Helping With Hyundai

Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” – MLK

Ever since Corrine was little I’d try and do things with her that would teach her to be empathetic. I think one of the greatest things we can do for one another as humans (and to teach our children) is to practice empathy and selflessness. So whether it was donating some of her gifts to children less fortunate than her, serving meals at Thanksgiving, and mentoring children at The Mission together in downtown L.A., it was a way for us to give back to our community and practice gratitude even when we were struggling ourselves and graciousness didn’t come so easily.

I was a single mom, a teen mom… and I remember that even the smallest gestures of kindness made such a huge impact on my life. I worked two jobs when Corrine was little and on the weekends to make ends meet, I’d pull overtime where I’d bring her to work with me and I’d set her up in a sleeping bag near the foot of my desk. She’d watch SpongeBob (the ONE episode she had) on repeat while I’d work from 5am-noon. My manager Karen at the time was so wonderful to let me do that because over time was a privilege and she allowed me to do this for months.

Girlfriends of mine would bring extra lunch to work and share it with me, for Christmas my friends would give me gas gift cards and donate wrapping paper for me to wrap presents with… just a few of the sweetest things that would mean nothing to someone else meant everything to me. So I really try and teach my daughter to give back when and where she can because if we’re in the position to help someone, why wouldn’t we? They say it takes a village to raise a child, well it also takes a village to help keep your head up when you’re down and out. 2020 was a perfect reference point for that and we all came together to help one another. I’d love to keep that theme going.

You’ve seen on my Instagram how proud we are to be a part of the Los Angeles Hyundai fleet. My Kona boo and I bop around town, choosing a different organization to highlight and help each month. For December we partnered with Hyundai to provide infant and toddler essentials to the families in need at the Good Shepherd Shelter (to help end domestic violence and rebuild lives) and donate to the CHLA. For January I picked up your donations from all around the Los Angeles area to donate to the Good Shepherd Shelter (new and unused items) and to the Mission (used items and goods) and I just wanted say thank you for being a part of this with me.

You’ve helped to restore hope for individuals and families, provided essentials that we wouldn’t think twice about not having, and purged your closets for donations … I’m so honored to be a part of this community. Please join me in continuing on with this mission, for the month of February I’d love to pick up where we left off in November with the food drive. There are a lot of non-profit organizations around L.A. as I’m sure there are in your communities, so if you’re local email me or DM me! Let’s try and feed 100+ families together this month <3

Food, water, shelter, and safety … these are the things I believe to be a human right and the fact that so many go without in the world of abundance that we live in is just incomprehensible to me. So I’d love it if you’d help me by A) donating canned goods and non perishable food items for me to pick up B) list some of your favorite organizations that we can all help and highlight in the coming months and C) tell me what you’re doing in your local community that we can support you with.

Helping with Hyundai means helping in our communities, activating our neighborhoods to reach out and give back where we can. I appreciate you, I love that we’ve been doing this together, and I hope I get to see your smiling faces (through masks… smile with those eyes haha!) very soon as we make our way around town this month.

Was philanthropy something you learned as a child or something you got involved with more as an adult?

p.s. my email is [email protected] and my IG handle is here

The Re-Introduction

we only let people see what we want them to see

Happy 2021 to you! Since we’re in a new year and a lot has changed, I thought I’d re-introduce myself. I’ll share some fun facts about me and maybe some things you didn’t know and I’d love for you to share some fun facts about you and how we know each other?

New media can be tricky. People think they know you by a flash of your smile or the furrow of your brow, but really we only let people see what we want them to see. If we show them that we’re crazy, they think we’re crazy. If we show them that we’re buttoned up with not a worry in the world, that’s exactly what they think. Well this year I’d like to be more transparent and talk about some things we haven’t talked about in depth before. But I’ll save that deep dive for next time, for now let’s have some fun.

