Over the past few weeks I’ve had the urge to just get up and go and I don’t know if that’s because the open road is calling my name again or if I just need some change. Whatever the reason, it’s inspired me to challenge myself, and you, to write out a bucket list for this summer and slowly but surely check every adventurous thing off of it!
I hope this post encourages you to write out your own summer bucket list and join the challenge! So here we go! 1) Do something that scares you! 2) Go to more music festivals! 3) Enjoy the stillness! 4) Fill up on art and knowledge! 5) Practice gratitude!
These are all photos from last summer’s fun times and amazing memories. From rock climbing in Joshua Tree, attending our very first Coachella, slow walks on the beach at sunset, and admiring the floors at every museum we could find! This will be my inspiration for this summer’s excitements! I have to stop myself sometimes and remind myself to be present and to be grateful for every day, even the slow ones. Create the slow days, enjoy the stillness, and then enthusiastically attack the next day with tenacity!!!
What’s on your summer bucket list?! Do you have any suggestions for me for our next adventure?
It’s cookout season wahooo! BBQ’s, cookouts, pool parties . . . must be summer! *raise your hand if it’s summer 24-7-365 where you live* We’ve been invited to a couple of outdoor gatherings for the upcoming 4th of July holiday weekend, so I thought today I’d share with you how to be the best guest to any bbq!!! You’ll be fully prepared for the food and the fun!
It’s kind of essential to have your own ‘signature’ dish to offer up at any potluck themed gathering and for me it’s this incredible guacamole recipe! It’s tangy and creamy and the party will be buzzing with qossip on who brought the guac!!!
Smores, kabobs, and corn on the cob are all great options to bring and to make over the fire pit! Ahem, the fire pit is the best part! If you’re the one hosting the party, guests can plate up a yummy kabob and then nom on smores afterwards! With this portable fire pit you can bring the party with you anywhere! So if you’re headed to a bbq this summer or having a get together of your own, remember that fire pits and smores are all ya need for a grand ol’ time!
What’s your signature dish that you bring to get together’s and cookouts?
Okay get excited because fitness and health related posts will be coming your way weekly! I’m obsessed! And I say: there is ALWAYS time for snacks … and dessert! Everything in moderation is the only rule I live by and it totally helps that the recipes featured today are nutrient packed, quick n’ easy to make, and best of all they’re SO DELICIOUS! Each of these taste like a dessert and are totally going to fuel your workouts and help you to recover from all those burpees and tuck jumps!
Most of these are breakfast recipes that I can’t live without that also double as a snack-time ‘grab and go’ when I’m in a pinch! If I have at least an hour before my workout I’ll reach for the heartier meals, but if I don’t have at least that; like I woke up late *raises hand- me today* then I’ll grab a piece of fruit or make a protein shake and run out the door. I try to always consume a protein and a carb before AND after a workout. I’m trying to build a booty over here whilst staying lean … is that a thing?! More on this later!
EVERY MORNING: Your metabolism BOOSTER shot!
Rev up that metabolism baby! I personally like to have my shot of ‘hulk power’ after a workout. I send this concoction right into my system for that warmth (ahem thank you cayenne pepper) and glow I feel all day! It’s one tablespoon apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon l carnitine, a dash (or two) of cayenne pepper, and a splash of pineapple juice! This helps with the taste trust me! I put it all into a shot glass because who doesn’t wanna feel like a total bad ass in the morning and I make these in bulk so that they’re ready for me to drink each day throughout the week. Just triple the recipe and secure tightly into a mason jar. I have this keep for about 3 days in the fridge before making a fresh batch!
