The 90’s are back in a BIG way babies! I know I’ve said that before in previous posts and in videos but it’s true! I’m sooo excited about it that I’m dedicating an entire post to the time in fashion when parachute pants, pointy bras, and pagers were the shit!
Denim on denim! Remember that one time Britney and Justin wore full out matching denim outfits to the AMAs?! Yes it was 2001 but still! Not that denim could ever be out of style, but when you see denim layered with sheer tights (minus the one pant leg rolled up), denim skirts paired with crop tops, and denim jackets complete with patches . . . you know that if they were out of style, they’re back! And don’t forget the overalls, just ummm not with one strap down 😉
Chokers! If I’d known that these chokers would be back I would’ve kept all 193 of the ones my sister and I had in high school! They were wayyy cooler than the ones you see today IMO. Now you’ll find them all fabrics, all colors, and the bolo is my personal favorite. Remember the plastic tattoo chokers that we’d stretch over our heads and sport every day? Ya those!
ALL the kicks! Doc Martens, Adidas, Puma, Chucks, high tops, all of ’em! The pink Docs are for Corinne because she has this exact pair and I keep telling her that she’s the coolest! The Adidas came in different colors, what was your favorite? I had the black and white ones and I have them now too, which feels silly like I’m in High School again but they’ve become cool again so there’s that. I had Converse too, but the Walmart kind. Being there were 3 of us and we all wanted starter jackets, track suits, and cool shoes, my parents opted for the less expensive options.
Instead we got starter jackets from teams we’d never heard of (like the Leprechauns), metallic felt pajamas, and knock off Converse- which much to our saddness, was NOT metallic and peeled easily. Thanks mom and dad, we contribute our resilience to our childhood and having to defend ourselves and our rando knock off jelly shoes.
They say that all trends come back into style, we rotate and recycle all things because that’s the way of fashion. So long as mismatched leg warmers, side ponies, and shoulder pads don’t come back, we’re all good!
What are some trends coming back into style that you’re loving?! Or hating?!
The ONE YEAR countdown has begun! Planning is in full force over here, and this Saturday Joe, Corinne, and I head to Azul Beach for our very FIRST ever site visit! Cheers for our destination wedding! So today as part of my Bride Guide, I wanted to share with you some things I learned about destination weddings, site visits, and one of the destinations we decided on!
Ever since we decided on a destination wedding, we knew it would require travel for our guests and lots of planning. We wanted to give our loved ones a year to plan and prep, so accommodations, flights, food, and transportation were all on our “lets try and make this a doable thing for people”. I’m also keeping in mind that this is our dream wedding and a ‘tour’ wedding- so there will be two ceremonies, both very small and intimate.
Some things to do and ask when looking for your perfect destination:
what time of year do you want your wedding and what’s your dream destination
schedule site visits in that location with various hotels and venues so that you can actually see what that property looks like and have options. They can do a lot of things with a fish eye lens and photoshop!
do you have a guest list? If not, create one so you have a general idea of how many people are coming and how many rooms/accommodations you will require and what dinner plans will be
how’s the weather in the location at the time you plan on having your wedding there? Research other people’s experiences and do lots of fact checking on your venue from people who’ve been there. This is huge.
do you have a budget? This can be a deciding factor when it comes to destinations, you’ll know right away what’s realistic and what isn’t. Oh you mean I CAN’T get married in Iceland?! mkkayy
ask for wedding packages and rates before making a decision so you know what’s included in said price and what you’ll be paying extra for
Having gone through the list of questions to ask venues, doing a ton of location dreaming, and hours of researching, we decided that we want to get married in Mexico! Near Tulum in a breathtaking, beachy, dreamy kind of intimate ceremony!
Wowzer, I did a lot of googling, emailing, and phone conversations to narrow our search down. Joe and I went over timing, budget, guest list, and what we want, and we finally locked in a potential location! We’re all set to site visit this weekend at … drum roll please … Azul Beach by Karisma Hotels and Resorts! And THIS will be the view from our room!!!
I have to tell ya, this was NOT an easy decision, literally every property in Tulum and Playa Del Carmen is stunning and we wanted to be able to visit them all! But after getting all of the answers we needed in terms of wedding packages, what’s included, AND that this is an all-inclusive hotel, we were all in.