  • <from the beginning> I’m the eldest of 3, I have a younger brother and sister. I’m an 80’s baby and a 90’s kid. When I went to middle school and high school artists like MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, and every girl band and boy band you can imagine were making music videos. Those were the days of MTV, Kids Incorporated, Fraggle Rock, The Smurfs, and 80’s teenage movies. They sure don’t make ’em the way they used to that’s for damn sure
  • <the real stuff> I was a teen mom. At 16 I had my daughter Corrine who is now 23 and thriving. We broke the statistic that says teen parents have children who then become teen parents themselves… buhbyyyeeee! I’m so proud to call her my daughter and even prouder of the independent woman she’s grown into. As for me, I’m still young at heart and I hope that never changes
  • <the not so glamorous real stuff> I got kicked out at 16, re-entered my home just before C was born, got married at 18, divorced at 22, went through an intense almost 6 year custody battle with no lawyer (this was one of the hardest moments of my life), slept in my car with my baby, couch surfed with people who I thought were my friends who used me and stole my furniture (can you tell I’m still not over this?), had my face bruised up by exes and my spirit broken down by many, had my confidence crushed like most people in life, and some how by the grace of God and that lil face looking to ME for how to cope in life … I kept my shit together long enough to get through each day. Honestly, I think I blacked out for like 18 years
  • <the dramatic af love life> I don’t regret any part of my life or any decision I made about love, even if it left me feeling like love was only a thing for romantic novels. My first husband gave me my daughter and I regret nothing. My first girlfriend outside of adolescence gave me a kind of love I’d never experienced. There were other boyfriends and girlfriends before my second husband. He showed me that love doesn’t have to be toxic or volatile and that calmness in a relationship is vital. My current relationship is such a magical mixture of love, passion, presence, calmness, craziness, and stability. I regret nothing
  • <just for funs> I have the greatest friends in all the world. I love tequila. Royal blue is my favorite color. Black, grey, and white make up 99.99% of my closet. I’m a sucker for sweets. I’m selfish. I love being a mom. I love LOVE. I love country music. I love being hyper feminine. I’m addicted to skin care and fragrances. I could eat rice every day of my life and feel complete. I’m Chamorro (my mom was born and raised in Saipan and we have family in Guam. Hafa Adai!) and Irish (my dad has blue eyes and dark hair with the fairest skin). I’m 39 and proud of that more than I was to be 29 … woof what 10 years can teach you. I like try to spend my money on experiences and not fancy hand bags though I really really love those too! I didn’t go to college until I was 26. I love therapy and I believe that mental health is everything. I’m an Aries. I’ve never had any face work done (though that’s not to say it won’t be in my future, I am 39) and my huge knockers are real too… real expensive. I’ll stop there for now

I’m an open book! Email me, DM me, find me and ask me… <3

Tell me some fun facts about you and how you found me. I love knowing where you’re fun and what makes you tick, talk to me.

It’s A Heluva Holiday To Give Back

to dip or double dip, that is the question

This post was sponsored by Heluva Good! Dip as part of an Influencer Activation, like always, all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

So chips and dips… I will use any portal necessary to get the biggest bite from my dip, anyone else with me on this???

I’m proud of my snacking skills, my hosting abilities, and how HUMBLE I sound right now haha I’m also really passionate about working with companies that are philanthropic. You’ve seen me talk about this during the release of my Gift Guides this month so you’ll understand why I’m proud to have teamed up with Heluva Good! Dips and Walmart today!

I love that we’re helping to raise awareness about 1) their delicious dips and 2) ’tis the season of giving and Heluva Good! Dip will be donating a portion of sales to Toys for Tots that will run through the remainder of the year. I mean, talk about my two favorite things teaming up … spreading dips and spreading joy.

Dips make for delicious snacks perfect for anytime aka when everyone is waiting for dinner to be made this holiday season, just set out some chips (and some pita, oh and some crackers too) and Heluva Good! Dips for them. This is a for sure crowd pleaser every time!

Easy snacking, a time to gather around the table and catch up with friends and family, chips and dip are nostalgic for me. During this time of year when we can’t be with our families due to the pandemic, it’s so wonderful to have some tradition here at home. My mom always had her favorites in the fridge and can you guess what it was? French Onion! That’s my go-to flavor as well, it’s so creamy and SO yummy.