I have a rectangle of this in the morning, remember I try to have my carbs before and after a workout when my body is either burning it off or fueling my muscles afterwards. For this you’ll evenly spread about a cup of fruit (I love frozen raspberries, cherries, blueberries, and strawberries) at the bottom of a glass dish, sprinkle over top a scoop of protein powder (see the very bottom of this post for some protein powder options you’ll love). Then sprinkle 1/3 cup oats, sliced almonds, a tablespoon of chia seeds, and some unsweetened coconut flakes over top that. Then squeeze the juice of half a lemon (or a whole one if you like the tang!), and sprinkle on some cinnamon. Slowly pour coconut milk (or your choice of milk) over top the layers and gently use your fingers to press the milk into them so that they’re all saturated (but not swimming in fluid). I used about 3/4 cup or so. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until the liquid is fully absorbed and enjoy! THIS TASTES LIKE PIE! It’s insanely good I can’t even.
OVERNIGHT PROTEIN OATS … with a secret ingredient:
I make this at night so that it’s a grab and go for me in the morning! In a mason jar add 1/3 cup oats, a scoop of protein powder, 2 teaspoons cinnamon, a tablespoon chia seeds, unsweetened coconut flakes, and that secret ingredient I was talking about … pumpkin spiced granola (recipe coming soon), but just a teeny bit of it for flavor and use can use any granola you love. If you’re going to consume this in the morning or after about 4 hours, than pour your favorite milk (mine is unsweetened coconut milk) over top to saturate the mixture and shake well. Pop that into the fridge and give it another good shake after about 30 minutes or so. I LOVE this for breakfast or even after a workout if I don’t have time to prep a full meal before I start my work day. If you’d like to prep this for the week simply separate this recipe into different jars and you’ll have days worth of yumminess ready to enjoy!
Oh YES! One of my favorites, this tastes NOTHING like those boring, weirdly textured, cardboard tasting protein waffles you’ve seen before. This is a total treat and completely good for you! In a blender or ninja add together one scoop of protein powder, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon PB2, 3 teaspoons coconut flour, and about 8 teaspoons of water. Blend until you get that perfect waffle mix consistency and then make that to your desired golden-ness! This serves one. I top this with a nice dollop of vanilla coconut yogurt (dairy free from Trader Joe’s), some cinnamon, and a pinch of unsweetened coconut flakes! No butters or syrups are necessary for this one TRUST ME! You will want to kiss me on the mouth for this one, but please refrain- I’m engaged 😀
CASEIN COOKIE DOUGH! Oh em gee I saved the best for last!!! I like to have this as my final snackie of the day OR as a snack because, cookie dough! Casein is a slower burning protein which feeds your muscles while you sleep, do it! For this magical mixture I mix one scoop of casein powder with 1 tablespoon PB2, and then I add as much water as I need (add about 1/4 cup of water at first and then slowly by the tablespoon) until I’ve reached my desired consistency. Then I drop in some cacao nibs or dark chocolate bits and DEVOUR NO REGRETS! This is my favorite way to enjoy a night-time treat that is completely reminiscent of my favorite cheat-treat!!!
Remember that our diet is 80% of our results so we want to fuel our bodies all day with good food, REAL food, and nutrient dense meals. If you missed my meal prepping lunch and dinner ideas, click HERE 😀 Sharing my day with you, I eat 5-6 times a day, that’s 3 meals + 2-3 snacks. My meals always feature a lean protein, a healthy fat, and a complex carb/fiber of some sort. My snacks are just to keep my metabolism moving- so less than 200 calories, and I eat every 2 1/2- 3 hours.
Keep your body burning all day so that it doesn’t store your food and go into survival mode. Oh oh, and I ALWAYS have a protein shake within 30 minutes of my workout if I’m not able to get a real meal in me, but that is only to hold me over until I’m able to eat real food once I’m home. You want to feed your muscles right away, a lean protein and a complex carb is what I reach for since my body will use it to repair and rebuild. Eat eat eat! <333
Lastly, if I can give you one piece of advice it is to not beat yourself up over food. Take each day to make good food choices, I always tell myself, “it’s meal by meal Jess, meal by meal”. That turns into day by day, and then BAM it’s been a month and you’ve naturally developed good habits on your own! This is a lifestyle so lets not put an expiration date on these habits, take these 30 days to ramp you up for the next 30 days and then the next! … oh and food can be FUN!
