We’re in the final weekend of Coachella 2017 so I thought today I’d hook you up with my top 5 makeup and skincare essentials for your Coachella packing list! You’re not only going to be dancing in the desert, swinging under the sun and sky, and walking for miles each day, but NOW you’re gonna be prepared for all of it!
You’re only 5 simple steps away from absolutely LOVING the skin you’re in! With the wind, the dirt, the dust, and the sun weathering you all day this weekend, you’ll definitely need this 5 step system to bring your face back to life! *you’ll get 10% off your next order if you sign up for their email list
This sea salt spray is making a come back because I use it ALL the time! It smells like a vacation and will give your locks some body and movement! Extra point for it’s coconut sexy scent that will refresh your do after a day of struttin in the sand!
This festival season we’ve seen a lot of highlighter, glitter, and glittered highlighter! 😉 We’re obsessed with this Laura Mercier lightstruck prismatic glow palette. This cream highlighter is super light, blendable, and highly pigmented to give you that fresh Coachillin soul glow baby!
Don’t neglect your pout it’ll be lip syncing all through the weekend! With kukui oil and grape seed oil, this lip balm adds sheen while moisturizing! Yes please!
Hydrate from the inside out why dontcha! Proplenish is my favorite collagen supplement, a powder that you can pour into any drink (I put it in my tea with fresh lemon!) and it will restore and replenish your skin from within! Do it, you’ll see the difference within a week!
Did you go to Coachella this year? What was your favorite performance?! What was your number one favorite product to pack?! Share!
There’s one thing we can thank 2016 for, upping its makeup game! Thanks to Instagram videos, trend upon trend, and each of our inner makeup artists, we now have “highlighting on fleek” and weird tools to apply contour with . . . like hand mixers 😉
I’m pretty adventurous when it comes to trying the new ‘it’ look, but using kitchen utensils during my makeup application is where I draw the line! LOL I’ve also tried a lot of different skincare regimens this year and the products featured today are on my must try list!
Glossier Priming Moisturizer – containing hyaluronic acid, you know it’s immediately one of my favorites! This super light cream allows for you to build up to the amount of moisture you need without it becoming heavy
Glossier Super Bounce – again with the hyaluronic acid! I love this ingredient because it’s the plumping agent in your skin that transforms the cells from raisins to big ol’ grapes! This serum is the key to perfect makeup application
Algenist 360 eye serum – free of sulfates and parabens, you can apply this eye serum around your ENTIRE eye! Ground breaking if you have hooded eyes like me! Most eye creams intend to thicken up the skin under your eyes as this is where it’s the thinnest, hence we age there there quickest booo! But not this one, it’s brightening, hydrating, and should be renamed to ‘bags be gone’ haha
Colleen Rothschild Extreme Recovery Cream – this has easily become one of my holy grail products. For dry, dehydrated skin, this silky moisturizer offers that deep hydration it really needs. It feels rich but is never heavy, goes on creamy and is absorbed quickly. It’s created with anti-aging properties, wrinkle fighting ingredients, and is free of parabens and sulfates. What’s not to love!
Clinique Take The Day Off Cleansing Balm – this lil pot of magic heats from a balm to an oil in the palm of your hand. It removes all makeup, dirt, and oil lickety split! You won’t even need to cleanse your skin once more after removing it with a warm cloth or cotton round. And if you’re wondering if it leaves behind any residue or greasy traces, I’m happy to report that the answer is no
I’ll continue to try out all the latest and greatest products and report back on what I love, what I believe works, and things I recommend for you. So let me know what you’d like for me to review next <3
Okay so disclaimer; this isn’t for the faint of heart or the ‘all-in-one-step’ kind of regimen, because even for me this feels daunting! But we’re doing it! Lets be real though- I’m middle aged folks! Ewww who even says that out loud?! Haha I do and this is what 35 looks like. Don’t think I’ve ever even said that out loud here but honestly I’m just confirming everyone’s math with my ’16 and pregnant’ story and then calculating my daughter’s age, she’s 18 yowza. But I don’t even care because I feel better now, in my own skin than I ever did at 25! Crazy right?! So I want to share my secrets, tried and trusted methods with you- from my skincare, to stuff we already know but maybe don’t yet do.
