We’re in the final weekend of Coachella 2017 so I thought today I’d hook you up with my top 5 makeup and skincare essentials for your Coachella packing list! You’re not only going to be dancing in the desert, swinging under the sun and sky, and walking for miles each day, but NOW you’re gonna be prepared for all of it!
You’re only 5 simple steps away from absolutely LOVING the skin you’re in! With the wind, the dirt, the dust, and the sun weathering you all day this weekend, you’ll definitely need this 5 step system to bring your face back to life! *you’ll get 10% off your next order if you sign up for their email list
This sea salt spray is making a come back because I use it ALL the time! It smells like a vacation and will give your locks some body and movement! Extra point for it’s coconut sexy scent that will refresh your do after a day of struttin in the sand!
This festival season we’ve seen a lot of highlighter, glitter, and glittered highlighter! 😉 We’re obsessed with this Laura Mercier lightstruck prismatic glow palette. This cream highlighter is super light, blendable, and highly pigmented to give you that fresh Coachillin soul glow baby!
Don’t neglect your pout it’ll be lip syncing all through the weekend! With kukui oil and grape seed oil, this lip balm adds sheen while moisturizing! Yes please!
Hydrate from the inside out why dontcha! Proplenish is my favorite collagen supplement, a powder that you can pour into any drink (I put it in my tea with fresh lemon!) and it will restore and replenish your skin from within! Do it, you’ll see the difference within a week!
Did you go to Coachella this year? What was your favorite performance?! What was your number one favorite product to pack?! Share!
Spring has S P R U N G! Have you heard?! Everyone I talk to is all buzzing about Spring time, the change in season, the change in weather, and the change they’re feeling internally. What is it about a new season that makes us feel the need to turn a new leaf? Pun intended.
So June 20th will mark mid Spring- like we’ll officially be in the middle of the season! I said June… can you believe we’re talking about JUNE?! So I thought instead of freaking out over how FAST this year is flying by, I’d chill out and share with you the top 5 ways to spring clean your life. Hey, if I have to deal with the crazy so do you 😉
FRESH FLOWERS – this is a good one. Not even gonna lie, spending the $3 at Trader Joe’s for some fresh flowers is totally worth having fresh flowers every week. Can’t put a price on attitude amirite? There’s something about the presence of flowers (like real ones) that makes a difference in your space. The color, the movement, the smell. Yes, stop and smell your flowers. Did I mention they’re only $3!
CANDLES – this is a real one. All the candles, light them. Every time you light a candle a Fragile Rock finds its way home … or something like that but it works. Use it for meditation. And to rid your space of that bad bad ju ju.
MEDITATION – this is a big one. Which moves me into the next tip which is to actually meditate. I personally don’t know how to be still and appreciate it so I’m still working on it. But even if it means you close your eyes for 10 mins and be still, practice yoga, read a book, or take some time in the car to just breathe, it all helps. Everything helps when everything hurts. Okay now I’m just being dramatic. Taking some time to regroup will allow your mind the ability to focus on the purge to come. *being super extra now
ACTUALLY SPING CLEAN – this is a literal one. Yes clean, clean your closet out, clean out your fridge, get rid of the 347 mugs you’ll never use but that you’re waiting to Insta-Story because they say things like, “Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded”. Get. it. together. Oh, no pressure I know! I hear people talk about Spring cleaning and my eyes glaze over. The last thing I want to do on a chill Saturday morning is go through all of my things and organize. But we gotta do it! We’re adulting. It’s also okay if now’s the time you purge toxic people from your life. Just blame it on cleaning out your closet.
DON’T FORGET ABOUT YOUR GOALS – this is my favorite one. It may be time to revisit your vision board, does anything need to be added or removed? Is it in a place you can see every day and not shoved behind the dresser? Does it reflect your current goals? It’s normal to look at your vision board and go “pffftttt!” LOL because where you were 6 months ago may not be where you’re at today and that’s okay. Jot down your current feels, be realistic, and remember to think big – like still aim for those stars baby!
And that’s it! Those FIVE super simple steps to Spring cleaning your life. Mostly this is for me too because I’m stuck somewhere between learning to be still and actually cleaning 😀
When you Spring clean what’s the first thing you go through? Your car? Your home? Your mind space? Have you glazed over yet?