Ok, about those protein powders! I’ve tried ’em all and to me it really does make a difference when you’re using a protein powder in recipes or drinking it with nothing but water in your tumbler. My personal favorites are THIS ONE by Bio Chem from Whole Foods, it’s an organic whey protein and I love the vanilla flavored one. It tastes like nothing to me honestly (that matters when I down it with nothing but H2O) and doesn’t make me gassy, haha TMI but hey, truth! And Vega One protein! However, this is an acquired taste, the flavor isn’t like a milk shake y’all- but with some frozen nanas, berries, coconut milk, and chia seeds it’s incredibly yummy! I wouldn’t drink this by itself but that’s just my preference.
To name a few, I love chia seeds, PB2, almond butter, avocado, and coconut oils for my healthy fats. For my carbs I opt for fruits, veggies, and whole wheat breads or ezekiel breads and tortillas. The milks I list in my recipes are always unsweetened coconut or almond milk, and cinnamon + unsweetened coconut flakes are my go-to to make ANY recipe more bearable ha! Everything in moderation for me!
So what’s your favorite protein powder? Do you have a favorite brekky or snack recipe to share?
Let me know so I can try them all out and stay tuned for our meal plan modified! Kick butt this week and I’ll see you soon with another article!
If you’ve been following me for a while than you know that my days are full of mom duties, and my nights with all the entrepreneur duties! So making time for myself yet alone a workout or a sit-down meal has been impossible lately. Our recent travels have thrown our ‘gung-ho-work-out-eat-right’ mentality right on out the window along with time to make logical food choices. But you know what they say … “we make time for the things that we want to make time for“. Ughhh who started that anyway … it’s a crazy, logical, guilt ridden statement.
BUT, I made time yayyy! *Please do this with me so we can all whine through it together!* Let me start by saying that ever since I took my first class at Fuel Rx in April, I’ve been slightly a lot addicted to seeing the changes in my body and energy levels. I’ve grown to LOVE working out in a class environment. It’s really motivating not to have to do it all alone! But I also REALLY LOVE food. Wanna hear the kicker?! Our results, our energy, and maintaining our kick ass bodies after all that hard work is 80% dependent upon what we eat. Let me let that settle … 80% is meals, ahhhh!!!!!
So I really wanted to share with you what I did this week to prep! I only had an hour and a half today to prep for lunch and dinner for the next few days. Tomorrow I will prep breakfasts and snacks. Hey, do what you have time for and what you have time for is enough! Some days you’ll cook 3 meals and 3 snacks for the week in advance, and some days you’ll only have time to prep for the next day. But do it and you’ll find that it takes less time than we think!
Side note- my daughter is a gluten-free vegetarian so the chicken protein is for me, and her meals will be substituted with shrimp and tofu. My fiancé eats everything so I will be doubling everything.
I love a good fried rice recipe! Today I opted for a bag of cauliflower rice instead and tossed it around in 2 tablespoons coconut oil, crushed garlic,Flavor God’s garlic everything powder, green onion, and cilantro. I cooked it all over medium heat until it reached my desired crispness and then devoured.
Tastes like the holidays minus the family drama and being isolated to the kiddy table.
I popped a package of Trader Joe’s ready to eat sweet potatoes (baked and no seasonings added, hallelu for open and eat!) into a pan with a light spritz of coconut oil, some cracked black pepper, and topped them with a dash of cinnamon. So so so good!
I mean that with every inch of my dying love for gross BORING salads! If you like citrusy, peppery salads then this is for you! I mixed some kale with a spring mix, squeezed an entire lemon over top the leaves, drizzled on some extra virgin olive oil, and gave that a nice toss (coating them in this base will make them less dry and more appealing). Then I cracked some black pepper in there along with a turn of my Himalayan pink salt shaker, and then added in finely chopped red onion, tomatoes, parsley, and cucumber! THE BEST! So refreshing and so NOT boring!