Although a big part of the way we age is attributed to genetics, it’s also about skin care, lifestyle, and acceptance (lol that last bit is for myself!). We’re all going to age, it’s a part of life, and wrinkles and fine lines around our eyes show that we’ve lived happily and laughed often, BUUUUT I’ll be damned if I don’t go out without a fight aka preventative measures! So I’ve been doing the following steps since I was 19 and my mom became a Mary Kay consultant… and then so did I! I’ve included price points from drug store products I like to high end brands.
Even in my laziest, drunkest, most sleepiest of moments, I’ll ALWAYS take off my makeup. Always always always. If I can tell you ONE thing, it’s never to sleep in your makeup. I like to keep makeup remover wipes by my bed so that no matter what, I can just reach over, snag a wipe, and robotically wipe the day away without even having to get out of bed. Snaps for sleeps and no pants. Makeup remover wipes, Neutrogena wash, Fresh Soy Cleanser
TONE Applying a toner to my skin after I’ve cleansed it is a step that I don’t think I started doing until a few years ago because it was under rated. However, toners remove residual make up, dirt, and oil from your face that cleanser left behind. Put some on a cotton round and see the grime that comes off that you didn’t even think was possible. Witch hazel, Kate Somerville, Simple & soothing, Skin Laundry
SERUMSThink of serums as the red rope between your products and the deeper layers of your skin. They also contain a higher concentration of active ingredients so it’s like a helpful bouncer that also helps your products be more effective! It’s especially helpful to use a serum if you have fine lines, scarring, or acne. Hyaluronic Acid Serum (my all time holy grail of serums), Magic stripes, Vitamin C
HYDRATE After you’ve applied your serum you’ll want to hydrate with a light yet effective moisturizer. I have extremely dry skin so this step is definitely needed for me, but if you have oily or acne prone skin I don’t necessarily think this step is a must for you. Just remember the more you strip your skin of moisture (try not to use alcohol based products), the more it will over produce oil hence causing more breakouts and more oillll. Embryolisse, Olay, Mario Badescu, Acure
The NUMBER ONE contributing factor to premature aging of your skin is the sun. Second is the way you sleep … yaaas I know! More on that later. Remember that UVA protects you from AGING rays and UVB protects you from BURNING rays. So I love using a full spectrum SPF and these are some of my faves: COOLA (mineral based woot!), Clarins, Shiseido, Neutrogena
EYE CREAM EYE CREAM EYE CREAM!!! Can you tell I’m really all about eye cream?! The eyes have it baby, no matter what, your eyes and your hands will reveal all the things. The skin around our eyes is the thinnest of all our face, hence we age their the quickest, and why we get pesky fine lines and wrinkles there first because, thin skin. The tricky part of using eye cream is to find one that you can use around your entire eye not just underneath it. Most eye creams are designed to thicken the skin which you don’t want to have on your upper eye lid, so either apply it only beneath your lower lashes or use a cream designed for your entire eye like Algenist 360. Remember to use your ring finger (it’s the weakest and has the most padding … go ahead give it a feel) and to pat pat pat, in and up towards your nose. Never drag your skin out and down. Think “defy gravity baby cells”! I know I sound insano but I promise, this is the way. THE ONLY WAY *said in evil voice, but with a smile: Algenist 360, Shiseido, Mario Badescu, Garnier
EXFOLIATE Ok last one I promise! For now at least 😀 I like to exfoliate my skin 3 times a week. Sounds like a lot but I started off with once a week and then worked my way up to 3. You definitely don’t want to over exfoliate your face but exfoliation is imperative for skin renewal and cell turnover. As we age we lose collagen in our skin (and we produce less of it like why?!), those are the proteins that give us firmness and shape, ya know- taking our raisin like cells and plumping them up into big ol’ grapes! Clinique, Kate Somerville, Clarasonic, Tatcha
Alrighty, that’s it!!! Those are the steps I take daily. Daily y’all! There are other things I do too, like night treatments, skin masks, facials, hydration, lifestyle blah blah blahs but I’ll stop there for now because honestly it doesn’t matter what you do so long as you take up a simple skincare regimen and play it on repeat.