We actually get to see one of the beautiful ceremonial package in person this weekend which includes our wedding colors (earth tones, blushy pastels, and pops of color) <— sounds like every color imaginable right? lol but it also comes with a bouquet, welcoming drinks, dinner reception, and dancing among other things! I’m sure we’ll have more questions once we get there and sit down with our coordinator, but I’m just so excited to see it!
Karisma offers a bridal dress rehearsal where you get to see your wedding package choice and try the food that will be served at your wedding! Ummm can we say cake?!?!?! That’s another thing, when you ask for your package pricing, see what extras (though a wedding cake to me is a must) it comes with and what it doesn’t. You don’t want to get there and realize there is no DJ and no cake.
Literally all I want my guests to remember is the drinks, the dancing, and the love <333 The food and the location will be amazing but really, who remembers how pretty the napkins were or how extravagant the centerpieces were? No, people will be so happy to be celebrating your special day with you that it won’t matter to them if they have metallic gold-flaked napkins or paper mache ones!
Even though this is a trip for us to see the venue in person, experience the food and service before our big day, and see our set up come to life . . . it’s also a VACATION! I cannot wait to be horse bike riding and swimming in a cenote at El Dorado Royale! It’s a property also by Karisma and a location close to where we’ll be staying. So you can expect a full vlog video up on my channel when we get back because, ‘go-pro footage or it didn’t happen’ 😀 Follow us along on Instagram with #KarismaExperience and #LomasTravel!!!
Wedding planning can be overwhelming, I know I’m overwhelmed by every detail that comes with it. There are things I didn’t even think about before, I mean there should be a book about it! But also I have to remember that this isn’t stressful- I’m planning the best day ever with the love of my life, so why stress. I hope this helps you if you’re planning a destination wedding any time soon or know someone who is!
Do you have any other tips for me or other brides to be?! Please share <333
Okay so disclaimer; this isn’t for the faint of heart or the ‘all-in-one-step’ kind of regimen, because even for me this feels daunting! But we’re doing it! Lets be real though- I’m middle aged folks! Ewww who even says that out loud?! Haha I do and this is what 35 looks like. Don’t think I’ve ever even said that out loud here but honestly I’m just confirming everyone’s math with my ’16 and pregnant’ story and then calculating my daughter’s age, she’s 18 yowza. But I don’t even care because I feel better now, in my own skin than I ever did at 25! Crazy right?! So I want to share my secrets, tried and trusted methods with you- from my skincare, to stuff we already know but maybe don’t yet do.
Although a big part of the way we age is attributed to genetics, it’s also about skin care, lifestyle, and acceptance (lol that last bit is for myself!). We’re all going to age, it’s a part of life, and wrinkles and fine lines around our eyes show that we’ve lived happily and laughed often, BUUUUT I’ll be damned if I don’t go out without a fight aka preventative measures! So I’ve been doing the following steps since I was 19 and my mom became a Mary Kay consultant… and then so did I! I’ve included price points from drug store products I like to high end brands.