Probably one of my favorite ways to prepare brussel sprouts because, that ‘feet’ smell they give off. In a pan I took Trader Joe’s ready to eat brussels (again hallelu for open and eat, again no seasonings added), tossed them in a spritz of coconut oil, added in some toasted pine nuts, cumin, and red pepper flakes! Walaaa! I love this nutty combo and the cumin and red pepper flakes give it a nice lil kick! Hiiiyahhh!
Ugh coconut milk dishes are LIFE! I browned some crushed garlic and yellow onion in a tablespoon of coconut oil and then added in 3 cubed chicken breasts. Then I tossed in some diced bell pepper, cracked black pepper, turmeric, and a can of coconut milk. I let that simmer up and then really TRIED to remember portion control. This can be added over a bed of brown rice (or white rice depending on your palette) or even that cauliflower fried rice we made earlier! This is equally as delicious with shrimp, tofu, or potatoes!
For this grab-and-go snack I simply stemmed a bag of kale, spread them evenly across a cookie sheet, gave them a light spray of coconut oil, and then lightly dusted them with Himalayan pink salt and cracked black pepper. I baked them at 350 degrees for about ten minutes, but you’ll want to keep checking on them to bake them for a shorter or longer period of time depending on your oven. Trust me, they get crispy quick!
Well I hope you try out these dishes and put your own spin on them! They really are easy to throw together- the most time-consuming task is chopping things up and then waiting for them to be cooked!
If you’re wincing from the amount of seasonings or coconut oil that I’m using, don’t fret, these are healthy fats, and I season in moderation. Salt is both necessary and beneficial to your results if you take into consideration timing (it’s a science I tell ya) and consumption (use a light hand). Also, each meal should consist of a healthy fat, a protein, and a complex carb (fiber), and don’t forget to EAT every 2 1/2- 3 hours! Your body will not be able to survive the workouts or push to your full potential if you aren’t fueling it properly. Eat eat eat <333
Next up this week is my meal prep for breakfast ideas and snacks! They’re kid friendly and fiancé approved! I also have a piece coming up all about what to eat BEFORE and AFTER a workout thanks to Patrick’s meal planning … and speaking of, I’ll be playing around with our custom challenge meal plan to bring you some modifications and thoughts! Stay tuned!
What’s your favorite or least favorite thing about meal prepping?
Mother’s Day is this weekend and I thought what better time to empower all my fellow moms out there than now, I mean we create life … you’re goddess status! Every woman deserves to feel sexy and be told she’s a goddess. Today I’ll share with you the TOP 3 ways to accessorize your sexy self from the inside out!
Your number one accessory is your confidence! It’s something that CAN be seen and is your best invisible accessory because it’s something that comes from within. That may sound super cliche but it’s sincerely the best thing you can give yourself. It’s a genuine feeling that you can easily follow up with a HUGE ear to ear smile! Which by the way, is the most beautiful part of being a human … our ability to SMILE!
Confidence is something you can’t teach someone and if you’d told 14 year old me to build more confidence, I would have had no idea what you were talking about. You can feel good about the skin you’re in today … flaunt what your momma gave ya! *another reference to mom’s day*
Sexiness is also something that’s hard to explain to people because so many people hear the word ‘sexy’ and associate it with something bad, but being sexy is empowering! You’ll find yourself feeling fierce and you’ll settle into that confident feeling … remember, you’re a force!
If you feel fierce in sweat pants and a tank, rock it! If you feel fierce in pencil skirts and pumps, rock it! I feel FIERCE in rompers and jumpsuits! Something about finally loving the skin I’m in and being able to show a little bit of it without being self conscious about my body, is so empowering. Confidence is also a timing thing. For me, the past couple of years I’ve really grown to love myself and love my body, and that’s complete growth from the person I was, even just 5 years ago.
Any accessory that can make it on its own as a statement piece and not just an accessory item, is number one on my list. I chose to highlight and feature this Daniel Wellington Sheffield watch for a few reasons. One- it’s one of the most elegant and sophisticated accessory items I own; that elevates any look with its simplicity, and two- pardon the pun, it’s a timeless piece that pulls any ensemble together with ease. I paired it with my Gwyneth jumpsuit, some open toe heels, and I was ready for my Mother’s Day weekend!