Happy 2017!!! Can you believe it, already January 2nd! Ummm chill out there new year I need more time! More time to make time, make plans, and to make time to stick to the plan!
Every year I write out 3 goals and create a vision board to inspire me, I’m big on tangible things that I can look at daily. I need daily reminders of what the big picture is because I get stuck in my head sometimes on the temporary. Today I’ll share with you my 5 ways to keep your resolutions and what mine are for the year.
1. Write it down – on a piece of paper. I probably have a thousand notes on my phone and a gazillion text edits on my computer all labeled in various ways TO DO. There’s something about physically writing your thoughts down on paper and being able to cross things off your list that is way more satisfying then deleting a note on your phone. 2. Get organized – planners are a great way to take the list of your goals and your daily to do’s and manage them day by day to get you to those big goals. I really like writing little notes to myself in my planner that keeps me on track like, “today is wine night, drink up buttercup!” LOL 3. Keep it simple – and keep it realistic. Yes go for those big goals and dream bigger, just adjust your daily list to things you can accomplish without overwhelming yourself or setting yourself back. 4. Stay focused – set backs are normal, just stay focused on the plan which are your daily to do’s. That’s why having a schedule is so important. When you feel like you’re getting overwhelmed or you have days where you aren’t motivated, you can look at your day and those bite sized tasks will equal up to the big picture. 5. Slow and steady wins the race – day by day baby! Daily accomplishments set into motion your goal so take your year one day at a time. Be present in everything you do and remember that slow and steady wins the race <3
My goals for this year are to focus on being consistent in both blogging and my channel, get wedding ready, and to find more time to unwind from they day.
As a blogger and YouTube creator, I’ve constantly struggled with being consistent and sticking to a schedule. Creating on two different platforms is taxing on my creativity because I’m crafting for two different audiences. I hit walls all the time and for me, sticking to a schedule and writing out my daily plan really helps. It helps me not to work on my brand from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep, not being able to clock out ever is dangerous IMO.
That’s why having a routine of rest is just as important as having a routing of work. I’ll be balancing work, working-out, and time-outs for myself every day this year. Wish me luck!
Just keep swimming 😉
What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2017? Do you have any tips on sticking to the plan?
The longest flight I’ve ever been on was 5 hours on a trip to Mexico for our wedding venue vacation, and here I was this time last week gearing up for a 12 hour flight to China! C H I N A! Talk about traveling, it was a full day of flights, transportation, time adjustments, and language barriers. I had nothing to complain about though, one of my closest friends, Miya, and I were headed into a week of Beijing explorations, new adventures, and a personal experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine (aka TCM)!
I have so many stories to share I don’t even know where to begin, so I’ll start with how it all began. Miya and I were invited byJuicertrip to join their Ctrip group of travel enthusiasts to journey around Beijing learning all about Traditional Chinese Medicine. Miya is 100% holistic by belief and lifestyle and I love submerging myself into new ideas and cultures, so there we were! We found ourselves among 8 other bloggers and journalists, and two of the writers were from one of our favorite blogs, our friends,Local Adventurer! First on the agenda was a traditional Chinese cuisine served family style, where we got to know one other and learn more about what we were to embark on in the coming days.
Among our days of visiting China’s famous landmarks, were first hand experiences in acupuncture, healing massages, medicinal herbs, natural hot springs, and stress fighting Tai Chi moves!
This was us at the Beijing University Of Chinese Medicine. So much was happening here I had to capture all of the things going on in this one moment. From left to right: Dan laughing at the situation before snapping a photo, as our professor instructs us on how to make flu prevention sachets. Caroline, Franka, and Erin smiling over Franka’s interpretation of the featured herbs, while Amanda and Miya got started. Not pictured, Josh, Lena, and Jackson who were taking awesome photos. Also not pictured, each of us deeply inhaling each bowl of herbs to guess what each contained 😉
From these 6 herbs, of which we could easily identify cinnamon and eucalyptus, we created these beautiful scented “flu sachets” that you smell daily and is believed to ward off the flu. There are so many plants, herbs, and medicinal substances used in TCM that an entire museum is dedicated to the history of Chinese medicine and it’s materials. It was pretty fascinating to learn about what goes into different medicines and powders, and the powers each has to heal from within. The idea of internal related to external really settles in when you get to see what 657 acupuncture points actually looks like on the human body. I’m captivated by the idea of healing the way China views medicine and not ‘numbing’ the way we do here. I’m the girl who even thinks I’m about to maybe get a headache and I pop a pill. I don’t like being uncomfortable I’m the first to admit it. I learned so many different ways to heal ailments naturally on this trip.