Even in my laziest, drunkest, most sleepiest of moments, I’ll ALWAYS take off my makeup. Always always always. If I can tell you ONE thing, it’s never to sleep in your makeup. I like to keep makeup remover wipes by my bed so that no matter what, I can just reach over, snag a wipe, and robotically wipe the day away without even having to get out of bed. Snaps for sleeps and no pants. Makeup remover wipes, Neutrogena wash, Fresh Soy Cleanser
TONE Applying a toner to my skin after I’ve cleansed it is a step that I don’t think I started doing until a few years ago because it was under rated. However, toners remove residual make up, dirt, and oil from your face that cleanser left behind. Put some on a cotton round and see the grime that comes off that you didn’t even think was possible. Witch hazel, Kate Somerville, Simple & soothing, Skin Laundry
SERUMSThink of serums as the red rope between your products and the deeper layers of your skin. They also contain a higher concentration of active ingredients so it’s like a helpful bouncer that also helps your products be more effective! It’s especially helpful to use a serum if you have fine lines, scarring, or acne. Hyaluronic Acid Serum (my all time holy grail of serums), Magic stripes, Vitamin C
HYDRATE After you’ve applied your serum you’ll want to hydrate with a light yet effective moisturizer. I have extremely dry skin so this step is definitely needed for me, but if you have oily or acne prone skin I don’t necessarily think this step is a must for you. Just remember the more you strip your skin of moisture (try not to use alcohol based products), the more it will over produce oil hence causing more breakouts and more oillll. Embryolisse, Olay, Mario Badescu, Acure
The NUMBER ONE contributing factor to premature aging of your skin is the sun. Second is the way you sleep … yaaas I know! More on that later. Remember that UVA protects you from AGING rays and UVB protects you from BURNING rays. So I love using a full spectrum SPF and these are some of my faves: COOLA (mineral based woot!), Clarins, Shiseido, Neutrogena
EYE CREAM EYE CREAM EYE CREAM!!! Can you tell I’m really all about eye cream?! The eyes have it baby, no matter what, your eyes and your hands will reveal all the things. The skin around our eyes is the thinnest of all our face, hence we age their the quickest, and why we get pesky fine lines and wrinkles there first because, thin skin. The tricky part of using eye cream is to find one that you can use around your entire eye not just underneath it. Most eye creams are designed to thicken the skin which you don’t want to have on your upper eye lid, so either apply it only beneath your lower lashes or use a cream designed for your entire eye like Algenist 360. Remember to use your ring finger (it’s the weakest and has the most padding … go ahead give it a feel) and to pat pat pat, in and up towards your nose. Never drag your skin out and down. Think “defy gravity baby cells”! I know I sound insano but I promise, this is the way. THE ONLY WAY *said in evil voice, but with a smile: Algenist 360, Shiseido, Mario Badescu, Garnier
EXFOLIATE Ok last one I promise! For now at least 😀 I like to exfoliate my skin 3 times a week. Sounds like a lot but I started off with once a week and then worked my way up to 3. You definitely don’t want to over exfoliate your face but exfoliation is imperative for skin renewal and cell turnover. As we age we lose collagen in our skin (and we produce less of it like why?!), those are the proteins that give us firmness and shape, ya know- taking our raisin like cells and plumping them up into big ol’ grapes! Clinique, Kate Somerville, Clarasonic, Tatcha
Alrighty, that’s it!!! Those are the steps I take daily. Daily y’all! There are other things I do too, like night treatments, skin masks, facials, hydration, lifestyle blah blah blahs but I’ll stop there for now because honestly it doesn’t matter what you do so long as you take up a simple skincare regimen and play it on repeat.
I have to say this for myself, but for you too if ever it feels like you’re feelin like your skin has lost it’s luster. We CAN age gracefully! BUT we shouldn’t put so much emphasis on how young we look or how youthful our skin is. C’est la vie baby. But hey, this is also coming from the girl who just wrote a book on skincare for you here lol
Is there anything here you weren’t using before that you saw here and will start implementing? What is your favorite skin care product?!
I once joined a fantasy football league just so that I could bring goodies and have gigglefests with my friends. As I began to pick my lineup based solely upon how “cute” I thought the players names were, I also realized that it was a BIG deal! So I decided to redeem myself by giving you 3 of the most yummiest best game day recipes ever! Even if you are only there for the food and fun, at least you’ll be contributing by way of deliciousness! Enjoy babies!
DESSERT PIZZA! A crowd pleaser and worthy of any occasion really, this ‘pizza’ takes 10 minutes to make and will be gone even quicker than that!
You’ll need:
– a small package of strawberries and blueberries
– (1) 8oz package of softened cream cheese
– 2 cups of Reddi-wip whipped topping
– 2 teaspoons sugar
– 2 tablespoons honey
– 2 tablespoons minced basil
– 1 crescent roll dough
Bake the ‘pizza’ crust per the instructions and while it’s baking cream together the whipped topping, honey, and cream cheese. In a separate bowl chop up the strawberries and blueberries, add in the sugar, and toss. Allow the pizza to cool, top it with the whipped cream cheese mixture, spread the berries on top and then sprinkle with the basil. ENJOY!
What you’ll need for the skewers:
– 5 boneless chicken breasts
– 1 can coconut milk
– 1/4 cup soy sauce
Method: cut the chicken into chunks and marinate for a few hours in a bowl with the coconut milk and soy sauce. You have time for the peanut sauce now!