I have to say this for myself, but for you too if ever it feels like you’re feelin like your skin has lost it’s luster. We CAN age gracefully! BUT we shouldn’t put so much emphasis on how young we look or how youthful our skin is. C’est la vie baby. But hey, this is also coming from the girl who just wrote a book on skincare for you here lol
Is there anything here you weren’t using before that you saw here and will start implementing? What is your favorite skin care product?!
Looking back, as a teenager I thought I had terrible skin. I mean I broke out like any normal hormone-raged, pubescent teen would but I really thought I had a problem. Like, I made my dad buy me acne pills and I tried every face wash you could think of. I was 12 and no medication or face astringent on the planet could do away with my breakouts. Now as an adult, I’m breaking out and it’s unlike a normal adult woman should. The only difference between then and now is that I knew then what was triggering my breakouts.
By process of elimination I realized that my problem was that I wasn’t cleaning my cosmetic brushes AND makeup enough. I was doing everything I needed to in terms of keeping my skin clean, but I was being pretty lazy when it came to daily maintenance of the products that touch my skin every dang day. Imagine the bacteria . . . ewww gross. S0 today I’m sharing with you my DIY daily brush spritz and a super simple way to deep cleanse your brushes weekly. So for the daily brush spritz you’ll need an empty spray bottle, mineral water, alcohol, your favorite essential oil, and some cotton balls or paper towels.
– fill the spray bottle 70% full of water and then fill it up another 30% with alcohol
– add in 9-11 drops of your favorite essential oil (I love lavender!), give it a good shake and then spray a few spritzes onto a paper towel or tissue paper and swirl your brushes around (in a back and forth motion) until they’re clean.
– air dry
*the alcohol will cleanse and disinfect your brushes, the essential oil will recondition them since alcohol is very drying and pungent, and the water will help to dilute the mixture and the alcohol. You can use this method daily to give your brushes a nice quick cleaning so that during the week you aren’t reintroducing old makeup and bacteria onto your skin, hence the pesky breakouts.
About once a week or so I’ll deep cleanse my brushes since even my daily cleanser isn’t always enough. Most makeup shampoos can be a bit pricey especially if you’re washing up to 20 brushes! *raises hand* so I’m bringing back an old favorite that you may have seen before! For this DIY brush shampoo/conditioner you’ll need a mild shampoo, olive oil, and a plate for mixing. Simple right?!
– pour equal parts of the shampoo and olive oil onto the plate and use your brush to combine the mixture and to saturate the bristles with the combination
– use the palm of your hand to swirl the brush around and create suds (back and forth and swirls onto your palm) until you’ve gotten most of the pigment out
– run the brush under tepid water until the water runs clear and your brushes are clean
– reshape the brush and then lay them flat or at least bristles down, so that they air dry without allowing the water to enter the handle of the brush and rusting your goods
*the shampoo is effective yet mild enough to deep cleanse your brushes weekly and the olive oil with recondition them
Don’t forget to disinfect your makeup and tools at least once a week also! So your pressed powders, palettes, and tools should all get a nice lil alcohol bath simply using alcohol and a cotton round. This will keep your makeup clean and your skin clean too!
To see all of this in action check out the tutorial I did on my YouTube channel and please subscribe if you haven’t already! I love doing stuff like this!
How often do you clean your brushes, makeup, and tools?! Do you fellas out there clean your stuff too? You totally should!
My recent adventures to Palm Springs and Las Vegas have had me reaching and grabbing for some of my favorite summertime skin care items! This summer is heating up with some record breaking temperatures so I want to share with you what’s in my beach bag! From skincare to haircare, all the way to how to look sexy AND stay cool, it’s all here!