If you’re passionate about benefitting great causes and supporting brands that are like minded, please join me in purchasing your Heluva Good! Dip at Walmart or (pssst available for pick up or Walmart grocery delivery) and help donate to Toys for Tots this month. How convenient and wonderful it is to do some good, simply by purchasing something your family will enjoy while helping to make someone else’s holiday just as wonderful.

It’s a Heluva Holiday to give back … see what I did there? 😉

Happy holidays from me and mine to you and yours <3

Gift Guide – For The Littles

for the munchkins and anyone who is young at heart

Even though I created this gift guide specifically for the littles in our lives, I think anyone on your list would love to receive them because they’re all so fun! Let me explain.

Food Between Friends Cookbook – best friends Julie and Jesse (Julie is my friend and her stories will make you want to cook all the things!) whip together their favorite recipes, putting their own Southern and Southwestern spins on them in this cookbook perfect for your family! Teach ’em how to cook young, let them help you put the ingredients together, and share time in the kitchen with them … this is still one of my favorite things to do with Corrine. Available now for pre-order, March 9th is the day! I’m including it now because this kind of gift is perfect for any time of year

Annoying Orange plush toys – pssst, did you know that yours truly is the voice of Lil Sis, Annoying Orange’s little sister?! I represent other characters in the YouTube series and have been friends with the creators for over 10 years now. I’m so proud to include them in my gift guide and what they’ve accomplished, and I know your little (or your friends) would be proud to have a plush toy like this around. Squishiesss are all the rage

Valerie Confections – the most decadent of treats, this local treasure was founded by chocolatier Valerie Gordon and her partner Stan Weightman Jr. A perfect gift for the littles under the tree this year and anyone who loves a sweet treat! She’s also offering holiday menus if you live in the Los Angeles area, check it out

Paper Please stationary and gifts – founded by my friends Christine & Friedia, this local stationary shop has all of your paper needs and adorable gifts to include this holiday season. I especially love their puzzles, books, and sticker sets that you can decorate together with your little ones. Get artsy!

This Saves Lives treats – besides being delicious and nutritious, this bar saves lives. With every purchase from This Saves Lives you send a packet of life-saving food to a child in need, providing a packet of powerful peanut paste full of vitamins and nutrients specifically made to treat severe acute malnutrition. I really wanted to include this philanthropic company because … what a wonderful way to get your kiddos to eat well than to present it to them in this most beautiful packaging! I’ve had almost every one of their snack bars and I’m here to tell you that when you purchase a box for the littles, purchase a box for yourself too

And there you have it! The last of my gift guides this holiday season, I have one more treat for you coming up this Friday. I really wanted to showcase my friend’s companies, highlight local businesses to support, and encourage everyone to shop small when you can. Me love you.

Will this be for him, for her, for the littles, or for the ones that have it all?

Discovering Torrance – Best Western Plus Avita Suites- Cheers to venturing more in 2020!

It’s a new decade darlings, can you believe it?! Welcome to 2020… we’re in it and we’re also just coming off of a two week break where we didn’t know what day it was, what time it was, and if we were ever going to change out of footed pj’s. So now that we’re back into the full swing of things I want to share a few of my personal goals with you. I think it’s so wonderful when we can get real with each other and spark creativity in one another. I read a great quote the other day that had so many meanings to me, “one year closes so another can open”. 

So good right? So one of my goals this year is to travel more, to hit reset on my mind and my heart when I need it, and to not feel guilty about it. Even if it’s just jumping in my car and visiting a neighboring city, I’ve got to do it in the name of adventure. I was inspired to take more time to explore my own city when Discover Torrance reached out to me for a staycation. ‘Ummm yes please’, is what I think I responded with. 

The idea of a staycation always encourages me to relax without worrying about taking a flight out or being too far away from family and financial responsibilities. So I packed my bags and headed to the Best Western Plus Avita Suites in Torrance. Sweet Suites, it’s an award-winning-all-suite boutique hotel and was so close to everything I wanted to do during my stay I couldn’t wait to get there. So with my itinerary in hand I checked into my suite and found it very difficult to peel myself from the cozy bed to hit the town on our night one haha. 