– 1/4 cup Peter Pan creamy peanut butter
– 1/3 cup sweet and sour sauce
– 3/4 cup water
– 1 1/2 tablespoons soy sauce
– 1 1/2 tablespoons red pepper flakes
Once you’re ready to grill the skewers brown them until fully cooked and then combine the peanut sauce ingredient in a bowl and whisk together and ENJOY!
An oldie but goodie, this is a crowd favorite! I don’t think I’ve ever been to a sports gathering and not had a cheese dip or layered dip of some kind. This is spicy, creamy, and cheesy!
What you’ll need:
– a bag of your favorite chips (I love blue corn tortilla chips!)
– (1) 16 oz Velveeta cheese
– 1 can of vegetarian chili (or you can go with turkey or ground beef)
– 1 can of diced tomatoes with chilies
– paprika
Method: Cut the cheese into chunks and in a pot add in the cheese, chili, and drained can of tomatoes. Stir the mixture up over medium low heat until the cheese is melted and then sprinkle with a few dashes of paprika! DIP AND ENJOY!
If ever you invite me to your party or you see me out at an event, you’ll most likely find me near the snack table or food cart 😀
Do you have any special game day recipes?! I love trying new things, share with me what you like to bring to a cookout or game day gathering!
Looking back, as a teenager I thought I had terrible skin. I mean I broke out like any normal hormone-raged, pubescent teen would but I really thought I had a problem. Like, I made my dad buy me acne pills and I tried every face wash you could think of. I was 12 and no medication or face astringent on the planet could do away with my breakouts. Now as an adult, I’m breaking out and it’s unlike a normal adult woman should. The only difference between then and now is that I knew then what was triggering my breakouts.
By process of elimination I realized that my problem was that I wasn’t cleaning my cosmetic brushes AND makeup enough. I was doing everything I needed to in terms of keeping my skin clean, but I was being pretty lazy when it came to daily maintenance of the products that touch my skin every dang day. Imagine the bacteria . . . ewww gross. S0 today I’m sharing with you my DIY daily brush spritz and a super simple way to deep cleanse your brushes weekly. So for the daily brush spritz you’ll need an empty spray bottle, mineral water, alcohol, your favorite essential oil, and some cotton balls or paper towels.
– fill the spray bottle 70% full of water and then fill it up another 30% with alcohol
– add in 9-11 drops of your favorite essential oil (I love lavender!), give it a good shake and then spray a few spritzes onto a paper towel or tissue paper and swirl your brushes around (in a back and forth motion) until they’re clean.
– air dry
*the alcohol will cleanse and disinfect your brushes, the essential oil will recondition them since alcohol is very drying and pungent, and the water will help to dilute the mixture and the alcohol. You can use this method daily to give your brushes a nice quick cleaning so that during the week you aren’t reintroducing old makeup and bacteria onto your skin, hence the pesky breakouts.
About once a week or so I’ll deep cleanse my brushes since even my daily cleanser isn’t always enough. Most makeup shampoos can be a bit pricey especially if you’re washing up to 20 brushes! *raises hand* so I’m bringing back an old favorite that you may have seen before! For this DIY brush shampoo/conditioner you’ll need a mild shampoo, olive oil, and a plate for mixing. Simple right?!
– pour equal parts of the shampoo and olive oil onto the plate and use your brush to combine the mixture and to saturate the bristles with the combination
– use the palm of your hand to swirl the brush around and create suds (back and forth and swirls onto your palm) until you’ve gotten most of the pigment out
– run the brush under tepid water until the water runs clear and your brushes are clean
– reshape the brush and then lay them flat or at least bristles down, so that they air dry without allowing the water to enter the handle of the brush and rusting your goods
*the shampoo is effective yet mild enough to deep cleanse your brushes weekly and the olive oil with recondition them
Don’t forget to disinfect your makeup and tools at least once a week also! So your pressed powders, palettes, and tools should all get a nice lil alcohol bath simply using alcohol and a cotton round. This will keep your makeup clean and your skin clean too!
To see all of this in action check out the tutorial I did on my YouTube channel and please subscribe if you haven’t already! I love doing stuff like this!
How often do you clean your brushes, makeup, and tools?! Do you fellas out there clean your stuff too? You totally should!