This was our view from our sunny spot at the Avalon Bungalows! I mean, it doesn’t get any more perfect than enjoying fresh coconut water from a REAL coconut, pool side with your best girlfriends! We ordered all the foods, all the beverages, and yes – I even busted into my coconut for that coconut meat, with a BUTTER KNIFE! I am a true Chamorro girl! With my islander roots and savage ways, nothing was going to keep me away from that coconut! haha *you should’ve seen everyone’s faces!*
Have any fun summertime stories to share?! Do tell! It’s summer lets celebrate!
Today I’m sharing with you some of my most coveted items from last month in today’s #JessFaves video up on my channel now! Please Subscribe if you aren’t already! Monday’s are #LizamaMamaMoments where I share my stories as a teen mom and some things I’ve learned along the way, Wednesday’s are our #Beauty days, and Friday’s are for #JessFaves and #FunnyFridays where you’ll get a review or a sketch!
Watch the video to see partake in my favorite thing to do when I edit beauty videos “GOTTA HAVE IT!”, and below are the links to these magical tings and things!
For those times that we’re in a rush to get out the door, or when we’re forced to be in a mega-rush *ahem, shout out to my fiancé*, this foundation routine will meet those deadlines! Do you like how I’m referring to one of our morning rituals like it’s an employee of ours? Ha, well it is because it’s work!
Every few weeks I switch up my foundation routine, varying slightly depending on the weather, my mood, and how much time I’m given! Today’s post is all about my most recent “stay all day, look fab all night” routine. It’s quick, it’s simple, and it requires just a few minutes in the morning – but those few minutes will have you feeling and looking like a goddess! Pssst, no one will ever know that you didn’t spend forever getting ready <3 This is our super power.
1. Prime and prep– you need a good base for your foundation so that it glides on smoothly and evenly. This primer is one of my favorites, it’s hyaluronic acid based, illuminating, and light as a feather!
2. Foundation is the foundation– I’m funny I know. So everyone has their favorite whether it’s a cream, powder, or liquid. This happens to be in my top 3. It’s buildable, offers up great coverage, and still manages to look ultra natural
3. Brush it or leave it – the most convenient way for me to apply foundation to my skin is with my fingertips, but I’ve read so many reviews on this brush that I decided to give it try! I have to say, it’s hands down one of the best brushes ever; it has dense bristles, feels like cashmere against your skin, and gives you an airbrushed finished look
4. Conceal how much sleep we don’t get– my friend Ashlee introduced me to this little gem; it glides on smoothly, I love the precision of the pen, and it doesn’t crease hallelu
5. Powder up– I have dry skin so I don’t usually powder my entire face. So to make sure the concealer under my eyes doesn’t slide around, I use a fluffy brush to swipe on a setting powder and this one is finely milled enough that it’s not cakey at all
6. Contour– I’ve seen some people really go to town with contour and I’m not a huge fan of it, I think it alters the face a bit too much than what I’m comfortable with. Subtly contouring your face is flattering however, I usually do the hollows of cheeks and my nose. Subtle is sexy in my opinion but hey, opinions are like armpits
7. Set it and forget it– once all of your makeup is on, spray it, set it, and then you’re good for the entire day on through the night! This one is awesome and adjusts to the temperature of you skin. Don’t ask me how, I think it’s Science or something
8. Make ’em think you’ve just ran up a flight of stairs– oh that naturally flushed look. Well I’m not trying to run up any flights of stairs any time soon so I’ll stick to my rouge. This one is light enough as to not make you feel like Raggedy Ann, but bright enough to give you that healthy glow
9. Shine bright like a diamond– illuminators have been all the rage lately and I’m all in! I love how natural this cream is; you shine, but not like a fairy dumped her bag of sparkles onto your face, more like you’re an angel who’s descended just to run errands and make it to Trader Joe’s before the rest of the world
See! You can do all of that in just FIVE minutes! Maybe even less if you move fast! I mean, we’re magical, I believe in you!
I’ll link you here so you can see all of these steps in action over on my YouTube channel, subscribe to me if you haven’t already so that I’m not just making videos for my mom please and thank you. I love you mom.
What’s your go-to foundation routine? Is it a mineral powder, liquid, or a cream kind of regimen?