A very exciting moment for the group was when we got to share our enthusiasm with local officials and members of the press during the opening ceremony. Check us out following along in some traditional Tai Chi moves directly following the speeches. Our Sifu instructed us on how to relieve stress and pains simply by moving our bodies. It was like a beautiful dance, reminiscent of yoga meets martial arts. Tai Chi has been performed for centuries in China to lower stress and anxiety, and enhance balance, flexibility, and mood. Big thanks to Danfor capturing this moment, if you spot me you’ll see how focused I was!
Once we got back to our hotel, the Beijing Jinyufengshan Spa Resort, we took a dip in their renowned natural hot springs! A few times we all looked at each other to remind ourselves that we were sitting in a hot spring, in the middle of winter, in CHINA! These 39+ degrees Celsius pools of water are rich in minerals which get absorbed through the skin and were the perfect addition to our trip. Our evenings of hot tea and hot springs.
I can’t thank everyone enough for this incredible trip and the memories our group created along the way.This post was just a glimpse into our 3 days in Beijing with one of the coolest group of people and I can’t wait to share what Miya and I did with our remaining 3 days ! David and Hash of Juicertrip, our friends on the Ctrip team, the Beijing Tourism Development Committee, and our gracious hosts, thank you all so much for having us and we can’t wait to visit again!
And more picture time! Dan once againwith his photography skills! Here we are doing our own version of ‘Forbidden City Tai Chi’, “Still Got Juice” style! Ha! From exploring the Great Wall, wandering the Forbidden City, going temple trekking, and experiencing Beijing the way we did, it couldn’t have been a more memorable trip. I’ll leave you with this fun video Miya created while we were at the Forbidden city, spinning in circles the way we do when we find the perfect center point.
You can follow along in our adventures from this trip using the hashtags #juicertrip #ctrip #visitbeijing and #TCM_Beijing! If you’d like to learn more about Beijing, TCM, and the trip we took you can check out these links!
Okay so disclaimer; this isn’t for the faint of heart or the ‘all-in-one-step’ kind of regimen, because even for me this feels daunting! But we’re doing it! Lets be real though- I’m middle aged folks! Ewww who even says that out loud?! Haha I do and this is what 35 looks like. Don’t think I’ve ever even said that out loud here but honestly I’m just confirming everyone’s math with my ’16 and pregnant’ story and then calculating my daughter’s age, she’s 18 yowza. But I don’t even care because I feel better now, in my own skin than I ever did at 25! Crazy right?! So I want to share my secrets, tried and trusted methods with you- from my skincare, to stuff we already know but maybe don’t yet do.
Although a big part of the way we age is attributed to genetics, it’s also about skin care, lifestyle, and acceptance (lol that last bit is for myself!). We’re all going to age, it’s a part of life, and wrinkles and fine lines around our eyes show that we’ve lived happily and laughed often, BUUUUT I’ll be damned if I don’t go out without a fight aka preventative measures! So I’ve been doing the following steps since I was 19 and my mom became a Mary Kay consultant… and then so did I! I’ve included price points from drug store products I like to high end brands.
