFF meals already incorporate the ingredients I prepare for myself, so it’s a no brainer to conveniently add them into our plan!

Corrine and I enjoying lunch at our local MFF
Corrine and I enjoying lunch at our local MFF

Preparing meals in advance can be a bit daunting, even if you’re only cooking for 3 days at a time like I do. So it makes my life a whole lot easier that My Fit Foods prepares each of their meals with a variety of options for each, even for Corrine! As the mother of a Vegetarian child, it can be difficult to find places that accommodate her, so it’s really nice to have a selection for her to choose from also!

Since our breakfasts were prepped with snack grabs, protein smoothies, and MFF veggie omelets, Corrine and I enjoyed our lunch at our MFF store while we stocked up on meals for the rest of the week. I knew we’d be on the road for the majority of the week, so I got 3 dinners for each of us, some more GF oat bars (also available at MFF woot!) for Corrine, and some peanut butter packets.

Plated up our MFF dinner and even lit some candles!
Plated up our MFF dinner and even lit some candles!

Dinner time is my favorite time of the day because it’s the one time we’re all at home and can sit down to enjoy a meal together. I plated up our MFF dinners and even added in some baby carrots and a side salad. I had the almond crusted chicken with mashed potatoes and green beans, while Corrine and Joe savored the shrimp tacos with guacamole. To enjoy some more crunch I tossed in some additional sliced almonds, and I completely recommend you do this and add your favorite ingredients with your next meal!

When we went into our local My Fit Foods store on Friday we were happy to learn that the meals we purchased were a part of the #PayFitForward initiative! Get excited because you too can try our their new dishes AND give back! 

Every Friday during the month of September when you purchase a meal from your local My Fit Foods, you’ll get a FREE meal to donate to a participating food bank, or to give to a friend! We volunteer with Earth Angels who participate in Meals On Wheels so we are beyond happy to #PayFitForward each week and spread the love! It’s not only promoting health and wellness, but giving back, and community.

It really does help to involve your family with your health and fitness goals so that you can all do it together. It also really really helps when a friend holds you accountable and checks in with you each week! So grab a friend and create a buddy system! Plus, you can treat them to a healthy meal with the MFF initiative as a thank you for keeping you on track! Win, win!

I hope you join us in #30DaysWithJess 2.0, you still have 3 weeks and if you get stuck on the whole meal planning thing, head on over to your local MFF store and stock up! It’s all about getting your body moving, choosing healthier meal options, and having fun while doing it!

Have a be-you-tiful week!


Jess Lizama




This post is in partnership with My Fit Foods and their #PayFitForward initiative. We’re proud to share this awesome philanthropic campaign!