See you soon for some Pinterest DIY happenings … or mishaps if you know me <3
My skin care routine changes depending on the time of year and the time of day, are you this particular about skincare too? So today I wanted to share with you my current night time skincare regimen and just how I keep this 30-something skin of mine as youthful as I can!
First step is cleansing. I cleanse in the shower usually since I’m one of those ‘night time shower before bed’ kinda people. Takes me all of one minute, thank you handy dandy Clarasonic timer, and I alternate between a few different products depending on what day of the week it is, errr and what time of the month it is.
Clarasonics and cleansing systems of the like, are more effective at removing impurities and giving your skin a deeper cleanse than your finger tips would, so I highly recommend them. Start slowly with exfoliation so that you don’t irritate your skin, especially if you’re not used to exfoliating weekly.
1. Exfoliate: Even if you have another skin type than my own (I have very dry skin), it’s still important to exfoliate so that your skin is prompted to create more collagen and it provides a deeper cleanse than the every day cleanser gives you. I alternate between the Clinique 7 day scrub– I love this because it’s gentle enough to use daily though that’s not how I use it, and it doesn’t make my skin feel overly exfoliated. That’s a Monday, Friday routine and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I will use the Kate Somerville ExfoliKate because there’s something about it that is different than any other exfoliant I’ve used. Leaves your skin squeaky clean without over drying and it smells like the spa! I swear by these two. The Tatcha rice powder is wonderful for a quick deep cleanse that brightens up your face instantly! I use this on the weekends after a week full of makeup and movin’ n groovin’!
2. Cleanse and eye makeup removal: I love the Tula cleanser for these purposes because it’s gentle and foams up nicely. It also doesn’t irritate the sensitive skin around my eyes, and it’s light enough to use twice a day if I needed to. The Lush lip scrub I find quick and easy and takes only a few seconds to do the job- just scrub, rub, and rinse! 3. Tone: Right after the shower I will spray a few pumps of the Honest hydrating mist onto my face and while that is still drying I will go in with my serums. 4. Hydrate: Serums are the gate keepers between your skincare products and the layers deep within your face. Hyaluronic acid serum has got to be my number one go-to product for deep hydration and quick absorption. It’s something our skin already produces except in very low amounts and as we age, of COURSE we produce less of it. Oh joy. A few drops of this and then a few drops of Vitamin C will leave your skin soft and supple! 5. Seal and treat: Now that you have your serum on, you can hydrate with a moisturizer here or you can do what I do and seal all of those products in with a nice treatment! I’m in my 30’s so one of my ‘never-ever-forget-to-do’s’ is to use a treatment on my skin, something that will really plump up my skin like the PTR glycolic hydrating serum or the Ole Henriksen night treatment. Both of these are great for fine lines, acne scarring, and overall problematic skin. 6. All about the eyes: Since the skin around our eyes is the thinnest of all of our face, we age there the quickest. Oh joy! So use your ring finger and gentle pat and roll your eye cream from the outer corner of your eye, in towards your nose. Remember pat and roll and press and hold! That’s the secret! This eye serum is inexpensive and one of the best I’ve tried! My advice, start using an eye cream fresh out of the womb! And of course I drench my lashes in castor oil because it moisturizes and protects them, and keeps them healthy through all of the mascara and eye liner layers. It’s been a beauty secret for year past so lets keep it going for years to come! 7. Don’t forget your pout: Since you’ve scrubbed your lips and got them bright and smooth again, it’s time to moisturize them. For years I’ve been using this rose salve because it’s thick, smooth, and ultra hydrating. 8. Prevent turkey neck! Yup I said it, turkey neck y’all! If you’re under the age of 25 I’d say a neck treatment isn’t necessary, but for us babes who are 25+, a neck cream is a MUST! From your cleavage up (pecks up for you men out there) you should be cleansing, hydrating, and treating. You don’t want to have the face of a 19 year old and the neck of a 109 year old. I looove this Tula advanced neck cream because it’s thick like a balm but goes on smooth and doesn’t feel sticky at all. It’s extremely moisturizing and it’s packed full of probiotics and vitamins to replenish your skin and keep it young!