Even in my laziest, drunkest, most sleepiest of moments, I’ll ALWAYS take off my makeup. Always always always. If I can tell you ONE thing, it’s never to sleep in your makeup. I like to keep makeup remover wipes by my bed so that no matter what, I can just reach over, snag a wipe, and robotically wipe the day away without even having to get out of bed. Snaps for sleeps and no pants. Makeup remover wipes, Neutrogena wash, Fresh Soy Cleanser
TONE Applying a toner to my skin after I’ve cleansed it is a step that I don’t think I started doing until a few years ago because it was under rated. However, toners remove residual make up, dirt, and oil from your face that cleanser left behind. Put some on a cotton round and see the grime that comes off that you didn’t even think was possible. Witch hazel, Kate Somerville, Simple & soothing, Skin Laundry
SERUMSThink of serums as the red rope between your products and the deeper layers of your skin. They also contain a higher concentration of active ingredients so it’s like a helpful bouncer that also helps your products be more effective! It’s especially helpful to use a serum if you have fine lines, scarring, or acne. Hyaluronic Acid Serum (my all time holy grail of serums), Magic stripes, Vitamin C
HYDRATE After you’ve applied your serum you’ll want to hydrate with a light yet effective moisturizer. I have extremely dry skin so this step is definitely needed for me, but if you have oily or acne prone skin I don’t necessarily think this step is a must for you. Just remember the more you strip your skin of moisture (try not to use alcohol based products), the more it will over produce oil hence causing more breakouts and more oillll. Embryolisse, Olay, Mario Badescu, Acure
The NUMBER ONE contributing factor to premature aging of your skin is the sun. Second is the way you sleep … yaaas I know! More on that later. Remember that UVA protects you from AGING rays and UVB protects you from BURNING rays. So I love using a full spectrum SPF and these are some of my faves: COOLA (mineral based woot!), Clarins, Shiseido, Neutrogena
EYE CREAM EYE CREAM EYE CREAM!!! Can you tell I’m really all about eye cream?! The eyes have it baby, no matter what, your eyes and your hands will reveal all the things. The skin around our eyes is the thinnest of all our face, hence we age their the quickest, and why we get pesky fine lines and wrinkles there first because, thin skin. The tricky part of using eye cream is to find one that you can use around your entire eye not just underneath it. Most eye creams are designed to thicken the skin which you don’t want to have on your upper eye lid, so either apply it only beneath your lower lashes or use a cream designed for your entire eye like Algenist 360. Remember to use your ring finger (it’s the weakest and has the most padding … go ahead give it a feel) and to pat pat pat, in and up towards your nose. Never drag your skin out and down. Think “defy gravity baby cells”! I know I sound insano but I promise, this is the way. THE ONLY WAY *said in evil voice, but with a smile: Algenist 360, Shiseido, Mario Badescu, Garnier
EXFOLIATE Ok last one I promise! For now at least 😀 I like to exfoliate my skin 3 times a week. Sounds like a lot but I started off with once a week and then worked my way up to 3. You definitely don’t want to over exfoliate your face but exfoliation is imperative for skin renewal and cell turnover. As we age we lose collagen in our skin (and we produce less of it like why?!), those are the proteins that give us firmness and shape, ya know- taking our raisin like cells and plumping them up into big ol’ grapes! Clinique, Kate Somerville, Clarasonic, Tatcha
Alrighty, that’s it!!! Those are the steps I take daily. Daily y’all! There are other things I do too, like night treatments, skin masks, facials, hydration, lifestyle blah blah blahs but I’ll stop there for now because honestly it doesn’t matter what you do so long as you take up a simple skincare regimen and play it on repeat.
I have to say this for myself, but for you too if ever it feels like you’re feelin like your skin has lost it’s luster. We CAN age gracefully! BUT we shouldn’t put so much emphasis on how young we look or how youthful our skin is. C’est la vie baby. But hey, this is also coming from the girl who just wrote a book on skincare for you here lol
Is there anything here you weren’t using before that you saw here and will start implementing? What is your favorite skin care product?!
Okay get excited because fitness and health related posts will be coming your way weekly! I’m obsessed! And I say: there is ALWAYS time for snacks … and dessert! Everything in moderation is the only rule I live by and it totally helps that the recipes featured today are nutrient packed, quick n’ easy to make, and best of all they’re SO DELICIOUS! Each of these taste like a dessert and are totally going to fuel your workouts and help you to recover from all those burpees and tuck jumps!
Most of these are breakfast recipes that I can’t live without that also double as a snack-time ‘grab and go’ when I’m in a pinch! If I have at least an hour before my workout I’ll reach for the heartier meals, but if I don’t have at least that; like I woke up late *raises hand- me today* then I’ll grab a piece of fruit or make a protein shake and run out the door. I try to always consume a protein and a carb before AND after a workout. I’m trying to build a booty over here whilst staying lean … is that a thing?! More on this later!
EVERY MORNING: Your metabolism BOOSTER shot!