This super classy Sheffield rose gold watch (I’m ruled by all things rose gold) is uber feminine, and minimalistic with its sleek, slender leather strap. The sexiness of this watch includes the Swarovski crystals that span the circumference of the face and the interchangeable straps!
Huge thank you to Daniel Wellington for sending over this must-have accessory that prompted this entire post about timing (pun intended), confidence, and empowerment. I love what their company stands for and if you wanna snag your own swag (that should be a hashtag), they were kind enough to also give my audience 15% off all their products. Just click HERE and enter in “JESSLIZAMA” for the discount. I do not make a percentage off of any of the sales, I truly just wanted to share this beauty with you all. I hope this inspires you to start feelin’ yourself!
Happy Mother’s Day to all you mommas and I hope you feel loved and appreciated this weekend <3
What are your special plans for this weekend and what is the number ONE accessory that makes you feel like a million bucks?!
After coming off of vacation the last few weeks; from Vegas to Catalina to Florida … I was in need of a good ol’ cleanse.
I’d been working out pretty hard and eating pretty clean and then BAM, vacation came around and I FULLY indulged, no regrets! But now it’s time to get back to fueling my body with the good stuffs and so I decided for the next 30 days I will drink more water, eat more frequently, and keep it clean!
Okay, when I say ‘cleanse’, I really mean reset. I don’t mean juicing everything in site and having to run to the toilet because you don’t know if you have to toot or poop (hey I’m just being real here). We’re going to be consuming whole fruits and vegetables in a shake- dessert style, and eating real food! Yes eating! Wholesome, protein packed meals and never ever forgetting the good carbs! So here’s a sample day of my reset, and this was all of yesterday’s goodness in real life!
8 a.m.- BREAKFAST SMOOTHIE: Tastes like a chai blended ice cream!
You’ll blend together half of a frozen nana, a teaspoon cinnamon, four dates, and half a cup of almond milk with ice! Yummmerssss! I also added half a scoop of vanilla protein powder, because every meal I try to always have a protein, a healthy fat, and a fiber <333 THIS Tone It Up Perfect Fit protein is my current obsession!
11 a.m. – a Minty Pineapple Protein smoothie for my morning snackie! Tastes like a tropical dessert sans the sand!
Blend together a hand full of spinach, some mint leaves, frozen pineapple bits, coconut milk, and a scoop of protein powder. When it’s all blended pour it into a pretty wine glass (for me this just makes it taste better!) and then top with a tablespoon of chia seeds and sip away baby!
2 p.m.- Lunch time: Vegetarian Sushi! Tastes just like sushi thanks to the seaweed and quinoa … my go-to rice replacement!
In a seaweed wrap line up some avocado slices, quinoa (I made mine with coconut milk, corn, and black beans!), 2 egg whites, and all the sriracha your heart can handle! Roll it up, devour it, repeat! By this time of day I’m starving and this kind of meal is hearty, filling, and super nutrient dense! Win wine … I mean win!
5 p.m.- Dinner! Pizzaaaa! Tastes … just like pizza, but guilt-free and all the flavor you’re craving!
On a Ezekiel sprouted whole grain tortilla spread some sugar free spaghetti or tomato sauce and top it with whatever vegetables you have! I used grape tomatoes, red onions, cilantro, spinach, olives, green peppers, mushrooms, and fat free shredded cheese! I topped it with more sriracha and even more cheese and I wasn’t even mad about it.
This pizza will satisfy your craving for pizza, for carbs, for whatever it is that you think you can’t have. You can!
This ‘cleanse’ for me is really just about swapping out my bad decisions for home-made better ones! The fruitier/vegetable-ier (that’s a word) options! And of course, it’s not a day to enjoy if you can’t ENJOY dessert!
8:30 p.m.- Dessert time BABY! Home-made coconut chia seed pudding with frozen raspberries and coconut flakes! Tastes like heaven, feels like you’re on a tropical island!