I hope everyone’s been enjoying the long weekend and Labor day festivities! I’m falling in line here with all the “sale posts” because who doesn’t love a good sale from one of your top brands and usual suspects!
So today is all about the Labor Day sales happening and how to capitalize on them so that your top 3 fashion essentials carry over to every piece in your wardrobe. Maximize your basics for that pazazzzz baby!
2) Accessorize! Until the wheels fall off, whatever that means! I’m telling you, take even an old band tee, some distressed jeans, slip on kicks, and kick it up a notch just by adding some baddy accessories! It’ll give even the most disheveled outfit that “I’m trendy and cute without even trying (but you’re totally trying!)” look! SALE NOW AT:URBAN OUTFITTERS, EXPRESS,
3)Boots! And booties! Fall is approaching and we all know this because candy corn, costumes, and booties are being placed on shelves … ALREADY! But booties are you new bestie this coming season because you can dress them up, dress them down, and it’ll give even the most casual ensemble, that ‘pulled together and collected’ vibe! SALE NOW AT DSW!
It really is true that every trend eventually makes it’s way back around again to be a relevant ‘thing’ that we all do . . . even the MC Hammer parachute pants, oh yes!
I’ve seen a lot of trends peek their way behind the 90’s curtain and into this summer’s fashion and I can’t say that I don’t love it. Actually, I’m really happy that comfort IS a trend!
Off the shoulder, denim, rompers, jumpers, overalls . . . over all, these trends make me so happy because it’s a one piece outfit, and BOOM, you look so PULLED TOGETHER!
Overalls– in the early 90’s overalls were my jam and they’re baaaack! And in a big way! Paired with a tank or tee, just slip on some bright closed toe pumps and you’re the new Summer 2016.
Rompers– I mean, I’ve been living in these this summer. They’re comfortable, stylish, sexy, and I don’t have to think about it which is the BEST part! This summer has been all about blush tones, bold prints, and off the shoulder. Shoulder cut outs are big this summer (as seen above) much the same way that shoulder pads were a thing of the 80’s. *please say that shoulder pads will never make a comeback*
Jumpsuits– Also another favorite of mine that has been on repeat this whole summer. We’ve seen a lot of off the shoulder, shoulder cut out, and key hole details with these classy and comfortable pieces. You’ll notice the same color scheme with the bold colors, bold prints, and denim. Bring on the denim!
All of these styles can be accessorized to be casual or dressed up in a way that make them stand out pieces!
What’s been your favorite trend to come out this summer?!
I’m so excited to share this series with you and I’m also creating videos for it on my YouTube channel! Welcome to the Bride Guide, from yours truly! Because, those that can’t do, teach and I’ll be the first to admit that I suck at planning! Like really I’d rather have someone else just tell me where to be and when ha! Realistically though I’m a control FREAK so I’m giving you my tips and tricks to staying bright and breathing and never turning into the huffing puffing bridezilla, from the control freak in me to the control freak in you!
So the part of wedding planning that I found to be the most stress inducing (ahem the entire ‘planning’ part of it duh) has become the most fun to do … once I relied on other sources to do it for me of course! Today I’m sharing with you my bride guide to planning your big day with ease, featuring some of the sites I’m currently using to prep, plan, style, and SAVE with my top 5 wedding planning tips!
1. Create a site– a landing page for guests and a place to get information surrounding your wedding. If I have a ton of questions I can’t imagine the questions my guests would have and creating a site for this puts it onto one place- the who, the where, the what, the when, the hows! You’ve probably heard of Martha Stewart weddings and The Knot, and I love checking in on those sites to see if I’m on track with the planning ‘time line’ (oh yeah, there’s a freaking time line to follow! No pressure!), but I’m using for my actual wedding site and reception hub. It feels daunting but it’s super user friendly and if I can navigate it, your tortoise probably can too! You design the page, you fill in the information, create your own personalized link, and boom, you’re like a pro baby!
2. Set a date and pick a location– I feel like these two go hand in hand because if you plan on a destination wedding *raises hands and feet* than timing becomes crucial depending on time of year, weather conditions, and travel. Also, when you set a date the next natural thing to do is pick your location which takes away 99.9% of stress, at least for me it did. I’m living and breathing by THIS blog by JetFete which caters to destination wedding planning, and helps you narrow down your options, sift through all the possibilities, and goes through every question you may have lingering when it comes to planning a wedding away from home.