Rev up that metabolism baby! I personally like to have my shot of ‘hulk power’ after a workout. I send this concoction right into my system for that warmth (ahem thank you cayenne pepper) and glow I feel all day! It’s one tablespoon apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon l carnitine, a dash (or two) of cayenne pepper, and a splash of pineapple juice! This helps with the taste trust me! I put it all into a shot glass because who doesn’t wanna feel like a total bad ass in the morning and I make these in bulk so that they’re ready for me to drink each day throughout the week. Just triple the recipe and secure tightly into a mason jar. I have this keep for about 3 days in the fridge before making a fresh batch!
I have a rectangle of this in the morning, remember I try to have my carbs before and after a workout when my body is either burning it off or fueling my muscles afterwards. For this you’ll evenly spread about a cup of fruit (I love frozen raspberries, cherries, blueberries, and strawberries) at the bottom of a glass dish, sprinkle over top a scoop of protein powder (see the very bottom of this post for some protein powder options you’ll love). Then sprinkle 1/3 cup oats, sliced almonds, a tablespoon of chia seeds, and some unsweetened coconut flakes over top that. Then squeeze the juice of half a lemon (or a whole one if you like the tang!), and sprinkle on some cinnamon. Slowly pour coconut milk (or your choice of milk) over top the layers and gently use your fingers to press the milk into them so that they’re all saturated (but not swimming in fluid). I used about 3/4 cup or so. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until the liquid is fully absorbed and enjoy! THIS TASTES LIKE PIE! It’s insanely good I can’t even.
OVERNIGHT PROTEIN OATS … with a secret ingredient:
I make this at night so that it’s a grab and go for me in the morning! In a mason jar add 1/3 cup oats, a scoop of protein powder, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, a tablespoon chia seeds, unsweetened coconut flakes, and that secret ingredient I was talking about … pumpkin spiced granola (recipe coming soon), but just a teeny bit of it for flavor and use can use any granola you love. If you’re going to consume this in the morning or after about 4 hours, than pour your favorite milk (mine is unsweetened coconut milk) over top to saturate the mixture and shake well. Pop that into the fridge and give it another good shake after about 30 minutes or so. I LOVE this for breakfast or even after a workout if I don’t have time to prep a full meal before I start my work day. If you’d like to prep this for the week simply separate this recipe into different jars and you’ll have days worth of yumminess ready to enjoy!
Oh YES! One of my favorites, this tastes NOTHING like those boring, weirdly textured, cardboard tasting protein waffles you’ve seen before. This is a total treat and completely good for you! In a blender or ninja add together one scoop of protein powder, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon PB2, 3 teaspoons coconut flour, and about 8 teaspoons of water. Blend until you get that perfect waffle mix consistency and then make that to your desired golden-ness! This serves one. I top this with a nice dollop of vanilla coconut yogurt (dairy free from Trader Joe’s), some cinnamon, and a pinch of unsweetened coconut flakes! No butters or syrups are necessary for this one TRUST ME! You will want to kiss me on the mouth for this one, but please refrain- I’m engaged 😀
CASEIN COOKIE DOUGH! Oh em gee I saved the best for last!!! I like to have this as my final snackie of the day OR as a snack because, cookie dough! Casein is a slower burning protein which feeds your muscles while you sleep, do it! For this magical mixture I mix one scoop of casein powder with 1 tablespoon PB2, and then I add as much water as I need (add about 1/4 cup of water at first and then slowly by the tablespoon) until I’ve reached my desired consistency. Then I drop in some cacao nibs or dark chocolate bits and DEVOUR NO REGRETS! This is my favorite way to enjoy a night-time treat that is completely reminiscent of my favorite cheat-treat!!!
Remember that our diet is 80% of our results so we want to fuel our bodies all day with good food, REAL food, and nutrient dense meals. If you missed my meal prepping lunch and dinner ideas, click HERE 😀 Sharing my day with you, I eat 5-6 times a day, that’s 3 meals + 2-3 snacks. My meals always feature a lean protein, a healthy fat, and a complex carb/fiber of some sort. My snacks are just to keep my metabolism moving- so less than 200 calories, and I eat every 2 1/2- 3 hours.