Thanks to my babe Miya, you can make this beautiful delectable dessert right at home, and enjoy every.bit.of.it!
In a jar or bowl mix together 1/2 cup chia seeds with 2 cans of coconut milk (I used a can of full fat coconut milk and a can of coconut creme from Trader Joe’s), and add in cinnamon, some agave or pure maple syrup, some frozen raspberries, and SHAKE!
Pop that baby into the refrigerator and shake it again after about an hour or so. In the morning when you’re ready to eat it … or after only a few hours because you’re like me and you need a dessert, spoon it into a bowl and top it with more frozen raspberries and some unsweetened coconut flakes! Friends, this is the best thing ever!!!
Yayyy we did it! A whole day of eating nutrient dense foods, feeling full, having a ton of energy, and just enjoying the fact that we’re making better choices for a healthier us! Good job us! I really hope this post inspires you to try a few of these recipes, I promise you won’t be disappointed and it won’t even feel like a ‘cleanse’ at all, this is more of a reset!
Am I the only one who cringes when I hear the word diet or cleanse?! Lets just refrain from using those words here 😉
This my love, is not cringe worthy, give it a try and TAG me when you do <3
Easily titled one of the most special holidays of the year, Mother’s Day is next weekend! I love Mother’s Day, not just because I’m a mom but because it’s a day to celebrate all moms, and the dads who take on mom duty full-time, I’m looking at you!
As a single mom I really appreciate all of you guardians, care givers, single dads, and anyone else stepping in to take on the ‘mom duties’! Lucky for all of us, on May 8th we get to celebrate you all!
So today I’ll share with you my personal take on gift giving, what it means to me, and the 3 easiest yet most thoughtful gifts you can give to mom!
I will forever cherish hand-made gifts from people who I love, especially the little ones! I remember when Corrine would make macaroni necklaces for me for holidays, or paintings, or finger painted musings for the refrigerator. I miss those little things, but this year we made ceramics together for my birthday and I couldn’t think of a better gift to give someone than something you make with your hands. It’s so sweet and original, there won’t be another like it anywhere.
What may seem like a cop-out or an easy gift idea is actually pretty brilliant if you ask me! An I owe you for an hour of alone time, or breakfast in bed, or for you to do the dishes for the entire day?! Yes please!!! I’ll take all the IOU’s I can get! These are special because you’re giving mom what she wants and what you know she’d really like and appreciate. Never underestimate the power of a good IOU 😉
Last but definitely not least, giving her a personalized gift is personal and especially special because it’s unique and again one of a kind <3 Taking this back to those macaroni necklace days, it’s nostalgia meets new memories … and old ones. You can personalize jewelry for mom, or mugs, or a tee-shirt for her even!
Corrine and Joe surprised me by customizing necklaces for me from Jevelo, a fun and user-friendly app where you select a photo from your camera roll or take a photo and import it into the design page and create your own custom jewelry! You can even design necklaces around a drawing or idea you have so long as you can take a photo of it. I actually had Luna design a necklace for the two of them also because Mother’s Day is about family for me. A day to celebrate family and not just me … but the me part is pretty special too 😉
Jevelo were so awesome to send us these necklaces for my our special day and even hooked up our audience with 20% off, just use the code 3SA4E6 at checkout!
No matter what you get your mom for Mother’s Day, I promise she will love it because it really is about the thought behind the gift, the intentions of making her smile and making her feel loved and appreciated. I hope you all have a beautiful Mother’s Day, don’t forget it’s next Saturday, May 8th!
Happy Mother’s Day to all my fellow mommas out there, the guardians, the caretakers, and the dads pulling double duty! My hat is off to you all <3
What are your plans for this Mother’s Day and what’s the most special gift you’ve ever given someone you love?
Our little family did a Mother’s Day surprise video on my channel! Check it out here and please Subscribe if you haven’t already xoxo
I was 16 and Pregnant. I have always been very guarded with what I share with the world and what I keep private for our little family but its time to tell some of my story. It’s a fine line to walk when you’re an online personality and you’re so open about your life. People almost expect you to divulge information that you wouldn’t otherwise share unless you knew them personally, but that just goes to show how much we openly share with our audiences. So I can’t be mad about it.