My next article will share in detail all of my recommendations for where to go, what to do, things to eat, best desserts to find, and local favorites in Torrance. Today I want to share my experience at this beautiful hotel and share that you can book with them here

I wouldn’t usually describe lobbies as inviting and beautiful but let me tell you, this lobby was inviting, comfortable, and beautiful. I actually blurted out at the front desk, “how pretty is this?! I have to take some photos before I check in”. 

It was bright and festive, the staff was so welcoming… and so was this cushy bed! Every room is a suite so they each have a seating area, office area, and kitchenette. Here’s a fun walk through…more like dance through of my room! Imagine Mariah Carey’s voice singing as I dance you about the suite.

Once I settled in and unpacked… P.S. am I the only one who get SO excited about hotels that I have to unpack all of my belongings before doing anything else? AKA I hang my clothes in the closet, utilize the robe, put my keys in the safe, and place all of my toiletries out ha! I’m saving the rest of my excitement to share all of the things we did, the foods we ate, the drinks we drank, the desserts we hunted, ALL the things that we took in during our time in Torrance.

For today you get to hear me dish all about these digs and the hospitality and generosity we were shown while on our staycation at the Best Western Plus Avita Suites in Torrance. Can we just talk about how much joy complimentary breakfasts bring us all? Haha talk about breakfast, this was a full blown buffet with options like home-made waffles, a yogurt and bagel station, fresh fruit, and every cereal and topping you can imagine. 

I indulged and had a little bit of everything Cafe Avita had to offer, here’s a peek above. After all that yummy food I had to get some cardio in and build energy for the day’s events to eat our way through the town! It’s so nice when the place you’re staying at has a gym, it encourages you to stick with your goals, and it completely helps that they have weights and not just a standard treadmill…yayy options! 

It was truly so relaxing to stay at this destination for two nights and made coming back after a fun filled day of adventures and foodie times just all the more spectacular. I do hope you get a chance to visit our home away from home, Torrance which is just a town over from us. The staff, the amenities, the views, the food, all of it … I’m so grateful to have been able to relax for a few days before heading back to reality of the grind and hustle. 

This was just before the holidays and could not have come at a more necessary time. Please scroll back through and enjoy the images, I hope you loved my dancing walk through of our suite, and come back on Monday for my complete guide to Torrance <3

Staycations… you ever been on one? What is a destination close to home that you’ve been dreaming of visiting? I hope Los Angeles is on your list and I hope you check out Torrance and where I stayed while you’re here! 

I’m including links for you here because that’s love haha xx




Suck It Up Buttercup – A Lesson In Saving Your Damn Self

I grew up with three dads. It’s a beautiful story and I love all my dads, they each play a different role in my life. The daddio who raised me was my Drill Sergeant dad. He raised us on tough love and discipline, we were like little soldiers with chores and rules, and we lived on military bases for most of my life- you get the picture.

I didn’t know this until I was much older, but there were a lot of lessons there in the things he’d say to us. LOL the story of everyone’s childhood eh? So I looked up the literal definition of, “suck it up” because it was something I’d hear on the daily. It read: Accept a hardship

Suck it up Miss Priss he’d say

My dad used to tell my siblings and I to suck it up and I was referred to as, ‘Miss Priss’. I was girly and I loved raiding my mom’s makeup bag and wearing her jewelry. I’d prance around in her stilettos before I even knew how to walk properly in them, and my sister and I would have fashion shows- we’d even dress up my brother! I thought I was a Princess. Some things never change 😉

I’m the oldest of three and I’d think to myself, ‘why do I have to be tough like my brother and why do I have to be in charge of everyone?’. I’d get into a lot of trouble if my brother or sister got into trouble so we looked out for one another, we were the three best friends that anyone’s ever had. And I’ve taken that phrase and have said it out loud to my self, I’ve said it to my daughter, I’ve even said it to my puppers when they look at their kibble like ‘wtf’. I was taught to be tough so I thought everyone else should be too. It’s the way I parented.

to accept something is to give it consent

I don’t necessarily consent to anything in life that has sharpened my edges. But I’ve learned from all of them, I’ve let some of that shit go (literally balled those moments up in my fist and dropped em out my window, and onto the freeway), and moved on from anything that didn’t grow me. I used to resent it when I was told to suck it up, it made me feel like I wasn’t given permission to hurt or feel. But it wasn’t that at all, I just wasn’t given permission to whine about it. “Why waste your energy on something out of your control?”… ummm couldn’t my dad have just said that? I was and I am allowed to hurt, to feel, and to be emotional. I just won’t whine about it… for long any way.