3. Food, flowers, and such– choosing a vendor that offers prime location, handles decorating for you, and provides food AND beverage service is like a dream come true! But lets face it, most vendors aren’t all inclusive, thus you’re left to fend for yourself. I got your back though, CaratsAndCake is a site that allows you to shop your vendors ACCORDING TO LOCATION (whoa! and hence pick your location first) with the help of other brides who’ve already had their weddings and link you out to each of the services they used. Genius right?!?!?! So you go through the albums, it features photos from their wedding and the links to their vendors from food, to their dress, to decorations and flowers! These links are located at the bottom of the post which takes you to a page with other work the company has done, and from there you can contact the vendor directly.
4. Take photos and send Save The Dates!– taking lovey dovey pictures are the fun part! You get to look all kissy and fishy faced with the love of your life … in front of strangers, and hold poses that seem awkward but look sexy! Then you send those to your family and friends as Save The Dates and RSVP cards 😀 Postable is like oxygen to me right now because it gathers the mailing address and contact information from all of your guests and puts them into one place for you. So when you’re ready to mail out your invitations simply upload or export that information to your stationary person or print them off yourself and you’re set! It’s a free service and you create a personalized link which you then email your guests with. It takes them to the landing page where they fill out their information and it goes directly to you, never shared (that was a big deal for me). You could use this for holidays, special occasions, and birthdays since you update the list yourself throughout the year.
5. Register and receive– gifts! The super duper fun funners part! Well it’s all fun but I mean c’mon, wahooo gifts!!! Sites like The Knot, Honey Fund, and others also allow your nearest and dearest to either purchase a gift from your registry or contribute to your honeymoon. Since I will both register for gifts AND ask for honeymoon perks, I’m using NewlyWish. With group gifting options and a low cash fund fee, it was just the way to go for us. I also never know what I need or want- I want it all, but this site helps you skim through products and add them to your list with a click of a button . . . ummm yes please!
So I realllllly hope this post helped you if you’re planning a wedding, helping someone else plan theirs, or will be planning in the future! There are so many resources out there like Etsy and Pinterest that give you a plethora of options when it comes to story boards and sharing ideas, and gift giving! However these are the sites I’m currently using to organize my thoughts and plans for my own wedding and I wanted to share them with you before things start to get cray lol.
There are some key things left out of this article like dress shopping and timelines, which will be woven in between all of this, but these were the items that I needed to check off my list in order to settle the nerves and be able to function and get shit done in my life so there ya go! And cheers to you <333
Are there any sites or companies you use for planning a wedding or special occasion?
Growing up an Army brat I moved every three years, at least. Which makes me really comfortable with being uncomfortable. You know, that feeling you get when you move to another city or explore a town you’ve never been to, I live for that feeling. So I’ve made it my summer to-do in exploring a new destination each month, and today I’ll share with you a piece of paradise I found close to home, Palm Springs.
I stayed at the Avalon Hotel for my friend Miya’s birthday and what I love most about this boutique hotel is the customer service and its attention to every detail. If you’re looking for a quiet getaway complete with on site bicycles, 3 heated pools, health spa, fine dining, and a bungalow lifestyle, than this is the place for you!
With the desert setting and magnificent mountain views, you’ll really enjoy one of their poolside rooms! Ummm and can we talk about the decor?! I mean . . . clean, super bright, with pops of color, it’s got that retro feel with a modern finesse! I’m just completely obsessed with this place! I’ve found that in many cases, such a beautiful hotel will have not-so-comparable dining services, but this is not the case with the Avalon. Five JessQuests stars to their Avalon Burger *ahem grass-fed short rib sirloin*, and my absolute favorite, their fruit cart (pictured above)- complete with chili and lime *drool*!
We were greeted with complimentary champagne and fruit upon our arrival (birthday surprises!), our glasses were never empty during pool side celebrations, and every necessity was met with the friendliest smiles and the warmest of staff members! If you’re ever passing through Los Angeles or make your way to Palm Springs, definitely drop by the Avalon and tell Ezekiel we said hello!
Do you have a favorite local getaway?! Summer is almost over, have you checked any to-do’s off your list?