I’ve found though, that the things I like to share with people, help me to like those things too. Things that I dislike very much and that are hard to talk about like abusive relationships, toxic people, and what it was like being a teen mom. Not that being a teen mom was something I disliked, but it was something that was really hard for me, it still is.
Corrine only a few months old here, and me- I’m just a chola in a rocking chair lol
Some things you probably already know are that I’m a single mom, and that I was a teen mom. I had my daughter Corrine when I was 16 years old and she’s 18 now. She just started college this month, and last year she graduated from high school AND started her first job in the ‘real working world’. That was a lot for this mama bear over here to manage. Having my lil baby cub all out in the world being a responsible human and not being under my watchful and protective eye 24-7-365 is really hard.
Corrine and I are very close. We’re best friends, we grew up together, and I don’t know my life without her, I was 16. This isn’t me being dramatic like, ‘oh my baby is moving to another country woe is me’, but it is me sharing my anxiety over her moving out of the house. Even if that time isn’t in the near future. Like, what is my life without her *okay, THAT is me being dramatic*.
It’s crazy for me to reflect on her childhood because I was so young myself, I mean, how did they let me leave the hospital with that little baby?! It feels like a big huge blur to me. At that time I wasn’t doing it all on my own though, I had my family, I had her father’s family, and he and I were ok back then. Things change and we are where we are now. Perhaps one day I will talk about those things and what my life was like back then, but today I’ll talk about where I’m at today.
When I say that I don’t know what it’s like to be without Corrine I’m talking in daily life, in our day to day, routine life. Because in a way, we did grow up together … I’ve spent the last 18 years with her and it was far before I was even 18 myself. It was like an older sister raising a younger sister. We are so similar yet so different, but she amazes me every day. She sits on my lap at brunches, we hold hands in the street, she’s still my baby. Well now my baby is in college, yes a local one, but not for long. She wants to transfer to a University which won’t be any where near Los Angeles. *takes a moment to process that* So for me, I think to myself (and aloud, lets be real), “ok I can totally move to wherever she goes!” But how unrealistic is that?!
Corrine’s HS graduation in June 2015
Joe is incredible and he’s been so amazing, from day ONE. He met us when she was 12 and he’s really stepped in to be that positive, loving, father figure in her life. Oh, and he would totally pick up and move with me, we’re both nomads like that. But I can’t follow my child all around the world … at least I’m sure she wouldn’t want me to. I don’t want to become that over-bearing-stalker-status mom because no one likes the over-bearing-stalker-status mom.
November 3, 2015- Corrine’s 18th birthday
So therein lies my problem- I’m an overly attached parent who feels pretty freaking lonely at the thought of her daughter moving away. So what’s a girl to do? Well, I have to remember that just because I’m a mom doesn’t mean that that’s the only hat I wear. Though, it IS my most favorite hat and I’m really good at wearing the hat!!! *breathing* I have to remember that I’m a whole other person with hobbies and an identity all on my own completely separate from the ‘mom label’. Yes I’m a mom but I’m also Jess.
Jess is adventurous, loves to travel, and is getting married this year! *why am I referring to myself in the 3rd person, see I’m losing it already* I think I will get back to that part of myself this year, back to being creative on a different level, back to traveling a bit more, and back to being me without attaching myself to everything Corrine does. She needs space to grow and make her own mistakes, ugh can’t even believe I just said that.
So to all my parents out there, it isn’t healthy to identify ourselves only as parents and it isn’t healthy to just stalk our children. It’s a grey area for me about the stalking part though, not gonna lie, I’m obsessed with the kid! But as much as I’d like to be THAT mom, I won’t be that mom. I will however, be keeping busy doing other things. So keep busy! I have a wedding to plan this year, but bet your butt I’ll be stalking her every step of the way- dropping in to make her bed and cook her dinner! We also have to remember that it’s also a difficult transition for them too.