Keep your body burning all day so that it doesn’t store your food and go into survival mode. Oh oh, and I ALWAYS have a protein shake within 30 minutes of my workout if I’m not able to get a real meal in me, but that is only to hold me over until I’m able to eat real food once I’m home. You want to feed your muscles right away, a lean protein and a complex carb is what I reach for since my body will use it to repair and rebuild. Eat eat eat! <333
Lastly, if I can give you one piece of advice it is to not beat yourself up over food. Take each day to make good food choices, I always tell myself, “it’s meal by meal Jess, meal by meal”. That turns into day by day, and then BAM it’s been a month and you’ve naturally developed good habits on your own! This is a lifestyle so lets not put an expiration date on these habits, take these 30 days to ramp you up for the next 30 days and then the next! … oh and food can be FUN!
Ok, about those protein powders! I’ve tried ’em all and to me it really does make a difference when you’re using a protein powder in recipes or drinking it with nothing but water in your tumbler. My personal favorites are THIS ONE by Bio Chem from Whole Foods, it’s an organic whey protein and I love the vanilla flavored one. It tastes like nothing to me honestly (that matters when I down it with nothing but H2O) and doesn’t make me gassy, haha TMI but hey, truth! And Vega One protein! However, this is an acquired taste, the flavor isn’t like a milk shake y’all- but with some frozen nanas, berries, coconut milk, and chia seeds it’s incredibly yummy! I wouldn’t drink this by itself but that’s just my preference.
To name a few, I love chia seeds, PB2, almond butter, avocado, and coconut oils for my healthy fats. For my carbs I opt for fruits, veggies, and whole wheat breads or ezekiel breads and tortillas. The milks I list in my recipes are always unsweetened coconut or almond milk, and cinnamon + unsweetened coconut flakes are my go-to to make ANY recipe more bearable ha! Everything in moderation for me!
So what’s your favorite protein powder? Do you have a favorite brekky or snack recipe to share?
Let me know so I can try them all out and stay tuned for our meal plan modified! Kick butt this week and I’ll see you soon with another article!
If you’ve been following me for a while than you know that my days are full of mom duties, and my nights with all the entrepreneur duties! So making time for myself yet alone a workout or a sit-down meal has been impossible lately. Our recent travels have thrown our ‘gung-ho-work-out-eat-right’ mentality right on out the window along with time to make logical food choices. But you know what they say … “we make time for the things that we want to make time for“. Ughhh who started that anyway … it’s a crazy, logical, guilt ridden statement.
BUT, I made time yayyy! *Please do this with me so we can all whine through it together!* Let me start by saying that ever since I took my first class at Fuel Rx in April, I’ve been slightly a lot addicted to seeing the changes in my body and energy levels. I’ve grown to LOVE working out in a class environment. It’s really motivating not to have to do it all alone! But I also REALLY LOVE food. Wanna hear the kicker?! Our results, our energy, and maintaining our kick ass bodies after all that hard work is 80% dependent upon what we eat. Let me let that settle … 80% is meals, ahhhh!!!!!
So I really wanted to share with you what I did this week to prep! I only had an hour and a half today to prep for lunch and dinner for the next few days. Tomorrow I will prep breakfasts and snacks. Hey, do what you have time for and what you have time for is enough! Some days you’ll cook 3 meals and 3 snacks for the week in advance, and some days you’ll only have time to prep for the next day. But do it and you’ll find that it takes less time than we think!
Side note- my daughter is a gluten-free vegetarian so the chicken protein is for me, and her meals will be substituted with shrimp and tofu. My fiancé eats everything so I will be doubling everything.
I love a good fried rice recipe! Today I opted for a bag of cauliflower rice instead and tossed it around in 2 tablespoons coconut oil, crushed garlic,Flavor God’s garlic everything powder, green onion, and cilantro. I cooked it all over medium heat until it reached my desired crispness and then devoured.
Tastes like the holidays minus the family drama and being isolated to the kiddy table.
I popped a package of Trader Joe’s ready to eat sweet potatoes (baked and no seasonings added, hallelu for open and eat!) into a pan with a light spritz of coconut oil, some cracked black pepper, and topped them with a dash of cinnamon. So so so good!