We don’t have to accept anything. But we can use things that would usually bid resistance and instead apply them to be the driving force behind what keeps us moving. Think of it like this: we are in control . . . of nothing. How we react is everything and if we can just take all the bullshit, all the wrenches that get thrown in our (very overly controlled) plans, the interactions with mean people and all the suck-ass situations in life, and if we can just “suck it up” for a moment- I’ve realized that there’s more that’ll keep you going than there are things that’ll knock you down baby.

I’m grateful for never being saved

When no one comes to save you, you become fully aware that you don’t need anyone to save you. You understand clearly that you can save your gahtdamn self. And I did. And you will. And you have. Read that again <3

Can you think of moments in your life where you actually saved your own ass from something and thought, “f*ck, I’ve totally got this.”? Click through to see the sweetest best friends that anyone’s ever had <3


Back To School – Lunch Ideas!

We were always the kids in school who got cafeteria breakfasts and lunches because it was FREE! I think that is the exact moment in my life when I became obsessed with packaged foods LOL I’m not kidding, I love cafeteria food, airplane food, gas station food… maybe I just love food. That could be it too.

But I’d always envied the kids whose parents packed them a Lunchable, with a juice box, and a treat. Well baby is all grown up and thank goodness as an adult I can just relive all those moments and make them MY WAY! You want chocolate for lunch?! No problem!


Packing an adult version of the Lunchables is super easy- you basically deconstruct a sandwich 😉 Throw in some nuts + a treat and you’re ready to go!

So the deal is, I really try to have a lean protein, complex carb, and healthy fat at every meal. Emphasis on ‘try’. Sometimes it doesn’t happen and I’m eating a protein bar or a a bento box from Starbies. I know the ‘lean protein, complex blah blah blah‘ is all I talk about, but it’s true! It’s how I help ensure I’m getting in all my nutrients AND helps me be flexible for when I want pizza or a dessert. Or both.

Some ideas for quick and easy back to school lunches for yourself, your kiddo, or your college student is:

  • deconstructed sandwich + veggies + almond butter bar + assorted nuts
  • pb&j + fruit + chocolate (this is from Trader Joe’s and one entire bar is 100 cals) – not that I’m counting, but if you were, there you have it <3
  • tuna salad + corn & black bean medley + leafy green friends
  • almond butter + rice cakes + fruit
  • yakisoba noodles + veggies + peanuts on top or sunflower seeds  (only thing not pictured. we actually at them for lunch and Joe didn’t know it was for this post *face palm)

If you or your kiddo is a picky eater, swap out the boring fruit they won’t eat for blueberries or strawberries. Corrine would eat those without fail while she avoided her green beans. She also really loved fried rice instead of yakisoba noodles so try that too! Mac and cheese and hotdogs were a staple in my daughter’s child hood (and still are lets be real) because as long as she was eating I didn’t care what it was. She was EATING … hallelu!

Are you ready for back to school season to begin? Next week I’ll share my back to school easy outfits! 








My Morning Workout Skincare Routine!

I don’t usually do much before a workout besides skincare, prep for the day, and pack my meals. I also know though that ‘sweaty selfie or it didn’t happen’ is a thing so this is for you out there that wants a 2 minute skincare routine (that actually works) and a lil juj-ing so you don’t look like Shrek. Hey no judgements here, I’ve been known to fluff the hair if I know a photo is involved, no shame! This is fast, fun, and effective haha *que 80’s aerobics music and the Flashdance final scene … umm the only scene that matters imo*

It’s just a little something extra, emphasis on LITTLE … we don’t want to melt our faces off at the gym and come out looking like a raccoon 😀

FRE is a skincare system that was especially formulated for skin that sweats! Ummm yassss helloooo thank youuu this is for meeee! And you!