Our babies are forever our babies, and it’s ok to hold on to that. I know I will!
So tell me, if you’re a parent, are you going through this? Are your babies younger but this is something you think about? If you are going through this, help me out and give me some new hobbies to explore! If you aren’t a parent but your parents are going through this kind of thing, what as parents can we do to make the transition an easier one for you? And for us 😉
My baby when she was 2 or 3 and again at 16
I was 18 here and Corrine was 2. I got my first tattoo this day!
This is us today, going on mother/daughter dates <3
Thank you for reading this post, it’s nice to open up about things that people assume you’re navigating just fine with on your own. I’m open to your suggestions so type away, and if you have a little one at home, hug them extra! PS I talk like she’s moving out tomorrow, but it is something that we discuss all of the time- her moving out and where she’ll go. So I know it’s just me freaking out, I’m prone to freak outs. I still have some time to baby her and make her breakfast in the mornings, and I still have time to be the crazy yet, “I’m a cool mom” mom.
Here’s a video Corrine and I did in September and we’ll be recording a “How to survive college” video together soon! So stay tuned for that! I will be less overbearing with each passing post I promise!
Having enjoyed a staycation this past weekend, in one of the most luxurious homes I’ve ever visited, I was totally inspired to revamp my room! I took these photos from a beautiful home in the hills that we stayed in that was elegant and clean with its crisp whites and pops of color!
Stay with me here, if you’re ready to flee from the pom poms, stick around because it’s a jungle in here, literally!
I really love this string of pom poms above this simple bed, the chandelier above, and the all that natural light coming through! It was a YouTuber’s dream to film in here … ahem no lights necessary, there was so much light coming through both corners of the room! Filming a vlog was the first thing I thought of when I saw this set up, “Yes I can sit there and face that way”. Also, those prints you see on the bed spread, that would be from puppy Luna thinking she owns the place! She galloped (she runs like a baby horse) from room to room and jumped on all of the beds. All of them.
This was one of the 4 bedrooms in the house, and my personal favorite! I called it the Princess Room because that’s what it felt like to me, a doll-house princess room, so pretty and dainty. The second room I’ll feature was Corrine’s favorite! We called it the Jungle Room because the walls were covered with giant leaves and the green hue was so beautiful, I wish I could’ve really captured it’s true tone!
Again with the simple, clean, white bedspread and sheets, I love the choice here because it doesn’t take away from how busy, yet fun, the walls are. A simple lamp in the corner, two windows allowing for the day to peak through, and this beautiful set up on the far wall – we were in love I tell ya.
Why yes, that is my phone just candidly hanging out on the bamboo table. I had forgotten where it was until I saw this photo and remembered I’d put it down here. Lavender stems in vases sprinkled around the house was the most inviting and fragrant aroma you could imagine. Again, the decor is simple, but I love simplicity, I love the bamboo themed furniture, and I love how it fit so perfectly with the painted walls.
The rest of the home was just as beautifully decorated as these two rooms, people were bustling about so I wasn’t able to capture the home room by room. It has however inspired me to focus on being more simplistic in my decor choices, more open to big prints and bright colors, and to let light be the focus of each room.
I really loved it here and I loved how inspired we were when we left. I actually ordered some pom pom wall hangings of my own and a new white duvet cover in honor of these rooms! One room at a time, one space at time, that’s what I keep telling myself. I think it’s easy to get overwhelmed by decorating, by theming a room or picking colors. It’s especially difficult when you have zero clue what you’re doing … me!
I like to think that once my bedroom is complete, I’ll migrate into the living room and redecorate the space in there. Baby steps … if I can do it, trust me, you can too! Pick a space in your home, start small, and surround it with things that make you feel less anxious and more relaxed. That’s exactly how I felt when I walked into this house.
I hope this inspired you to get thinking about Spring decor and what colors you’re drawn to. I know that I’m really loving this white out look!
What kinds of colors or prints are you most drawn to, and are you more of a decor person or a wall and accessory person?
See you next week with some more happenings and have a wonderful weekend!