I mean that with every inch of my dying love for gross BORING salads! If you like citrusy, peppery salads then this is for you! I mixed some kale with a spring mix, squeezed an entire lemon over top the leaves, drizzled on some extra virgin olive oil, and gave that a nice toss (coating them in this base will make them less dry and more appealing). Then I cracked some black pepper in there along with a turn of my Himalayan pink salt shaker, and then added in finely chopped red onion, tomatoes, parsley, and cucumber! THE BEST! So refreshing and so NOT boring!
Probably one of my favorite ways to prepare brussel sprouts because, that ‘feet’ smell they give off. In a pan I took Trader Joe’s ready to eat brussels (again hallelu for open and eat, again no seasonings added), tossed them in a spritz of coconut oil, added in some toasted pine nuts, cumin, and red pepper flakes! Walaaa! I love this nutty combo and the cumin and red pepper flakes give it a nice lil kick! Hiiiyahhh!
Ugh coconut milk dishes are LIFE! I browned some crushed garlic and yellow onion in a tablespoon of coconut oil and then added in 3 cubed chicken breasts. Then I tossed in some diced bell pepper, cracked black pepper, turmeric, and a can of coconut milk. I let that simmer up and then really TRIED to remember portion control. This can be added over a bed of brown rice (or white rice depending on your palette) or even that cauliflower fried rice we made earlier! This is equally as delicious with shrimp, tofu, or potatoes!
For this grab-and-go snack I simply stemmed a bag of kale, spread them evenly across a cookie sheet, gave them a light spray of coconut oil, and then lightly dusted them with Himalayan pink salt and cracked black pepper. I baked them at 350 degrees for about ten minutes, but you’ll want to keep checking on them to bake them for a shorter or longer period of time depending on your oven. Trust me, they get crispy quick!
Well I hope you try out these dishes and put your own spin on them! They really are easy to throw together- the most time-consuming task is chopping things up and then waiting for them to be cooked!
If you’re wincing from the amount of seasonings or coconut oil that I’m using, don’t fret, these are healthy fats, and I season in moderation. Salt is both necessary and beneficial to your results if you take into consideration timing (it’s a science I tell ya) and consumption (use a light hand). Also, each meal should consist of a healthy fat, a protein, and a complex carb (fiber), and don’t forget to EAT every 2 1/2- 3 hours! Your body will not be able to survive the workouts or push to your full potential if you aren’t fueling it properly. Eat eat eat <333
Next up this week is my meal prep for breakfast ideas and snacks! They’re kid friendly and fiancé approved! I also have a piece coming up all about what to eat BEFORE and AFTER a workout thanks to Patrick’s meal planning … and speaking of, I’ll be playing around with our custom challenge meal plan to bring you some modifications and thoughts! Stay tuned!
What’s your favorite or least favorite thing about meal prepping?
After coming off of vacation the last few weeks; from Vegas to Catalina to Florida … I was in need of a good ol’ cleanse.
I’d been working out pretty hard and eating pretty clean and then BAM, vacation came around and I FULLY indulged, no regrets! But now it’s time to get back to fueling my body with the good stuffs and so I decided for the next 30 days I will drink more water, eat more frequently, and keep it clean!
Okay, when I say ‘cleanse’, I really mean reset. I don’t mean juicing everything in site and having to run to the toilet because you don’t know if you have to toot or poop (hey I’m just being real here). We’re going to be consuming whole fruits and vegetables in a shake- dessert style, and eating real food! Yes eating! Wholesome, protein packed meals and never ever forgetting the good carbs! So here’s a sample day of my reset, and this was all of yesterday’s goodness in real life!
8 a.m.- BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE: Tastes like a chai blended ice cream!
You’ll blend together half of a frozen nana, a teaspoon cinnamon, four dates, and half a cup of almond milk with ice! Yummmerssss! I also added half a scoop of vanilla protein powder, because every meal I try to always have a protein, a healthy fat, and a fiber <333 THIS Tone It Up Perfect Fit protein is my current obsession!
11 a.m. – a Minty Pineapple Protein smoothie for my morning snackie! Tastes like a tropical dessert sans the sand!
Blend together a hand full of spinach, some mint leaves, frozen pineapple bits, coconut milk, and a scoop of protein powder. When it’s all blended pour it into a pretty wine glass (for me this just makes it taste better!) and then top with a tablespoon of chia seeds and sip away baby!