So there you have it! Eight steps to great skin, skin that is hydrated and healthy! This doesn’t take long at all by the way, 3-5 minutes tops is all it takes to end your day with some pampering and to start your night with some regenerating power! Go baby cells goooo!
On days I don’t wash my hair, more joys of color treated locks, I like to run a bit of oil into the ends to prevent drying and splitting. This argan oil is light enough to use daily and smells divine!
If you’d like to see these steps in action, head on over to my YouTube channel where I did a tutorial of this exact routine for you! And Subscribe if you haven’t already, fun and exciting things coming this year <3
Let me know what your number one beauty secret is! Is it a special cleanser, a mud from the Alps?!
Tell me so we can all obsess over these things together because, sharing! See you next week with some tips on how to survive the winter! *yes, this coming from a gal in LA, though this weekend we’ll be in Yosemite so I’ll be “experienced”!*
With summer upon us, the heat and humidity challenge us to find new ways to look and feel our best. Luckily, I’ve recently discovered some life saving products that keep me feeling, looking and smelling my best this season. Besides smelling great, they each come with an added plus: they are 100% natural and eco friendly. Each product listed below has been crafted from earth derived ingredients, which means no trace of harmful chemicals here! Not only are they perfectly suitable for all seasons of the year, they help you feel good and smell even better, all while sustaining the planet!
Schmidt’s Lavender + Sage Deodorant
I can faithfully declare that this is one of the few natural deodorants that actually work to successfully keep body odor at bay — and trust me, that’s saying a lot. I have conducted extensive research on effective natural deodorants, so I am pretty much a wiz at this stuff. Also a plus: It smells like fresh fields of lavender and is a perfect blend of both sage and lavender. The result? Magic. This is like wearing magic instead of deodorant. However, it is not an antiperspirant by any means which is the only downside. Fortunately it makes up for what it’s lacking in, in more ways than one. Schmidt’s is vegan, paraben-free, phthalate-free and cruelty free! Totally worth it if you ask me.
Acure Calming Lavender Body Lotion
It is important to note that keeping the skin hydrated in the summer is just as important as it is in winter! Seriously! Maintaining soft, healthy and moisturized skin is an extremely important thing for me considering I’ve been haunted by eczema since birth. Naturally, I was sent on an extensive search for an eco-friendly body lotion that smells good, calms my skin and keeps it real with natural ingredients. The formula is smooth and creamy, offering deep hydration all while rejuvenating dry skin and keeping the skin effortlessly aglow.
Weleda Skin Food
I love the way this smells and leaves my skin deeply moisturized and protected. My hands have a mind of their own and tend to get dry and rough whenever they feel like it. Use this on any dry area for deep moisture and antiseptic properties that calm irritation.
Acure Argan Cleansing Makeup Wipes
If you’re like me and at the end of the day think taking off makeup is too much of a hassle, then we’ve found our match. These wipes are gems because they are 100% biodegradable, vegan, sulfate free, paraben free, gluten free, cruelty free, and guaranteed not to clog your pores. I know, it’s a lot to absorb. They’re unscented so if you’re one of those that are sensitive to scents, look no further. Use them on your face and/or body to gently remove makeup, dirt, oil, glitter — whatever you need, they got your back. The argan oil infused in them are great for moisturizing skin and even hair. Nature’s products are all purpose!
Mrs. Meyer’s Clean Day Handsoap
Lastly, we have a hand soap that is absolute perfection, I don’t even know how they do it. Technically this isn’t a beauty product, but I think it deserves some love. When I discovered this basil scented soap a few years back, it’s all I stocked my house with. It’s fresh, crisp and all around lovely. Eventually, I discovered that Meyer’s also creates candles, all purpose cleaners, laundry detergent, dish detergent and so forth out of a variety of their signature fragrances. The soap itself is paraben free and made with ingredients that are atleast 98% naturally derived, which is something I can get behind. From face to hands, it’s important to notice what you’re putting on your body!
I hope this tiny guide was insightful! Enjoy this summer season and don’t forget to take care of your skin — and the earth!