Enjoy this video (excuse me if it’s out of focus… this is what happens when you’re a one woman team lols sad face lols) where I cleanse, serum, hydrate and protect, and then add that LITTLE bit of juj-ing we talked about earlier 😉

My friends at FRE were so kind to give my readers 30% off your first set, just use the code JESSLIZAMA at checkout baby! Let me know what you think of it when you try it for a few weeks, I stand behind the fact that your skin will glow and not burn when you sweat into your eyeballs.

Lastly, since we’re on the topic, I’d love to share with you one of my favorite fitness blogs because of their “Top 5” articles! You can find it all- from workouts and fueling your body properly, to vitamins and supplements to fuel you from the inside out! Check them out and let me know which post you love best! …. psst I really love supplement talk so!
Have you heard of FRE before? Are you a simple morning lady or an eff it give me a full face of makeup kinda gal? 

New Year New You – Setting Goals And Keeping Them!

Happy New Year! Can you believe it’s 2018? By July I’ll just be getting used to writing 2018 instead of 2017 – just in time for a new year to roll around 😉 With each first day of the new year comes just that, the newness of it all and you’ve got to admit, there’s something magical about starting anew and setting resolutions.

It just feels like you’re really adulting when you set a goal and accomplish it! This year I’ve created new practices and synchronized myself and my family on a morning routine that’s the foundation of our BIG goal for this year. If you followed along in 2017 than you know I participated in monthly bootcamps and daily workouts. For 2018 my goal is to maintain that activity level, get stronger, and be healthier overall.

I’m not one to get sick often but when Joe and I got back from our Honeymoon I got severely ill, unlike anything I’ve experienced. What concerned me was that I was so weak due to my inability to keep down any food or water and that I had to ramp up to travel for Thanksgiving AND a bootcamp I had scheduled in December. With the shingles, the flu, and a terrible reaction to the antibiotics prescribed to me, I was knocked down and laid out for a few weeks. Not fun! I was resting a ton and following doctors orders with little results and I couldn’t understand why.

After increasing my water intake, discontinuing antibiotics, and implementing a probiotic into my daily routine I could feel myself feel more like … myself! Water is the elixir of life and Florastor Probiotics brought me back to life. I’m so dramatic I know, but it’s exactly what my immune and digestive systems needed to function efficiently again. I was prescribed an antibiotic and as you know antibiotics kill both the bad and the GOOD bacteria in your stomach, which was a contributing factor to all my gut problems.

Florastor however is resistant to all antibiotics so it not only supported my immune and digestive systems, but it’s also the only probiotic brand with Saccharomyces boulardii lyo CNCM I-745 which helps restore your natural flora – win win for someone with major tummy issues.

I was able to eat again and not experience raging stomach pains, my bloating subsided, and I was no longer perpetually dehydrated. But it’s no wonder I was feeling better, Florastor helps to break down undigested carbs and sugar and aids in water and nutrient absorption- like my gut was back to doing what it was supposed to do. It all comes back to gut health I tell ya, it even comes down to the water you drink! Hydration promotes healthy digestion, faster recovery, and for me personally, less headaches and more glowy skin.

So staying active, staying hydrated, maintaining a healthy gut, and making sure I’m getting enough rest and family time this year – those are my big goals for 2018. It makes me so happy to know that my family is on board too, you know what they say … the family that routines together stays together <3 Stay biotic and bionic babes- you’ve got this!

I believe that beauty begins from within, what do you do daily to take time out for yourself? What vitamins do you take and do you take a daily probiotic? What are your personal goals for 2018? Share with me all the things! Happy New Year babes! 







Florastor Probiotics were sent to us for review, however all opinions expressed are my own. I love sharing companies and products with you that I love and use myself. This will never change nor be affected by my partnerships. Thank you for always supporting us! xo