2 p.m.- Lunch time: Vegetarian Sushi! Tastes just like sushi thanks to the seaweed and quinoa … my go-to rice replacement!
In a seaweed wrap line up some avocado slices, quinoa (I made mine with coconut milk, corn, and black beans!), 2 egg whites, and all the sriracha your heart can handle! Roll it up, devour it, repeat! By this time of day I’m starving and this kind of meal is hearty, filling, and super nutrient dense! Win wine … I mean win!
5 p.m.- Dinner! Pizzaaaa! Tastes … just like pizza, but guilt-free and all the flavor you’re craving!
On a Ezekiel sprouted whole grain tortilla spread some sugar free spaghetti or tomato sauce and top it with whatever vegetables you have! I used grape tomatoes, red onions, cilantro, spinach, olives, green peppers, mushrooms, and fat free shredded cheese! I topped it with more sriracha and even more cheese and I wasn’t even mad about it.
This pizza will satisfy your craving for pizza, for carbs, for whatever it is that you think you can’t have. You can!
This ‘cleanse’ for me is really just about swapping out my bad decisions for home-made better ones! The fruitier/vegetable-ier (that’s a word) options! And of course, it’s not a day to enjoy if you can’t ENJOY dessert!
8:30 p.m.- Dessert time BABY! Home-made coconut chia seed pudding with frozen raspberries and coconut flakes! Tastes like heaven, feels like you’re on a tropical island!
Thanks to my babe Miya, you can make this beautiful delectable dessert right at home, and enjoy every.bit.of.it!
In a jar or bowl mix together 1/2 cup chia seeds with 2 cans of coconut milk (I used a can of full fat coconut milk and a can of coconut creme from Trader Joe’s), and add in cinnamon, some agave or pure maple syrup, some frozen raspberries, and SHAKE!
Pop that baby into the refrigerator and shake it again after about an hour or so. In the morning when you’re ready to eat it … or after only a few hours because you’re like me and you need a dessert, spoon it into a bowl and top it with more frozen raspberries and some unsweetened coconut flakes! Friends, this is the best thing ever!!!
Yayyy we did it! A whole day of eating nutrient dense foods, feeling full, having a ton of energy, and just enjoying the fact that we’re making better choices for a healthier us! Good job us! I really hope this post inspires you to try a few of these recipes, I promise you won’t be disappointed and it won’t even feel like a ‘cleanse’ at all, this is more of a reset!
Am I the only one who cringes when I hear the word diet or cleanse?! Lets just refrain from using those words here 😉
This my love, is not cringe worthy, give it a try and TAG me when you do <3
Ever since I started bootcamp last week all I’ve been craving is sweet rice, fried rice, loaves of bread, slices of bread … ya know, carbs. All the carbs!
So what better way to indulge in all of my favorite comfort foods than to make them from scratch, at home, as a healthier alternative! Today we’re making guilt free Spanish rice and to say it’s fulfilling is an understatement.
“I just want all the carbs!”
What you’ll need:
2 cups brown rice
black pepper
chunky sugar free salsa
vegetable broth
Flavor God’s Everything Garlic
green onion
red onion
coconut oil
In a small sauce pan sauté red onion, green onion, and garlic in coconut oil. Add 3 cups water and 4 cups vegetable broth and 2 cups brown rice. We are almost doubling the usual amount of liquids it would take to make rice because, brown rice. For me it just wasn’t fluffy enough and if you’d like it fluffier than just add in more liquid.
Then toss in 1 Tbl spoon cumin, black pepper to your taste, dump in the salsa, and season to your liking. Bring all of that to a rolling boil, stir once, cover, and lower the heat. I allow the lid to sit just slightly ajar so that some steam can escape. It takes about 20-30 minutes depending on how fluffy you like your rice.
I topped this with some sriracha and avocado, whipped up a mix of shrimp, garlic, grape tomatoes, green onion, lemon juice, and vegan butter and TADAAA! The world’s yummiest dinner! And it’s so satisfying and healthy! You’ve got your protein, your healthy fat, and your good carb! Do it!
My next recipe will be a pizza you won’t be able to resist, so let me know if you try this! Is there an indulgent recipe you’d like me to try and make a healthy version of?